标签:.NETASP.NETUI界面用户界面控件开发商: Syncfusion
当前版本: 2019 v1
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Essential Studio for ASP.NET界面控件包含了商业Web应用程序开发中所需的所有控件,如grids、charts、gauges、menus、calendars、editors等等。同时,Essential Studio for ASP.NET中高性能的界面控件库还允许您的应用程序浏览和创建Excel、Word和PDF格式的文件。
Essential Studio for ASP.NET contains all the controls you need to build line-of-business web applications—including grids, charts, gauges, menus, calendars, editors, and much more. It also comes with high-performance libraries that enable your applications to read and write Excel, Word, and PDF documents.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
ASP.NET studio中的所有控件都是基于高性能而设计的,都极其轻巧。控件生成的标记非常清晰,且符合网页标准。
Essential Studio for ASP.NET包含的所有子控件都是用来解决实际问题的,绝不会有滥竽充数的情况。每个控件都是基于开发者在开发企业应用程序时可能遇到的实际问题而创建的。
ASP.NET studio中的每一个控件都提供了其他任何同类产品所不能提供的丰富功能。例如,所有的数据网格都提供了导出数据到Excel中的功能,但实际上,它们只是将数据导出到HTML中,然后用.XLS扩展名将文件重新命,这就给终端用户造成了许多问题如会显示安全警报和不正确的格式等信息。与其它的数据网格相比较,您会发现Syncfusion 的数据网格控件中包含了100,000 多行代码,确保了导出数据到Excel中的准确性。
ASP.NET studio中有一些控件—如图表、OlapChart和PDF浏览器控件,还有Excel、Word和PDF报表控件—都是Syncfusion 套包中特有的,这在其它同类产品中是找不到的。这些特有控件使Syncfusion ASP.NET studio 成为其它工具包最好的补充。例如,您可以使用XlsIO把Excel中的数据输入到另一家本身不具备此功能的供应商数据网格中去。
Essential Grid是一个功能强大的数据网格控件,可以绑定到不同的数据源,包括含有ADO.NET实体架构;LINQ to SQL;类似List、 BindingList、ADO.NET的数据表和数据视图这样的数据集合;以及任何其它的IEnumerable或IQueryable集合。同时,该控件内置AJAX支持,可与 ASP.NET AJAX的UpdatePanel协同使用。Essential Grid控件还为分级浏览、分组、多列排序、筛选、汇总和各种数据编辑员提供内置的支持。不同的样式选项可用于该控件的不同部分,如groups、 filters、 headers、footers、summaries和nested cells。Essential Grid控件还可根据不同阶段设计不同的样式如添加新记录、使记录交替显现和对嵌套单元格进行分组等。
Essential BI Grid控件可用于对重要的企业级数据进行汇总、分析、探讨及显示汇总结果,以便让您做出明智的决策。数据源的支持是在SQL Server Analysis Services和任何XMLA-兼容的OLAP数据库(如Mondrian)范围之内。 凭借BI Grid控件内存中的pivot引擎,您可以把该控件与任何标准的相关数据源绑定在一起。该控件可用于Web或Windows开发,包括ASP.NET、ASP.NET MVC (HTML 5-enhanced)、Silverlight和WPF平台。
ASP.NET中的Essential Chart控件是一个高性能的图表控件,易于使用,视觉效果极好。该控件包含了35种图表样式从简单的柱形图表到专业的财务图表。这些图表高度可定制,且含有一个功能强大的数据模型,使绑定数据变得简单、易操作。
Essential BI Chart控件是实现OLAP和相关数据库的商业智能数据可视化的一种重要途径。这种具备向下钻取功能的交互式控件允许您将大图像数据显现出来,以便让数据垂手可得。数据源的支持是在SQL Server Analysis Services和任何XMLA-兼容的OLAP数据库(如Mondrian)范围之内。凭借BI Chart控件内存中的pivot引擎,您可以把该控件与任何标准的相关数据源绑定在一起。该控件可用于Web或Windows开发,包括ASP.NET、WPF和Silverlight平台。
All the components in the ASP.NET studio have been built from the ground up with performance in mind and are extremely lightweight. The mark-up generated by the controls is very clean and adheres to web standards.
All components in the toolkit solve real problems; we never include controls just to increase the total count. Every component has been built as a solution to a real problem that developers face when creating enterprise applications.
Every component in our ASP.NET studio offers rich functionality beyond what other competing solutions offer. For example, all data grids offer functionality to export to Excel, but in reality just export to HTML and rename the file with an .XLS extension, which causes a lot of problems to the end user, such as displaying security alerts and incorrect formatting. In comparison, the Syncfusion DataGrid control contains over 100,000 lines of code to provide accurate exporting to Excel.
There are several controls in the ASP.NET studio—such as the Diagram, OlapChart, and PDF Viewer controls, as well as Excel, Word, and PDF reporting—that are exclusive to the Syncfusion toolkit and cannot be found in competing offerings. These exclusive controls make the Syncfusion ASP.NET studio a perfect complement to all other toolkits. For example, you can use XlsIO to import data from Excel into another vendor’s data grid that does not offer this functionality natively.
One of the ways we test and ensure that our components are enterprise ready is by building several proof-of-concept samples for line-of-business applications, which ship with our SDK. Most of the samples push the control to its limit, so you can truly evaluate whether it meets your requirements now and in the future.
Essential Grid is a powerful data grid that can be bound to various data sources including ADO.NET entities; LINQ to SQL; data collections like List, BindingList, and ADO.NET’s DataTable and DataView; and any IEnumerable or IQueryable collections. It comes with built-in AJAX support and can work with ASP.NET AJAX's UpdatePanel. Essential Grid provides built-in support for hierarchical viewing, grouping, multicolumn sorting, filtering, summaries, and various data editors. Various styling options are available for different sections of the control such as groups, filters, headers, footers, summaries, and nested cells. The control can also be styled according to different states, such as adding new records, alternating records, and grouping indented cells.
Essential BI Grid can be used to summarize, analyze, explore, and present summaries for critical enterprise data, allowing informed decisions to be made. Data-source support ranges from SQL Server Analysis Services to any XMLA-compatible OLAP database like Mondrian. With its in-memory pivot engine, you can also bind to any standard relational data source. Use it in web or Windows development with variants built natively for each of these platforms: ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC (HTML 5-enhanced), Silverlight, and WPF.
Essential Chart for ASP.NET is a high-performance charting component that is very easy to use and is visually stunning. It includes 35 chart types ranging from simple column charts to specialized financial charts. The charts are highly customizable and have a powerful data model that makes binding data simple.
Essential BI Chart is a great way to visualize business intelligence data buried in OLAP and relational databases. This interactive control with drill-down capabilities allows you to surface big-picture data, making it available at your fingertips. Data source support ranges from SQL Server Analysis Services to any XMLA-compatible OLAP database like Mondrian. With its in-memory pivot engine, you can also bind to any standard relational data source. Use it in web or Windows development with variants built natively for each of these platforms: ASP.NET, WPF, and Silverlight.
更新时间:2019-01-02 13:29:16.000 | 录入时间:2008-03-11 14:42:24.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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