Aspose.Cells for .NET是Excel电子表格编程API,可加快电子表格管理和处理任务,支持构建具有生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印电子表格功能的跨平台应用程序。
在接下来的系列教程中,将为开发者带来Aspose.Cells for .NET的一系列使用教程,例如关于加载保存转换、字体、渲染、绘图、智能标记等等。本文重点介绍如何设置页面边距。
>>Aspose.Cells for .NET已经更新至v20.7,添加FilterString()条件支持,支持对所有PivotField进行循环,提升Worksheet.Cells.RemoveDuplicates工作性能,发现4处异常情况,点击下载体验
使用PageSetup 类成员设置页边距(左,右,上,下)。下面列出了一些用于指定页边距的方法:
// The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); // Create a workbook object Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Get the worksheets in the workbook WorksheetCollection worksheets = workbook.Worksheets; // Get the first (default) worksheet Worksheet worksheet = worksheets[0]; // Get the pagesetup object PageSetup pageSetup = worksheet.PageSetup; // Set bottom,left,right and top page margins pageSetup.BottomMargin = 2; pageSetup.LeftMargin = 1; pageSetup.RightMargin = 1; pageSetup.TopMargin = 3; // Save the Workbook. workbook.Save(dataDir + "SetMargins_out.xls");
可以在页面上水平和垂直居中放置某些内容。为此,PageSetup 类有一些有用的成员CenterHorizontally 和CenterVertically。
// The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); // Create a workbook object Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Get the worksheets in the workbook WorksheetCollection worksheets = workbook.Worksheets; // Get the first (default) worksheet Worksheet worksheet = worksheets[0]; // Get the pagesetup object PageSetup pageSetup = worksheet.PageSetup; // Specify Center on page Horizontally and Vertically pageSetup.CenterHorizontally = true; pageSetup.CenterVertically = true; // Save the Workbook. workbook.Save(dataDir + "CenterOnPage_out.xls");
使用PageSetup 类成员(例如HeaderMargin 和FooterMargin)设置页眉和页脚页边距。
// The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); // Create a workbook object Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Get the worksheets in the workbook WorksheetCollection worksheets = workbook.Worksheets; // Get the first (default) worksheet Worksheet worksheet = worksheets[0]; // Get the pagesetup object PageSetup pageSetup = worksheet.PageSetup; // Specify Header / Footer margins pageSetup.HeaderMargin = 2; pageSetup.FooterMargin = 2; // Save the Workbook. workbook.Save(dataDir + "CenterOnPage_out.xls");
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