翻译|使用教程|编辑:杨鹏连|2020-11-18 11:36:31.877|阅读 460 次
概述:作为许多文档和成像工作流程的重要组成部分,LEADTOOLS Annotations SDK提供了一个界面来标记具有各种形状,注释,突出显示,标尺和修订的图像。本文详细介绍了如何使用LEADTOOLS HTML5 Medical Viewer从任何地方查看DICOM图像。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK是精选的LEADTOOLS SDK功能集,旨在在企业级文档自动化解决方案中构建端到端文档成像应用程序,这些解决方案需要OCR,MICR,OMR,条形码,表单识别和处理,PDF,打印捕获 ,档案,注释和图像查看功能。 这套功能强大的工具利用LEAD屡获殊荣的图像处理技术,智能识别可用于识别和提取任何类型的扫描或传真形式图像数据的文档功能。
点击下载LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK试用版
仅需以下几行代码,便可以将功能强大的DICOM查看器嵌入到任何网页中,该查看器可以进行窗口级别,缩放,缩放,堆栈滚动等操作。请访问我们的文档以获取有关如何在Medical Viewer中加载和显示DICOM图像的完整教程。
window.onload = function () { // Get the parent DIV var imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("MedicalViewerParentDiv"); // Create the medical viewer control, and specify the number or rows and columns. var viewer = new lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer(imageViewerDiv, 2, 2); // [optional] Update the splitter size so it become thick and easy to move. viewer.get_gridLayout().set_splitterSize(7); // Create a cell name var cellName = "MedicalCell" + Date.now(); // Create a cell. It will contain an image or a series of images, based on how many Frames are added (see below for mor details). var cell = new lt.Controls.Medical.Cell(viewer, viewer.get_divId(), 1, 1); // Set the show border to "true", to show a border around the cell. cell.set_showFrameBorder(true); // Add the cell to the viewer. viewer.layout.get_items().add(cell); // [optional] Select the cell (it can also be selected by clicking on it.) cell.set_selected(true); // Now create a frame object which will hold the image inside the cell. var cellFrame = new lt.Controls.Medical.Frame(cell); // Add the frame to the cell class. cell.get_frames().add(cellFrame); // we are now going to download an image from LEADTOOLS medical web service demo. var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function (data) { if(this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // here we got the authentication code that we need to retrieve the images from LEADTOOLS database. authenticationCode = encodeURIComponent(this.responseText); // now, this is the MRTI info that contains the image information, width, height, tiles...etc. var mrtiInfo = new lt.Controls.Medical.MRTIImage(); // The image dpi. mrtiInfo.fullDpi = lt.LeadSizeD.create(150, 150); // the tile size, recommended value is 256 mrtiInfo.tileSize = lt.LeadSizeD.create(256, 256); mrtiInfo.frameIndex = 0; // does this image support window level. mrtiInfo.supportWindowLevel = true; // different resolution for the image. var resolutions = [ { width: 2460, height: 2970 }, { width: 1230, height: 1485}, { width: 615, height: 742 }, { width: 307, height: 371 }, { width: 153, height: 185}, { width: 76, height: 92 }, ]; mrtiInfo.resolutions = []; for (var i = 0; i < resolutions.length; i++) { mrtiInfo.resolutions[i]=lt.LeadSizeD.create( resolutions[i].width, resolutions[i].height ); } // the image width and height. cellFrame.set_width(mrtiInfo.resolutions[0].width); cellFrame.set_height(mrtiInfo.resolutions[0].height); // the image full size. mrtiInfo.fullSize=lt.LeadSizeD.create( cellFrame.get_width(), cellFrame.get_height() ); // now we need the image URL, var imageUri="//localhost/MedicalWebService/ObjectRetrieveService.svc" ; imageUri +="/GetImageTile?auth=" ; imageUri +=authenticationCode; // this the image instance UID, change this if you want to retrieve anything else. imageUri +="&instance=1.2.840.114257.1.9.1245.56421.52314.1187852.12457" ; mrtiInfo.imageUri=imageUri; // set this info to the cell frame. cellFrame.mrtiInfo=mrtiInfo; // now we need to set the information for the image so we cando window level. var imageInfo=new lt.Controls.Medical.DICOMImageInformation(); // set the image width and height. imageInfo.width=2460; imageInfo.height=2970; // bits per pixel for the image imageInfo.bitsPerPixel=16; // low and high bit. imageInfo.lowBit=0; imageInfo.highBit=11; // other information, setting some of them to zero means that the toolkit will try and calculate it by itself, but you can always get those values from the DicomDataSet. imageInfo.modalityIntercept=0; imageInfo.modalitySlope=1; imageInfo.minValue=0; imageInfo.maxValue=0; imageInfo.windowWidth=0; imageInfo.windowCenter=0; imageInfo.signed=false; imageInfo.photometricInterpretation="MONOCHROME1" ; imageInfo.firstStoredPixelValueMapped=0; // set information tothe frame. cellFrame.set_information(imageInfo); } }; // We are trying here to get an image from the Leadtools database, we need to login and get the authentication code. xhttp.open( "POST", "//localhost/MedicalWebService/AuthenticationService.svc/AuthenticateUser" , true ); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ); // we log in as a 'guest' , after calling the below line, we will receive the authentication code sent via 'onreadystatechange' above. xhttp.send( JSON.stringify({ userName: "<Medical Web Service User Name>" , password: "<Medical Web Service Password>" , userData: "" , }) ); // [optional] Add an action that allows the user to move the loaded image using either the mouse or by touch and drag. we are adding an offset action. cell.setCommand(1, new lt.Controls.Medical.OffsetAction()); // [optional] Add an action that allows the user to do window level on the image. cell.setCommand(2, new lt.Controls.Medical.WindowLevelAction()); // [optional] Run the action. Now if the user clicks or touches the image and drags it, the image will move correspondingly. cell.runCommand(2); // [optional] Create an overlay text that will appear at the top of the loaded image. var overlay=new lt.Controls.Medical.OverlayText(); // [optional] Set the aligment for the overlay text. overlay.set_alignment(lt.Controls.Medical.OverlayAlignment.topLeft); // [optional] Set the row index of overlay text. overlay.set_positionIndex(0); // [optional] add window level overlay text, this will change when you click and drag the mouse. overlay.set_type(lt.Controls.Medical.OverlayTextType.windowLevel); }试试看!
要自己进行测试,请确保从我们的网站上免费获得最新的LEADTOOLS SDK评估(如果还没有的话)。该试用版有效期为60天,并提供无限制的聊天和电子邮件支持。
文章转载自:LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite SDK是LEADTOOLS SDK中各种特点的精选组合,这套强大的工具利用了LEAD行业领先的图像处理技术来智能地识别文档的特征,而根据文档的特征可以识别扫描的或传真的任何类型的表格图像。
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging是一款医疗成像控件,包含了一些精心挑选的、经过优化的特性,可以满足医疗成像应用程序开发的特殊需要。
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Unity 是一款功能极其丰富的游戏引擎,允许开发人员将各种媒体集成到他们的项目中。但是,它缺少最令人兴奋的功能之一 - 将 Web 内容(例如 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript)直接渲染到 3D 场景中的纹理上的能力。在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用 DotNetBrowser 在 Unity3D 中将 Web 内容渲染为纹理。
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LEADTOOLS Document Suite Developer ToolkitLEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite SDK是LEADTOOLS SDK中各种特点的精选组合,这套强大的工具利用了LEAD行业领先的图像处理技术来智能地识别文档的特征,而根据文档的特征可以识别扫描的或传真的任何类型的表格图像。
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Developer Toolkit多语言的文档图像处理控件,支持光符识别处理、条形码扫描识别等。
LEADTOOLS Medical Developer ToolkitLEADTOOLS Medical Imaging是一款医疗成像控件,包含了一些精心挑选的、经过优化的特性,可以满足医疗成像应用程序开发的特殊需要。
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite Developer ToolkitLEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite帮您开发功能强大的PACS和医学成像应用程序
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