

原创|其它|编辑:郝浩|2012-11-16 15:33:52.000|阅读 1168 次


# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>





  • 条形图以拥有透明背景的XYChart对象来进行创建,这样子的话就可以确保它们在放入多图表时,不会彼此进入的区域。
  • 条形图使用Layer.setBorder颜色配以3D边缘的效果。
  • 使用BarLayer.setBarGap预定义的常量TouchBar来配置量图表的接触(在两者之间没有距离)。
  • 使用BaseChart.addText添加自定义的Male/Female标签到绘图区域的角落作为自定义的文本。
  • 将Male/Female的数据添加到两个图表中去,这种技术确保了在两个图表上的Y轴是一致的。在右侧的图表中,Male的数据被配置成了透明的,所以只可以看见Female的数据,于此相反时,就是配置左侧的数据。
  • 使用颠倒的Y轴来进行配置左侧的条形图,所以指向是从右到左。
  • 标签之间的轴刻度是属于右侧的图表,被配置成中心对齐,使得图表之间的间隙相等。这个主要是通过使用由表示轴标签的TextBox对象来调整。
  • 创建好了一个多图表对象,再MultiChart.addChart添加了两个条形图表到这个对象中,使用BaseChart.addTitle和BaseChart.addTitle2创建顶部的标签。


<%@ language="vbscript" %>
Set cd = CreateObject("ChartDirector.API")

' The age groups
labels = Array("0 - 4", "5 - 9", "10 - 14", "15 - 19", "20 - 24", "24 - 29", _
    "30 - 34", "35 - 39", "40 - 44", "44 - 49", "50 - 54", "55 - 59", "60 - 64", _
    "65 - 69", "70 - 74", "75 - 79", "80+")

' The male population (in thousands)
male = Array(215, 238, 225, 236, 235, 260, 286, 340, 363, 305, 259, 164, 135, 127, _
    102, 68, 66)

' The female population (in thousands)
female = Array(194, 203, 201, 220, 228, 271, 339, 401, 384, 304, 236, 137, 116, _
    122, 112, 85, 110)

'    Draw the right bar chart

' Create a XYChart object of size 320 x 300 pixels
Set c = cd.XYChart(320, 300)

' Set the plotarea at (50, 0) and of size 250 x 255 pixels. Use pink (0xffdddd) as
' the background.
Call c.setPlotArea(50, 0, 250, 255, &Hffdddd)

' Add a custom text label at the top right corner of the right bar chart
Call c.addText(300, 0, "Female", "timesbi.ttf", 12, &Ha07070).setAlignment( _

' Add the pink (0xf0c0c0) bar chart layer using the female data
Set femaleLayer = c.addBarLayer(female, &Hf0c0c0)

' Swap the axis so that the bars are drawn horizontally
Call c.swapXY(True)

' Set the bar to touch each others
Call femaleLayer.setBarGap(cd.TouchBar)

' Set the border style of the bars to 1 pixel 3D border
Call femaleLayer.setBorderColor(-1, 1)

' Add a Transparent line layer to the chart using the male data. As it is
' Transparent, only the female bar chart can be seen. We need to put both male and
' female data in both left and right charts, because we want auto-scaling to produce
' the same scale for both chart.
Call c.addLineLayer(male, cd.Transparent)

' Set the y axis label font to Arial Bold
Call c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf")

' Set the labels between the two bar charts, which can be considered as the x-axis
' labels for the right chart
Set tb = c.xAxis().setLabels(labels)

' Use a fix width of 50 for the labels (height = automatic) with center alignment
Call tb.setSize(50, 0)
Call tb.setAlignment(cd.Center)

' Set the label font to Arial Bold
Call tb.setFontStyle("arialbd.ttf")

' Disable ticks on the x-axis by setting the tick length to 0
Call c.xAxis().setTickLength(0)

'    Draw the left bar chart

' Create a XYChart object of size 280 x 300 pixels with a transparent background.
Set c2 = cd.XYChart(280, 300, cd.Transparent)

' Set the plotarea at (20, 0) and of size 250 x 255 pixels. Use pale blue (0xddddff)
' as the background.
Call c2.setPlotArea(20, 0, 250, 255, &Hddddff)

' Add a custom text label at the top left corner of the left bar chart
Call c2.addText(20, 0, "Male", "timesbi.ttf", 12, &H7070a0)

' Add the pale blue (0xaaaaff) bar chart layer using the male data
Set maleLayer = c2.addBarLayer(male, &Haaaaff)

' Swap the axis so that the bars are drawn horizontally
Call c2.swapXY(True)

' Reverse the direction of the y-axis so it runs from right to left
Call c2.yAxis().setReverse()

' Set the bar to touch each others
Call maleLayer.setBarGap(cd.TouchBar)

' Set the border style of the bars to 1 pixel 3D border
Call maleLayer.setBorderColor(-1, 1)

' Add a Transparent line layer to the chart using the female data. As it is
' Transparent, only the male bar chart can be seen. We need to put both male and
' female data in both left and right charts, because we want auto-scaling to produce
' the same scale for both chart.
Call c2.addLineLayer(female, cd.Transparent)

' Set the y axis label font to Arial Bold
Call c2.yAxis().setLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf")

'    Use a MultiChart to contain both bar charts

' Create a MultiChart object of size 590 x 320 pixels.
Set m = cd.MultiChart(590, 320)

' Add a title to the chart using Arial Bold Italic font
Call m.addTitle("Demographics Hong Kong Year 2002", "arialbi.ttf")

' Add another title at the bottom using Arial Bold Italic font
Call m.addTitle2(cd.Bottom, "Population (in thousands)", "arialbi.ttf", 10)

' Put the right chart at (270, 25)
Call m.addChart(270, 25, c)

' Put the left chart at (0, 25)
Call m.addChart(0, 25, c2)

' Output the chart
Response.ContentType = "image/png"
Response.BinaryWrite m.makeChart2(cd.PNG)





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