在 Word 文档中,用户可以添加新的分页符或删除现有的分页符。此示例显示如何使用 Spire.Doc 从 word 文档中删除分页符。Spire.Doc支持从.docx、.doc、RTF等格式的word文档中去除分页符。
首先确保Spire.Doc for .NET已正确安装,然后通过以下路径在下载的 Bin 文件夹中添加 Spire.Doc.dll 作为参考:“.. \Spire.Doc\Bin\NET4.0\ Spire.Doc .dll”。以下是如何在 C# 中删除分页符的详细信息。
//Create a new word document and load from the file. Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx"); // Traverse every paragraph of the first section of the document for (int j = 0; j < document.Sections[0].Paragraphs.Count; j++) { Paragraph p = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[j]; // Traverse every child object of a paragraph for (int i = 0; i < p.ChildObjects.Count; i++) { DocumentObject obj = p.ChildObjects[i]; //Find the page break object if (obj.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Break) { Break b = obj as Break; // Remove the page break object from paragraph p.ChildObjects.Remove(b); //save the document to file. document.SaveToFile("result.docx");
using Spire.Doc; using Spire.Doc.Documents; namespace RemovePageBreak { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx", FileFormat.Docx); for (int j = 0; j < document.Sections[0].Paragraphs.Count; j++) { Paragraph p = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[j]; for (int i = 0; i < p.ChildObjects.Count; i++) { DocumentObject obj = p.ChildObjects[i]; if (obj.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.Break) { Break b = obj as Break; p.ChildObjects.Remove(b); } } } document.SaveToFile("result.docx", FileFormat.Docx); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("result.docx"); } } }