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概述:Aspose.Pdf for .NET 10.3.0较先前版本各项功能又有了进一步提升和优化,这使得该 API 在同类竞争者当中仍是一马当先。Aspose始终贯彻高标准,严要求,为的就是让开发人员能用最少的代码完成他们的需求!
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.Pdf for .NET 10.3.0较先前版本各项功能又有了进一步提升和优化,这使得该 API 在同类竞争者当中仍是一马当先。Aspose始终贯彻高标准,严要求,为的就是让开发人员能用最少的代码完成他们的需求!
aspose的另外一个API叫做 Aspose.Slides ,主要功能是创建和操控已有的MSPPT文件,还能够将PPT/PPTX文件转换成PDF文件,从而使得转换后的文件能够跨平台浏览,无需担心文档的布局和格式。 PDF能很好的保存源文件的原本的样子,所以用途和受众都很多。 近来,有很多客户反映需要增加PDF文件转换为PPTX文件的功能,Aspose.Pdf for .NET当然也不负所望,将这个功能实现了。要实现这个需求,只需要将PptxSaveOptions类实的对象实例化,将它作为第二个参数传递给Document.Save(. .)方法,详情请戳:.
此外,还可以通过查看 抢先观看Aspose.Pdf for .NET.最新的一些转换功能。
// Load PDF document Aspose.Pdf.Document doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(@"C:\pdftest\IN_7664539.pdf"); // Instantiate PptxSaveOptions instance Aspose.Pdf.PptxSaveOptions pptx_save = new Aspose.Pdf.PptxSaveOptions(); // Save the output in PPTX format doc.Save("c:/pdftest/IN_7664539.pptx", pptx_save);
报刊杂志在同一个页面可以分好几栏,不像书本,文字段落左右两边铺陈。很多文档处理应用,比如 Microsoft Word 和Adobe Acrobat Writer 都允许用户在一个页面上创建多个栏目。现在Aspose.Pdf for .NET 也实现了PDF分栏功能,详情点击:
Document doc = new Document(); // specify the left margin info for the PDF file doc.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 40; // specify the Right margin info for the PDF file doc.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 40; Page page = doc.Pages.Add(); Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Graph graph1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Graph(500, 2); // Add the line to paraphraphs collection of section object page.Paragraphs.Add(graph1); //specify the coordinates for the line float[] posArr = new float[] { 1, 2, 500, 2 }; Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Line l1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Line(posArr); graph1.Shapes.Add(l1); //Create string variables with text containing html tags string s = "" + "< strong> How to Steer Clear of money scams " + ""; //Create text paragraphs containing HTML text HtmlFragment heading_text = new HtmlFragment(s); page.Paragraphs.Add(heading_text); Aspose.Pdf.FloatingBox box = new Aspose.Pdf.FloatingBox(); //Add four columns in the section box.ColumnInfo.ColumnCount = 2; //Set the spacing between the columns box.ColumnInfo.ColumnSpacing = "5"; box.ColumnInfo.ColumnWidths = "105 105"; TextFragment text1 = new TextFragment("By A Googler (The Official Google Blog)"); text1.TextState.FontSize = 8; text1.TextState.LineSpacing = 2; box.Paragraphs.Add(text1); text1.TextState.FontSize = 10; text1.TextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic; // Create a graphs object to draw a line Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Graph graph2 = new Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Graph(50, 10); // specify the coordinates for the line float[] posArr2 = new float[] { 1, 10, 100, 10 }; Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Line l2 = new Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.Line(posArr2); graph2.Shapes.Add(l2); // Add the line to paragraphs collection of section object box.Paragraphs.Add(graph2); TextFragment text2 = new TextFragment(@"Sed augue tortor, sodales id, luctus et, pulvinar ut, eros. Suspendisse vel dolor. Sed quam. Curabitur ut massa vitae eros euismod aliquam. Pellentesque sit amet elit. Vestibulum interdum pellentesque augue. Cras mollis arcu sit amet purus. Donec augue. Nam mollis tortor a elit. Nulla viverra nisl vel mauris. Vivamus sapien. nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam justo lorem, aliquam luctus, sodales et, semper sed, enim Nam justo lorem, aliquam luctus, sodales et,nAenean posuere ante ut neque. Morbi sollicitudin congue felis. Praesent turpis diam, iaculis sed, pharetra non, mollis ac, mauris. Phasellus nisi ipsum, pretium vitae, tempor sed, molestie eu, dui. Duis lacus purus, tristique ut, iaculis cursus, tincidunt vitae, risus. Sed commodo. *** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam justo lorem, aliquam luctus, sodales et, semper sed, enim Nam justo lorem, aliquam luctus, sodales et, semper sed, enim Nam justo lorem, aliquam luctus, sodales et, semper sed, enim nAenean posuere ante ut neque. Morbi sollicitudin congue felis. Praesent turpis diam, iaculis sed, pharetra non, mollis ac, mauris. Phasellus nisi ipsum, pretium vitae, tempor sed, molestie eu, dui. Duis lacus purus, tristique ut, iaculis cursus, tincidunt vitae, risus. Sed commodo. *** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed urna. . Duis convallis ultrices nisi. Maecenas non ligula. Nunc nibh est, tincidunt in, placerat sit amet, vestibulum a, nulla. Praesent porttitor turpis eleifend ante. Morbi sodales.nAenean posuere ante ut neque. Morbi sollicitudin congue felis. Praesent turpis diam, iaculis sed, pharetra non, mollis ac, mauris. Phasellus nisi ipsum, pretium vitae, tempor sed, molestie eu, dui. Duis lacus purus, tristique ut, iaculis cursus, tincidunt vitae, risus. Sed commodo. *** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed urna. . Duis convallis ultrices nisi. Maecenas non ligula. Nunc nibh est, tincidunt in, placerat sit amet, vestibulum a, nulla. Praesent porttitor turpis eleifend ante. Morbi sodales."); box.Paragraphs.Add(text2); page.Paragraphs.Add(box); string outFile = "c:/pdftest/Muli-Column.pdf"; //Save the Pdf doc.Save(outFile);
PDF/A格式的文件支持添加附件了。按照 , PDF/A_3a 合规格式支持添加任意文件类型为附件。详情请看:
// instantiate Document instance to load existing file Aspose.Pdf.Document doc = new Document("c:/colored.pdf"); //setup new file to be added as attachment FileSpecification fileSpecification = new FileSpecification("c:/input.jpg", "Image file"); //add attachment to document's attachment collection doc.EmbeddedFiles.Add(fileSpecification); // perform conversion to PDF/A_3a so attachment is included in resultnat file doc.Convert("c:/Log.txt", Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormat.PDF_A_3A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete); // save resultant file doc.Save("c:/Converted.pdf");
Aspose.Pdf for .NET 支持在创建或操控PDF文件内容时用 Custom/TrueType 字体。这样文件内容显示就使用除系统默认字体以外的字体。 从本次版本开始,新增支持 Open Type Fonts。详细使用方法请看:
//Create new document instance Document pdfDocument = new Document(); // add page to pages collection of PDF file Aspose.Pdf.Page page = pdfDocument.Pages.Add(); // create TextFragment instnace with sample text TextFragment fragment = new TextFragment("Sample Text in OTF font"); // find font inside system font directory //fragment.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("HelveticaNeueLT Pro 45 Lt"); // or you can even specify the path of OTF font in system directory fragment.TextState.Font = FontRepository.OpenFont(@"E:\HelveticaNeueLTPro-Lt.otf"); // specify to emend font inside PDF file, so that its displayed properly, // even if specific font is not installed/present over target machine fragment.TextState.Font.IsEmbedded = true; // add TextFragment to paragraphs collection of Page instance page.Paragraphs.Add(fragment); // save resultant file pdfDocument.Save("c:/pdftest/OTF_Font_Tes.pdf");
除了上述的新功能和功能增强意外, PDF to HTML 和 HTML to PDF 的转换功能也有显著提升。在这些修复中,PCL to PDF, SVG to PDF, PDF to Excel, PDF to DOC, PDF to TIFF以及 TIFF to PDF 转换, PDF转换为PDF /A兼容的文件,文字替换, PDF 文件渲染为 XPS格式等功能也有完善和改进。慧都控件网欢迎下载使用Aspose.Pdf for .NET 10.3.0!
强大的VS插件CodeRush已正式发布v24.2.3,新版本现在可以运行xUnit.Net v3测试等,欢迎下载最新版体验!
Spire.PDF 10.12.4 最新版本支持在进行多页打印时设置自动旋转方向。同时,一些已知问题也在本次更新中被成功修复,例如打印 PDF 文档时内容丢失的问题,欢迎下载体验~
日程安排控件dhtmlxScheduler v7.2全新发布,新版本增强并增加了编辑、修改等多个操作体验,欢迎下载最新版试用~
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