
图表制作工具TeeChart Pro VCL发布2013版本 支持 RAD Studio XE4

原创|产品更新|编辑:郝浩|2013-05-29 14:25:37.000|阅读 866 次

概述:TeeChart Pro VCL是一款主流的图表制作工具。自1997年以来,它的发展经历了与用户的需求反馈不断交互以及不断创新的过程。现在TeeChart Pro VCL升级到了2013版本,此版本支持 RAD Studio XE4,并且有大量改进和bug修复。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

TeeChart Pro VCL是一款主流的图表制作工具。自1997年以来,它的发展经历了与用户的需求反馈不断交互以及不断创新的过程。现在TeeChart Pro VCL升级到了2013版本,此版本支持 RAD Studio XE4,并且有大量改进和bug修复,接下来就让我们进一步了解更新内容吧。

New Features

  • 完全支持RAD Studio XE4
  • 新的TDashBoard控件
  • 在about对话框增加新的自动更新功能
  • ICircledSeries Circled默认属性变更,从False变更为True,(Pie,Donut,等)
  • 新的 IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice 布尔运算属性,默认为False
  • 自定义图表主题:通过 New TThemesList.Apply可将任意 TeeChart 或者 *.tee file做成主题在其他图表中运用
  • Firemonkey:所有钢笔工具都有一个完整的属性,允许画笔画出梯度或位图
  • Firemonkey and VCL with GDI+ canvas :所有梯度工具现在支持各种颜色,支持每种颜色透明度(阿尔法混合)调整
  • Firemonkey:改善TTeeCanvas.StretchDraw全景位图的3D效果(例如:TColorGridSeries)
  • Firemonkey: Implemented TTeeCanvas GetPixel and SetPixel methods (Pixels[X,Y] property)
  • New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue which includes: Label, Percent, and Value
  • TCursorTool now snaps to the Z position of the points when lined to a 3D series
  • Predefined color palettes support multiple custom colors
  • Default series color (clTeeColor) can be used as a series color via series editors
  • 所有新建的图表默认GDI+ canvas
  • New 3D -> Render tab in the chart editor to choose which canvas to be used: GDI, GDI+ or OpenGL
  • TPieSeries rendering improved using floating point arcs instead of integers among other enhancements and bug fixes
  • TNearestTool.Distance property. Sets the maximum allowed distance from mouse cursor to series points to paint the tool (0 = any distance)
  • New TNearestTool.Hint and HintStyle properties and OnGetHint event
  • 新iOS 画板
  • Improved Ellipse rendering using floating point calculations instead of integers where appliable
  • New TChartPen.Fill property (type TBrush). Only available in Firemonkey
  • New property at TCustomSeries: Line, Area, Point and all derived from them), and TFastLineSeries. Series1.ClickTolerance, indicates the number of pixels around lines to consider "clicked". Default is zero, which is current behavior
  • Pie Slice tool now works with multiple pie series in a chart now


  • Shadow in TPieSeries didn't plot correctly. Fixed
  • Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart editor produced an Access Violation error. Fixed
  • Fixed resource leak when creating / saving more than 2500 JPEGs
  • Pie series not rendering correctly in GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed
  • "Close" button in chart editor not visible after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed
  • ApplyBright function makes the AnnotationTool to be drawn incorrectly in FMX. Fixed
  • Support for C++ Builder 5, C++ Builder 6, Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 2005 and BDS 2006 has been discontinued from this release
  • "Grid index out of range" error when adding a Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed
  • Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color don't work fine. Fixed
  • Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save the state of the axes. Fixed
  • Renamed TeeProcs "ColorPalette" global array variable, to "TeeColorPalette"
  • TAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly
  • Clicked function for TAreaSeries with Stairs doesn't work well. Fixed
  • Missing binary packages and libraries for C++ Builder 64-bit. Fixed
  • TAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly
  • Clicked function for TBarSeries in 3D doesn't work fine. Fixed
  • Null points drawn incorrectly in TFastLineSeries with stairs. Fixed
  • TEquiVolumeSeries improved, several bug-fixes and enhancements
  • Grid lines in TSmithSeries were not displayed at all with GDI+ canvas. Fixed
  • Series Marks RoundSize (RoundRectangle), was wrongly positioned using OpenGL canvas





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