
XPS格式处理控件Aspose.Page支持C ++平台!且看如何将EPS和XPS转换为C ++中的PDF和光栅图像

翻译|使用教程|编辑:李显亮|2020-03-27 10:31:46.593|阅读 186 次

概述:Aspose.Page for C ++是一个本机C ++库,用于创建新的PostScript和XPS文件以及以编程方式修改和转换现有文件。本文演示了如何将PS / EPS或XPS文档转换为PDF或光栅图像格式,包括PNG,JPEG,TIFF和BMP。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

XPS是工作中常用的一种微软的文档保存和查看格式,针对XPS、EPS格式的管理控件Aspose.Page已经推出C++版,将能够在基于C ++的应用程序中以编程方式创建,读取,编辑,保存和转换XPS文档,该API还允许您处理XPS文档中的页面和元素,例如画布和字形。此外,它支持将文档转换为PDF和光栅图像。你可以点击下方按钮下载测试体验。

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在本文中,将演示如何将PS / EPS或XPS文档转换为PDF或光栅图像格式,包括PNG,JPEG,TIFF和BMP。本文的内容包括:

  • 在C ++中将PostScript PS / EPS文档转换为PDF
  • 将PostScript PS / EPS文档转换为C ++中的图像
  • 在C ++中将XPS文档转换为PDF
  • 将XPS文档转换为C ++中的图像

在C ++中将PostScript PS / EPS文档转换为PDF

以下是将PostScript PS / EPS文档转换为PDF的步骤:

  • 为输出PDF文件创建FileStream对象。

  • 将输入的PostScript文档加载到FileStream对象中。

  • 使用输入流创建并初始化PsDocument对象。

  • 使用输出流创建并初始化PdfDevice对象。

  • 使用PsDocument-> Save方法处理文档并将其另存为PDF文件。

以下代码示例显示了如何在C ++中将PostScript PS文档转换为PDF。

// Initialize PDF output stream
System::SharedPtrpdfStream = System::MakeObject(value + u"PStoPDF.pdf", System::IO::FileMode::Create, System::IO::FileAccess::Write);
// Initialize PostScript input stream
System::SharedPtrpsStream = System::MakeObject(value + u"input.ps", System::IO::FileMode::Open, System::IO::FileAccess::Read);
System::SharedPtrdocument = System::MakeObject(psStream);

// If you want to convert Postscript file despite of minor errors set this flag
bool suppressErrors = true;

// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
System::SharedPtroptions = System::MakeObject(suppressErrors);
// If you want to add special folder where fonts are stored. Default fonts folder in OS is always included.
options->set_AdditionalFontsFolders(System::MakeArray({ u"{FONT_FOLDER}" }));

// Default page size is 595x842 and it is not mandatory to set it in PdfDevice
System::SharedPtrdevice = System::MakeObject(pdfStream);
// But if you need to specify size and image format use following line:
// Aspose.Page.EPS.Device.PdfDevice device = new Aspose.Page.EPS.Device.PdfDevice(pdfStream, new System.Drawing.Size(595, 842));
	auto __finally_guard_0 = ::System::MakeScopeGuard([&psStream, &pdfStream]()

		document->Save(device, options);
	catch (...)

// Review errors
if (suppressErrors)
	//auto ex_enumerator = (System::DynamicCastEnumerableTo(options->get_Exceptions()))->GetEnumerator();
	auto ex_enumerator = (options->get_Exceptions())->GetEnumerator();
	decltype(ex_enumerator->get_Current()) ex;
	while (ex_enumerator->MoveNext() && (ex = ex_enumerator->get_Current(), true))

将PostScript PS / EPS文档转换为C ++图像

以下是将PS / EPS转换为图像格式的步骤。

  • 创建ImageFormat对象以设置输出图像的格式,即PNG。

  • 将输入的PostScript文档加载到FileStream对象中。

  • 使用输入流创建并初始化PsDocument对象。

  • 创建一个ImageDevice对象。

  • 使用PsDocument-> Save方法处理文档并将其另存为图像。

下面的代码示例演示如何将PostScript PS / EPS转换为C ++中的图像。

// Initialize PDF output stream
System::SharedPtrimageFormat = System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat::get_Png();
// Initialize PostScript input stream
System::SharedPtrpsStream = System::MakeObject(value + u"inputForImage.ps", System::IO::FileMode::Open, System::IO::FileAccess::Read);

System::SharedPtrdocument = System::MakeObject(psStream);

// If you want to convert PostScript file despite of minor errors the set this flag
bool suppressErrors = true;

// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
System::SharedPtroptions = System::MakeObject(suppressErrors);

// If you want to add special folder where fonts are stored. Default fonts folder in OS is always included.
options->set_AdditionalFontsFolders(System::MakeArray({ u"{FONT_FOLDER}" }));

// Default image format is PNG and it is not mandatory to set it in ImageDevice
// Default image size is 595x842 and it is not mandatory to set it in ImageDevice
System::SharedPtrdevice = System::MakeObject();
// But if you need to specify size and image format use constructor with parameters
//ImageDevice device = new ImageDevice(new System.Drawing.Size(595, 842), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

	auto __finally_guard_0 = ::System::MakeScopeGuard([&psStream]()

		document->Save(device, options);
	catch (...)

System::ArrayPtrimagesBytes = device->get_ImagesBytes();

int32_t i = 0;
	for (System::ArrayPtrimageBytes : imagesBytes)
		System::String imagePath = System::IO::Path::GetFullPath(value + System::String(u"out_image") + System::Convert::ToString(i) + u"." + System::ObjectExt::ToString(imageFormat).ToLower());
			System::SharedPtrfs = System::MakeObject(imagePath, System::IO::FileMode::Create, System::IO::FileAccess::Write);
			// Clearing resources under 'using' statement
			System::Details::DisposeGuard__dispose_guard_1({ fs });
				fs->Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes->get_Length());
			catch (...)

// Review errors
if (suppressErrors)
	//auto ex_enumerator = (System::DynamicCastEnumerableTo(options->get_Exceptions()))->GetEnumerator();
	//decltype(ex_enumerator->get_Current()) ex;
	//while (ex_enumerator->MoveNext() && (ex = ex_enumerator->get_Current(), true))
	//	System::Console::WriteLine(ex->get_Message());

将XPS文档转换为C ++中的图像


  • 将输入的XPS文档加载到FileStream对象中。

  • 创建XpsDocument对象,并使用输入流对象对其进行初始化。

  • 通过创建PngSaveOptions类的对象来设置保存选项。

  • 使用XpsDocument-> Save方法将XPS转换为图像。

以下代码示例显示了如何在C ++中将XPS转换为PNG图像。

// Input file
System::String inputFileName =  u"input.xps";
// Output file 
System::String outputFileName =  u"XPStoImage_out.png";
// Initialize XPS input stream
	System::SharedPtrxpsStream = System::IO::File::Open(inputFileName, System::IO::FileMode::Open, System::IO::FileAccess::Read);
	// Clearing resources under 'using' statement
	System::Details::DisposeGuard__dispose_guard_1({ xpsStream });
		// Load XPS document form the stream
		System::SharedPtrdocument = System::MakeObject(xpsStream, System::MakeObject());
		// or load XPS document directly from file. No xpsStream is needed then.
		// XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(inputFileName, new XpsLoadOptions());

		// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
		System::SharedPtroptions = [&] { auto tmp_0 = System::MakeObject(); tmp_0->set_SmoothingMode(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::SmoothingMode::HighQuality); tmp_0->set_Resolution(300); tmp_0->set_PageNumbers(System::MakeArray({ 1, 2, 6 })); return tmp_0; }();

		// Create rendering device for PDF format
		System::SharedPtrdevice = System::MakeObject();

		document->Save(device, options);

		// Iterate through document partitions (fixed documents, in XPS terms)
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < device->get_Result()->get_Length(); i++)
			for (int32_t j = 0; j < device->get_Result()[i]->get_Length(); j++)
				// Initialize image output stream
					System::SharedPtrimageStream = System::IO::File::Open(System::IO::Path::GetDirectoryName(outputFileName) + u"\\" + System::IO::Path::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFileName) + u"_" + (i + 1) + u"_" + (j + 1) + System::IO::Path::GetExtension(outputFileName), System::IO::FileMode::Create, System::IO::FileAccess::Write);
					// Clearing resources under 'using' statement
					System::Details::DisposeGuard__dispose_guard_0({ imageStream });
						imageStream->Write(device->get_Result()[i][j], 0, device->get_Result()[i][j]->get_Length());
					catch (...)
	catch (...)
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