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Intel functions
VMProtect 是新一代软件盗版保护解决方案。VMProtect 是目前强大的反盗版解决方案之一,许多领先的软件发行商都在使用它。VMProtect允许保护可执行文件(EXE,SCR),动态链接库(DLL,OCX,BPL)和驱动程序(SYS)。
class IntelFunctions { public: IntelFunction item(int index); // returns a function with the given index int count(); // returns the number of functions in the list void clear(); // clears the list IntelFunction itemByAddress(uint64 address); // returns a function at the given address IntelFunction itemByName(string name); // returns a function with the given name IntelFunction addByAddress(uint64 address, CompilationType type = ctVirtualization); // Adds a new function with the given address and compilation type };
enum CompilationType { None, Virtualization, Mutation, Ultra };
class IntelFunction { public: uint64 address(); // returns the address of the function string name(); // returns the name of the function ObjectType type(); // returns the type of the function IntelCommand item(int index); // returns a command with the given index int count(); // returns the number of commands in the list CompilationType compilationType(); // returns the compilation type void setCompilationType(CompilationType value); // sets the compilation type CommandLinks links(); // returns the list of links IntelCommand itemByAddress(uint64 address); // returns a command at the given address void destroy(); // destroys the function Folder folder(); // returns the custom folder void setFolder(Folder folder); // sets the custom folder };
enum IntelCommandType { Unknown, Push, Pop, Mov, Add, Xor, Test, Lea, Ud0, Ret, Ssh, Crc, Call, Jmp, Fstsw, Fsqrt, Fchs, Fstcw, Fldcw, Fild, Fist, Fistp, Fld, Fstp, Fst, Fadd, Fsub, Fsubr, Fisub, Fisubr, Fdiv, Fcomp, Fmul, Repe, Repne, Rep, DB, DW, DD, DQ, Movs, Cmps, Scas, Movzx, Movsx, Inc, Dec, Les, Lds, Lfs, Lgs, Lss, Xadd, Bswap, Jxx, And, Sub, Stos, Lods, Nop, Xchg, Pushf, Popf, Sahf, Lahf, Shl, Shr, Sal, Sar, Rcl, Rcr, Rol, Ror, Shld, Shrd, Loope, Loopne, Loop, Jcxz, In, Ins, Out, Outs, Wait, Cbw, Cwde, Cdqe, Cwd, Cdq, Cqo, Clc, Stc, Cli, Sti, Cld, Std, Not, Neg, Div, Imul, Idiv, Mul, Or, Adc, Cmp, Sbb, Pusha, Popa, Clflush, Pause, Bound, Arpl, Daa, Das, Aaa, Aam, Aad, Aas, Enter, Leave, Int, Into, Iret, Set, Cmov, Addpd, Addps, Addsd, Addss, Andpd, Andps, Andnpd, Andnps, Cmppd, Cmpps, Cmpsd, Cmpss, Comisd, Comiss, Cvtdq2ps, Cvtpd2dq, Cvtdq2pd, Cvtpd2pi, Cvtps2pi, Cvtpd2ps, Cvtps2pd, Cvtpi2pd, Cvtpi2ps, Cvtps2dq, Cvtsd2si, Cvtss2si, Cvtsd2ss, Cvtss2sd, Cvttpd2pi, Cvttps2pi, Cvttpd2dq, Cvttps2dq, Cvttsd2si, Cvttss2si, Divpd, Divps, Divsd, Divss, Maxpd, Maxps, Maxsd, Maxss, Minpd, Minps, Minsd, Minss, Mulpd, Mulps, Mulsd, Mulss, Orpd, Orps, Movd, Movq, Movntq, Movapd, Movaps, Movdqa, Movdqu, Movdq2q, Movq2dq, Movhlps, Movhpd, Movhps, Movlhps, Movlpd, Movlps, Movmskpd, Movmskps, Movnti, Movntpd, Movntps, Movsd, Movss, Movupd, Movups, Pmovmskb, Psadbw, Pshufw, Pshufd, Pshuflw, Pshufhw, Psubb, Psubw, Psubd, Psubq, Psubsb, Psubsw, Psubusb, Psubusw, Paddb, Paddw, Paddd, Paddq, Paddsb, Paddsw, Paddusb, Paddusw, Pavgb, Pavgw, Pinsrw, Pextrw, Pmaxsw, Pmaxub, Pminsw, Pminub, Pmulhuw, Pmulhw, Pmullw, Pmuludq, Psllw, Pslld, Psllq, Pslldq, Psraw, Psrad, Psrlw, Psrld, Psrlq, Psrldq, Punpcklbw, Punpcklwd, Punpckldq, Punpcklqdq, Punpckhqdq, Packusdw, Pcmpgtb, Pcmpgtw, Pcmpgtd, Pcmpeqb, Pcmpeqw, Pcmpeqd, Emms, Packsswb, Packuswb, Punpckhbw, Punpckhwd, Punpckhdq, Packssdw, Pand, Pandn, Por, Pxor, Pmaddwd, Rcpps, Rcpss, Rsqrtss, Movsxd, Shufps, Shufpd, Sqrtpd, Sqrtps, Sqrtsd, Sqrtss, Subpd, Subps, Subsd, Subss, Ucomisd, Ucomiss, Unpckhpd, Unpckhps, Unpcklpd, Unpcklps, Xorpd, Xorps, Bt, Bts, Btr, Btc, Xlat, Cpuid, Rsm, Bsf, Bsr, Cmpxchg, Cmpxchg8b, Hlt, Cmc, Lgdt, Sgdt, Lidt, Sidt, Smsw, Lmsw, Invlpg, Lar, Lsl, Clts, Invd, Wbinvd, Ud2, Wrmsr, Rdtsc, Rdmsr, Rdpmc, Fcom, Fdivr, Fiadd, Fimul, Ficom, Ficomp, Fidiv, Fidivr, Faddp, Fmulp, Fsubp, Fsubrp, Fdivp, Fdivrp, Fbld, Fbstp, Ffree, Frstor, Fsave, Fucom, Fucomp, Fldenv, Fstenvm, Fxch, Fabs, Fxam, Fld1, Fldl2t, Fldl2e, Fldpi, Fldlg2, Fldln2, Fldz, Fyl2x, Fptan, Fpatan, Fxtract, Fprem1, Fdecstp, Fincstp, Fprem, Fyl2xp1, Fsincos, Frndint, Fscale, Fsin, Fcos, Ftst, Fstenv, F2xm1, Fnop, Finit, Fclex, Fcompp, Sysenter, Sysexit, Sldt, Str, Lldt, Ltr, Verr, Verw, Sfence, Lfence, Mfence, Prefetchnta, Prefetcht0, Prefetcht1, Prefetcht2, Prefetch, Prefetchw, Fxrstor, Fxsave, Ldmxcsr, Stmxcsr, Fcmovb, Fcmove, Fcmovbe, Fcmovu, Fcmovnb, Fcmovne, Fcmovnbe, Fcmovnu, Fucomi, Fcomi, Fucomip, Fcomip, Fucompp, Vmcall, Vmlaunch, Vmresume, Vmxoff, Monitor, Mwait, Xgetbv, Xsetbv, Vmrun, Vmmcall, Vmload, Vmsave, Stgi, Clgi, Skinit, Invlpga, Swapgs, Rdtscp, Syscall, Sysret, Femms, Getsec, Pshufb, Phaddw, Phaddd, Phaddsw, Pmaddubsw, Phsubw, Phsubd, Phsubsw, Psignb, Psignw, Psignd, Pmulhrsw, Pabsb, Pabsw, Pabsd, Movbe, Palignr, Rsqrtps, Vmread, Vmwrite, Svldt, Rsldt, Svts, Rsts, Xsave, Xrstor, Vmptrld, Vmptrst, Maskmovq, Fnstenv, Fnstcw, Fstp1, Fneni, Fndisi, Fnclex, Fninit, Fsetpm, Fisttp, Fnsave, Fnstsw, Fxch4, Fcomp5, Ffreep, Fxch7, Fstp8, Fstp9, Haddpd, Hsubpd, Addsubpd, Addsubps, Movntdq, Fcom2, Fcomp3, Haddps, Hsubps, Movddup, Movsldup, Cvtsi2sd, Cvtsi2ss, Movntsd, Movntss, Lddqu, Movshdup, Popcnt, Tzcnt, Lzcnt, Pblendvb, Pblendps, Pblendpd, Ptest, Movsxbw, Movsxbd, Movsxbq, Movsxwd, Movsxwq, Movsxdq, Muldq, Pcmpeqq, Movntdqa, Xsaveopt, Maskmovdqu, Ud1, Pcmpgtq, Movzxbw, Movzxbd, Movzxbq, Movzxwd, Movzxwq, Movzxdq };
enum IntelSegment { None, es, cs, ss, ds, fs, gs };
enum IntelFlag { C, P, A, Z, S, T, I, D, O };
enum IntelRegistr { eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15 };
class IntelCommand { public: uint64 address(); // returns the address of the command IntelCommandType type(); // returns the type of the command string text(); // returns the text representation int size(); // returns the size of the command int dump(int index); // returns data of the command with the given index CommandLink link(); // returns the command link int flags(); // returns command flags IntelSegment baseSegment(); // returns the base segment IntelCommandType preffix(); // returns the type of the prefix command IntelOperand operand(int index); // returns an operand with the given index };
enum OperandType { None, Value, Registr, Memory, SegmentRegistr, ControlRegistr, DebugRegistr, FPURegistr, HiPartRegistr, BaseRegistr, MMXRegistr, XMMRegistr };
enum OperandSize { Byte, Word, DWord, QWord, TByte, OWord, FWord };
class IntelOperand { public: int type(); // returns the type of the operand OperandSize size(); // returns the size of the operand int registr(); // returns the register int baseRegistr(); // returns the base register int scale(); // returns the scale uint64 value(); // returns the value };
class CommandLinks { public: CommandLink item(int index); // returns a link with the given index int count(); // returns the number of links in the list };
enum LinkType { None, SEHBlock, FinallyBlock, DualSEHBlock, FilterSEHBlock, Jmp, JmpWithFlag, JmpWithFlagNSFS, JmpWithFlagNSNA, JmpWithFlagNSNS, Call, Case, Switch, Native, Offset, GateOffset, ExtSEHBlock, MemSEHBlock, ExtSEHHandler, VBMemSEHBlock };
class CommandLink { public: uint64 toAddress(); // returns the address the link refers LinkType type(); // returns the type of the link IntelCommand from(); // returns the parent command };
enum ParamType { "void", "byte", "char", "short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "long", "ulong", "size_t", "float", "double", "string", "pointer" }; enum CallType { "default", "cdecl", "stdcall" }; class FFILibrary { public: string name(); // returns the name uint64 address(); // returns the address in the memory void close(); FFIFunction getFunction(string name, ParamType ret, ParamType param1, ...); // returns a function FFIFunction getFunction(string name, table (ParamType ret, CallType abi, ParamType, ...)); // returns a function };
class FFIFunction { string name(); // returns the name uint64 address(); // returns the address in the memory }