允许从Delphi IDE直接在IntraWeb表格上编辑设计期间的网页
标签:表格控件IntraWeb开发商: tmssoftware
当前版本: v5.9.1.0
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
IntraWeb的TMS控件允许从Delphi IDE直接在IntraWeb表格上编辑设计期间的网页。IntraWeb的TMS控件允许以RAD方法用Delphi进行网页应用程序的开发。这使得网页开发就像在表格上放控件一样简单。
TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and the TMS Components for IntraWeb allow an unprecedented RAD way of web application development with Delphi, making web development as easy as dropping components on a form.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
在色板上的TMS IntraWeb控件
为IntraWeb扩展网页应用程序的Delphi RAD开发工具而设计的70多种控件,包括:
- TTIWDateLabel:日期标签
- TTIWHTMLRadioGroup;具备HTML支持的单选组
- TTIWHTMLCheckBox:具备HTML支持的复选框
- TTIWHTMLList:具备HTML支持的列表
- TTIWCalendar, TTIWDBCalendar:月历控制组件
- TTIWDatePicker, TTIWDBDatePicker:日期挑选控制组件
- TTIWDateSelector:日期选择控制组件
- TTIWStaticMenu:具有旋转效果的静态菜单
- TTIWAdvEdit, TTIWDBAdvEdit:高级编辑控制组件
- TTIWAdvLUEdit, TTIWDBAdvLUEdit:高级查找编辑控制组件
- TTIWEMailEdit:为电子邮件设计的具备常规语法授权的编辑控制组件
- TTIWFilePicker:具备附件挑选键的编辑控制组件
- TTIWMainMenu, TTIWSideMenu:下拉菜单控制组件
- TTIWAdvImage:具备与旋转图片功能一样的设计期GIF与JPEG支持的图片
- TTIWFadeImage:具备旋转褪色效果的图片
- TTIWHotSpotImage:为具备设计期热点编辑器的JPEG与GIF文件而设计的具备客户端ImageMap支持的图片
- TTIWPaintBox:就像在Win32应用程序里一样,允许在画图板上绘画的在浏览器里转化的paintbox
- TTIWDateLabel:显示今日日期的标签
- TTIWClock:在客户端运行的时钟
- TTIWSmartPanel:扩展/隐藏面板
- TTIWScrollPanel:滚动面板
- TTIWTickerPanel:具有可选的扩展/隐藏部分的断续器
- TTIWPersistentEdit:具有cookie持续性的编辑控制组件
- TTIWCountryComboBox, TTIWDBCountryComboBox:具备所有国家的combobox
- TTIWStateComboBox, TTIWDBStateComboBox:具有美国各州的combobox
- TTIWOutlookBar:outlook条控制组件
- TTIWAdvWebGrid, TTIWAdvDetailWebGrid:非数据意识表格控制组件
- TTIWDBAdvWebGrid, TTIWDBAdvDetailWebGrid:数据意识表格控制组件
- TTIWColorPicker:色彩挑选控制组件
- TTIWAdvSpinEdit, TTIWDBAdvSpinEdit:数据意识与非数据意识的旋转编辑控制组件
- TTIWAdvImageButton:基于按键控制的三种状态的图片
- TTIWPopupMenuButton:具有附属弹出菜单的按键
- TTIWPopupMenuLabel:具有附属弹出菜单的标签
- TTIWDocumentPopup:文档的右键弹出菜单
- TTIWMonthCalendar:具备事件提示功能的月历
- TTIWAdvTimeEdit, TTIWDBAdvTimeEdit:专为输入时间值设计的编辑控件
- TTIWScrollBarPersistence:能在页面重载时保持滚动条位置不变的控件
- TTIWScrollBarColors:控制不同滚动条色彩设置的控件(只用于IE6)
- TTIWCheckList:下拉列表分组控制
- TTIWCCNumEdit:具备客户端基本验证的信用卡号码编辑控制组件
- TTIWCCExpEdit:具备客户端基本验证的信用卡过期日期的编辑控制组件
- TTIWListLink:客户端listbox到listbox的链接
- TTIWComboListLink:客户端combobox到listbox的链接
- TTIWEditLinkLink:客户端编辑到listbox的链接
- TTIWGradientLabel:具备坡度背景的标签
- TTIWHTMLEdit, TTIWDBHTMLEdit:html编辑器(只支持IE5.5或以上)
- TTIWClientCode:客户端Javascript或CSS代码的存储器
- TTIWClientDebugOut:从JavaScript启用客户端OutputDebugString的控件
- TTIWRadioButton:能通过母机按键属性成为单选框组的单个单选框
- TTIWMultiColumnComboBox控件:具备查找与类型功能的多列combobox
- TTIWHelpTip控件:具有带格式文本的帮助弹出控件
- TTIWCalculatingLabel控件:客户端统计标签
- TTIWTextAreaLimiter控件:具有客户端长度显示与显示的多行文本框
- TTIWAdvToolButton控件:为正常、旋转与平整状态设计的具备坡度与象形支持的Hotmail似的按键
- TTIWNoSpamEmail控件:比能用spambots追踪的电子邮件超连接
- TTIWClientWatch控件:全客户端代码追踪的Javascript OutputDebugString浏览器
- TTIWListOrganiser控件:允许客户端对列表框进行追加订购
- TTIWCheckListBox控件:标记的列表框
TMS IntraWeb components on the palette
TMS data-aware IntraWeb components on the palette
Over 70 components for IntraWeb extending the true Delphi RAD development tool for Web applications including :
TTIWHTMLLabel, TTIWDBHTMLLabel : labels with HTML formatting
TTIWDateLabel : date label
TTIWHTMLRadioGroup : radiogroup with HTML support
TTIWHTMLCheckBox : checkbox with HTML support
TTIWHTMLList : list with HTML support
TTIWCalendar, TTIWDBCalendar : monthcalendar controls
TTIWDatePicker, TTIWDBDatePicker : datepicker controls
TTIWDateSelector : date selector control
TTIWStaticMenu : static menu with hover effect
TTIWAdvEdit, TTIWDBAdvEdit : advanced edit control
TTIWAdvLUEdit, TTIWDBAdvLUEdit : advanced lookup edit control
TTIWEMailEdit : edit control with regular expression validation for email
TTIWFilePicker : edit control with attached file picker button
TTIWMainMenu, TTIWSideMenu : dropdown menu controls
TTIWAdvImage : image with library free design time GIF & JPEG support as well as hover image capability
TTIWFadeImage : image with hover fade effect
TTIWHotSpotImage : image with client-side ImageMap support for JPEG and GIF files with design time hot spot editor
TTIWPaintBox : paintbox that renders in a browser allowing to draw on a canvas just like in a Win32 application
TTIWDateLabel : label showing todays date
TTIWClock : client side running clock
TTIWSmartPanel : expanding / collapsing panel
TTIWScrollPanel : scrolling panel
TTIWTickerPanel : ticker with optional expanding/collapsing part
TTIWPersistentEdit : edit control with cookie persistency
TTIWCountryComboBox, TTIWDBCountryComboBox : combobox with all countries predefined
TTIWStateComboBox, TTIWDBStateComboBox : combobox with states of USA
TTIWOutlookBar : outlookbar control for
TTIWAdvWebGrid, TTIWAdvDetailWebGrid : non data-aware grid control
TTIWDBAdvWebGrid, TTIWDBAdvDetailWebGrid : data-aware grid control
TTIWColorPicker : color picker control
TTIWAdvSpinEdit, TTIWDBAdvSpinEdit : data-aware and not data-aware spin edit controls
TTIWAdvImageButton : tri-state image based button control
TTIWPopupMenuButton : button with attached popup menu
TTIWPopupMenuLabel : label with attached popup menu
TTIWDocumentPopup : right-click popup menu for document
TTIWMonthCalendar : month calendar with events per day indication
TTIWAdvTimeEdit, TTIWDBAdvTimeEdit : edit component specific for entering time values
TTIWAdvDateEdit, TTIWDBAdvDateEdit : edit component specific for entering date values
TTIWScrollBarPersistence : component that keeps scrollbar positions persistent between page reloads
TTIWScrollBarColors : component to control various scrollbar color settings (IE6 only)
TTIWCheckList : Dropdown checklist group control
TTIWCCNumEdit : credit card number edit control with client side basic validation
TTIWCCExpEdit : credit card expiry date edit control with client side basic validation
TTIWListLink : client side listbox to listbox link
TTIWComboListLink : client side combobox to listbox link
TTIWEditLinkLink : client side edit to listbox link
TTIWGradientLabel : label with gradient background
TTIWHTMLEdit, TTIWDBHTMLEdit : html editors (IE5.5+ only)
TTIWClientCode: container for clientside Javascript or CSS code
TTIWClientDebugOut: component to enable the use of client side OutputDebugString from JavaScript
TTIWRadioButton: single radio button that can be made part of a radiobutton group through the master button property
TTIWMultiColumnComboBox component : multi column combobox with lookup and type-ahead
TTIWHelpTip component : help popup component with formatted text support
TTIWCalculatingLabel component : client-side calculating label
TTIWTextAreaLimiter component : multi-line textbox with full client-side length limitation and display
TTIWAdvToolButton component : Hotmail like button with gradients and glyph support for normal, hovered, pressed states
TTIWNoSpamEmail component : email hyperlink that cannot be traced by spambots
TTIWClientWatch component : Javascript OutputDebugString viewer for full client-side code tracing
TTIWListOrganiser component : allows full client-side reordering of items in a listbox
TTIWCheckListBox component : checked listbox
更新时间:2018-12-14 15:59:42.000 | 录入时间:2008-03-13 14:48:09.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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