
GrapeCity 收购 FarPoint公司

原创|其它|编辑:郝浩|2009-09-30 10:21:49.000|阅读 1234 次

概述:2009年10月01日起,GrapeCity集团正式接管FarPoint公司,慧都科技代理的原 FarPoint公司正式更名为 GrapeCity集团,原页面地址不变,仍然为://pclwef.cn/zh-CN/partner/192/default.aspx

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

  2009年10月01日起,GrapeCity集团正式接管FarPoint公司,慧都科技代理的原 FarPoint公司正式更名为 GrapeCity集团,原页面地址不变。


以下是 GrapeCity集团就此事发表的相关声明:


  GrapeCity集团在以往的十几年里,一直对FarPoint的产品进行日化工作,把它们推荐到竞争激烈的日本市场进行销售和技术支持。通过这次收购,GrapeCity将把FarPoint的产品继续推向全球市场,包括将要发布的在WinForm和WebForm上的新版本,以及在MS Silverlight和WPF平台上的更新版本。GrapeCity集团将于2009年10月01日起正式接管FarPoint公司,整个过渡期将持续六个月。

  GrapeCity集团社长Naoyuki Baba说:“FarPoint公司产品高性能和高质量一直让我钦佩,实际上,在日本MS的开发平台上,FarPoint公司提供的开发工具一直是开发人员使用率最高的产品之一。在过去的25年时间里,我们致力于向全球客户推荐最好的软件解决方案,现在我们认为是最好的时机将FarPoint的产品进行进一步的推广;另一方面,他们高质量的产品也将帮助GrapeCity在开发工具这一纵深领域更深入的发展”。

  FarPoint公司CEO,Rick Williamson说:“在过去的15年里,GrapeCity一直是我们值得信任的合作伙伴,经过审慎地思考,考虑到所有股东、职员的利益,公司现在、将来的发展,我们相信GrapeCity是最合适的接管者,它能保持我们的传统,并继续将我们的产品推向更大的市场,这也正是进行这次严肃的商业拓展计划的期望所在。”

以下是关于 FarPoint 总裁 Rick Williamson 就此事对外发表的原文:

Dear Loyal FarPoint Customer,
As many of you may know, FarPoint has been in business since 1991, making us the oldest component business in the US. We would like to thank each and every one of you who have been with us for all or part of those 18 years.We have always strived to deliver the best products possible, put our customers first and make it a positive experience for everyone involved.

October 1st, 2009 is the start of an exciting new era for FarPoint.FarPoint has been acquired by GrapeCity, the largest component vendor in the world.  What does this mean to you, a FarPoint customer?  Everything.GrapeCity has been reselling FarPoint Spread in Japan since 1994.  Spread
has been the #1 selling component in Japan every year since it was introduced.  GrapeCity has the incentive and the resources to take Spread to a new level and do it on an International stage.  With over 800 employees worldwide, the Spread team now has access to invaluable resources we could only dream about in the past.  You will see new releases, new platforms and integration with other products owned by GrapeCity, including their ActiveReports reporting components.

You can rest assure that we will continue our award winning support and documentation.  Our goal is to make it even better.  GrapeCity chose to keep each and every FarPoint employee, so the familiar faces you know will still be there.

FarPoint had a lot of goals that had not yet been met in the component marketplace.  As we internally discussed how to better serve our customers and meet our goals, we felt that we needed to be bigger.  That led us to pursuing a closer relationship with GrapeCity.  This acquisition truly is a win-win for everyone involved, especially you the customer.

It is an exciting time to be a Spread user. Again, thank you for your support of FarPoint over the past 18 years, and as we take this next step forward, we plan to far exceed your expectations in the future. As always,we encourage your feedback. Please send any comments or questions to grapecity@fpoint.com.

Rick Williamson
CEO, FarPoint Technologies





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