原创|使用教程|编辑:李显亮|2020-04-21 11:47:45.367|阅读 257 次
概述:CAD .NET本身就是一款快捷方便的CAD文档浏览转换控件,为了让大家更快上手使用,小编为大家整理了CAD .NET基础操作指南,希望对大家有所帮助。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
CAD .NET一款在CAD领域被广泛应用的控件,可以快速准确的阅读DWG和DXF文件,并且通过Windows GDI+方法绘制件,支持多种文件格式,包括DWG、DXF、Gerber、光栅图像等,并支持部分编辑功能。
CAD .NET本身就是一款快捷方便的CAD文档浏览转换控件,为了让大家更快上手使用,小编为大家整理了CAD .NET基础操作指南,希望对大家有所帮助。
有兴趣尝试最新版CAD .NET v14吗?立即下载试用版吧:
using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage;
private void Read_DWG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DWGImage class is used only for reading DWG. To read other formatsuse the corresponding classes. //E.g. for DXF: CADImage class, for PLT/HPGL: HPGLImage class. DWGImage vDrawing = new DWGImage(); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Gasket.dwg"); vDrawing.Draw(Image1.CreateGraphics(), new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)vDrawing.AbsWidth, (float)vDrawing.AbsHeight)); // zooming and panning of the drawing are implemented in the demo Viewer // via a special viewing control class CADPictureBox }
using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage;
private void Load_file_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)) return; //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(OpenFileDialog1.FileName); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName); // adjusting of the visualization sizes to the control area: RectangleF vRect; double vRatio = (double)(vDrawing.AbsHeight * Image1.ClientSize.Width) / (vDrawing.AbsWidth * Image1.ClientSize.Height); if (vRatio > 1) vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Width / vRatio), (float)Image1.ClientSize.Height); else vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)Image1.ClientSize.Width, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Height * vRatio)); //----------------------------------------------- vDrawing.Draw(Image1.CreateGraphics(), vRect); }
using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage;
private void Access_line_data_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format with by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); for (int i = 0; i < vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Count; i++) { if (vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities[i].EntType == EntityType.Line) { CADLine vLine = (CADLine)vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities[i]; MessageBox.Show("Line is found. Handle = " + vLine.Handle + "; X: " + vLine.Point.X + "; Y: " + vLine.Point.Y + "; X1: " + vLine.Point1.X + "; Y1: " + vLine.Point1.Y); break; } } }
using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage;
private void Change_layers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); // Changes color for Layer '0' vDrawing.Converter.LayerByName("0").Color = Color.Red; // If Layer2 doesn't exist, it will be created CADLayer vLayer = vDrawing.Converter.LayerByName("Layer2"); vLayer.Visible = false; //Changes layer visibility // Adjusting visualization sizes to the control area: RectangleF vRect; double vRatio = (double)(vDrawing.AbsHeight * Image1.ClientSize.Width) / (vDrawing.AbsWidth * Image1.ClientSize.Height); if (vRatio > 1) vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Width / vRatio), (float)Image1.ClientSize.Height); else vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)Image1.ClientSize.Width, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Height * vRatio)); //----------------------------------------------- vDrawing.Draw(Image1.CreateGraphics(), vRect); }
... using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage; ... private void Add_change_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); // Changes color vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities[1].Color = Color.Blue; vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities[1].LineWeight = 2; vDrawing.Converter.Loads(vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities[1]); //Removes the circle entity from the Entities.dxf drawing vDrawing.CurrentLayout.Entities.RemoveAt(2); // Creating a new entity - line CADLine vLine = new CADLine(); vLine.Point = new DPoint(50, 0, 0); vLine.Point1 = new DPoint(50, 70, 10); vLine.LineWeight = 1; vDrawing.Converter.Loads(vLine); vDrawing.CurrentLayout.AddEntity(vLine); // Recalculates the extents of the drawing vDrawing.GetExtents(); // Adjusting visualization sizes to the control area: RectangleF vRect; double vRatio = (double)(vDrawing.AbsHeight * Image1.ClientSize.Width) / (vDrawing.AbsWidth * Image1.ClientSize.Height); if (vRatio > 1) vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Width / vRatio), (float)Image1.ClientSize.Height); else vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)Image1.ClientSize.Width, (float)(Image1.ClientSize.Height * vRatio)); //----------------------------------------------- vDrawing.Draw(Image1.CreateGraphics(), vRect); }
... using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage; ... private void CAD_to_BMP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)) return; //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(OpenFileDialog1.FileName); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName); // The bitmap will have 1000 px width, height will be calulated automatically Bitmap vBitmap = new Bitmap(1000, (int)(1000 * vDrawing.AbsHeight / vDrawing.AbsWidth)); Graphics vGr = Graphics.FromImage(vBitmap); RectangleF vRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, (float)1000, (float)(vBitmap.Width * vDrawing.AbsHeight / vDrawing.AbsWidth)); vDrawing.Draw(vGr, vRect); vBitmap.Save(OpenFileDialog1.FileName + ".bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); }
... using CADImport; using CADImport.DWG; using CADImport.DXF; using CADImport.RasterImage; ... private void Find_block_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CADImage.CreateImageByExtension detects format by the extension specified in the argument. //The correct class for any supported format will be used automatically. We recommend to //create a new drawing object with CADImage.CreateImageByExtension if import from the existed //file/stream is required. CADImage vDrawing = CADImage.CreateImageByExtension(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); vDrawing.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\..\Files\Entities.dxf"); string BlockName = "Block1"; //The block name is Block1 for (int i = 0; i < vDrawing.Converter.Blocks.Count; i++) if (((CADBlock)vDrawing.Converter.Blocks[i]).Name.ToLower() == BlockName.ToLower()) { //found MessageBox.Show("Block with name '" + BlockName + "' has found.\nIndex of the block is " + i); break; } }