翻译|产品更新|编辑:李显亮|2020-07-03 10:43:31.740|阅读 349 次
概述:Aspose.PSD for .Net更新至新版本v20.6,支持LnkE资源,支持britResource(亮度/对比度调整层资源),同时将DefaultReplacementFont设置移到ImageOptionsBase类中,欢迎下载体验。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.PSD for .Net是高级PSD和入门级AI文件格式操作API,允许创建和编辑Photoshop文件,并提供更新图层属性,添加水印,执行图形操作或将一种文件格式转换为另一种文件的功能,没有任何Adobe Photoshop或Adobe Illustrator依赖项。
>>你可以点击这里下载Aspose.PSD for .NET v20.6测试体验
key | 概述 | 类别 |
PSDNET-606 | 支持LnkE资源 | 新功能 |
PSDNET-386 | 支持britResource(亮度/对比度调整层资源) | 新功能 |
PSDNET-219 | 将DefaultReplacementFont设置移到ImageOptionsBase类中 | 增强功能 |
PSDNET-596 | 没有渲染没有通过穿透混合模式的图层组 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-610 | 尝试将特定的Psd文件转换为图像时出现NullReference异常 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-636 | 如果调整图层中的蒙版具有空白边界,则调整PSD文件的大小将无法正常工作 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-611 | 尝试打开特定的Psd文件时发生OverflowException | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-565 | 具有RGB模式16位/通道的Psd图像仅在预览时更新图层 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-652 | 使用复合LnkE资源和adobeStockLicenseState属性加载特定PSD文件时发生异常 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-640 | PSD图层蒙版更改在保存时被丢弃 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-593 | 将AI文件保存为Jpeg2000格式不起作用 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-638 | 将图层组添加到空图层组后,图层顺序不正确 | Bug修复 |
string message = "ExampleOfLnkEResourceSupport works incorrectly."; void AssertIsTrue(bool condition) { if (!condition) { throw new FormatException(message); } } void AssertAreEqual(object actual, object expected) { if (!object.Equals(actual, expected)) { throw new FormatException(message); } } // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the Photoshop Psd LnkE Resource that contains information about an external linked file. void ExampleOfLnkEResourceSupport( string filePath, int length, int length2, int length3, int length4, string fullPath, string date, double assetModTime, string childDocId, bool locked, string uid, string name, string originalFileName, string fileType, long size) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); string outputPath = @"Output\" + fileName; using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(filePath)) { LnkeResource lnkeResource = null; foreach (var resource in image.GlobalLayerResources) { lnkeResource = resource as LnkeResource; if (lnkeResource != null) { AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Length, length); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.UniqueId, new Guid(uid)); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.FullPath, fullPath); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Date.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), date); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.AssetModTime, assetModTime); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.AssetLockedState, locked); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.FileName, name); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.FileSize, size); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.ChildDocId, childDocId); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Version, 7); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.FileType, fileType); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.FileCreator, string.Empty); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.OriginalFileName, originalFileName); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.CompId, -1); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.OriginalCompId, -1); AssertIsTrue(lnkeResource.HasFileOpenDescriptor); AssertIsTrue(!lnkeResource.IsEmpty); AssertIsTrue(lnkeResource.Type == LinkResourceType.liFE); lnkeResource.FullPath = @"file:///C:/Aspose/net/Aspose.Psd/test/testdata/Images/Psd/SmartObjects/rgb8_2x2.png"; AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Length, length2); lnkeResource.FileName = "rgb8_2x23.png"; AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Length, length3); lnkeResource.ChildDocId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AssertAreEqual(lnkeResource.Length, length4); lnkeResource.Date = DateTime.Now; lnkeResource.AssetModTime = double.MaxValue; lnkeResource.FileSize = long.MaxValue; lnkeResource.FileType = "test"; lnkeResource.FileCreator = "file"; lnkeResource.CompId = int.MaxValue; break; } } AssertIsTrue(lnkeResource != null); image.Save(outputPath, new PsdOptions(image)); } using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputPath)) { image.Save( Path.ChangeExtension(outputPath, "png"), new PngOptions { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha }); } } // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the Psd LnkE Resource that contains information about external linked JPEG file. this.ExampleOfLnkEResourceSupport( @"..\..\..\Issues\IMAGINGNET-2375\photooverlay_5_new.psd", 0x21c, 0x26c, 0x274, 0x27c, @"file:///C:/Users/cvallejo/Desktop/photo.jpg", "05/09/2017 22:24:51", 0, "F062B9DB73E8D124167A4186E54664B0", false, "02df245c-36a2-11e7-a9d8-fdb2b61f07a7", "photo.jpg", "photo.jpg", "JPEG", 0x1520d); // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the PSD LnkE Resource that contains information about an external linked PNG file. this.ExampleOfLnkEResourceSupport( "rgb8_2x2_linked.psd", 0x284, 0x290, 0x294, 0x2dc, @"file:///C:/Aspose/net/Aspose.Psd/test/testdata/Issues/PSDNET-491/rgb8_2x2.png", "04/14/2020 14:23:44", 0, "", false, "5867318f-3174-9f41-abca-22f56a75247e", "rgb8_2x2.png", "rgb8_2x2.png", "png", 0x53); // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the Photoshop Psd LnkE Resource that contains information about an external linked CC Libraries Asset. this.ExampleOfLnkEResourceSupport( "rgb8_2x2_asset_linked.psd", 0x398, 0x38c, 0x388, 0x3d0, @"CC Libraries Asset “rgb8_2x2_linked/rgb8_2x2” (Feature is available in Photoshop CC 2015)", "01/01/0001 00:00:00", 1588890915488.0d, "", false, "ec15f0a8-7f13-a640-b928-7d29c6e9859c", "rgb8_2x2_linked", "rgb8_2x2.png", "png", 0);
string sourceFilePath = "Apple.psd"; Stream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); ProgressEventHandler localProgressEventHandler = delegate(ProgressEventHandlerInfo progressInfo) { string message = string.Format( "{0} {1}: {2} out of {3}", progressInfo.Description, progressInfo.EventType, progressInfo.Value, progressInfo.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine(message); }; Console.WriteLine("---------- Loading Apple.psd ----------"); var loadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions() { ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler }; using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath, loadOptions)) { Console.WriteLine("---------- Saving Apple.psd to PNG format ----------"); image.Save( outputStream, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.Truecolor, ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler }); Console.WriteLine("---------- Saving Apple.psd to PSD format ----------"); image.Save( outputStream, new PsdOptions() { ColorMode = ColorModes.Rgb, ChannelsCount = 4, ProgressEventHandler = localProgressEventHandler }); }
/* This Example demonstrates how you can programmatically change the PSD Image Brightness/Contrast Layer Resource - BritResource This is a Low-Level Aspose.PSD API. You can use Brightness/Contrast Layer through its API, which will be much easier, but direct PhotoShop resource editing gives you more control over the PSD file content. */ string path = @"BrightnessContrastPS6.psd"; string outputPath = @"BrightnessContrastPS6_output.psd"; using (PsdImage im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(path)) { foreach (var layer in im.Layers) { if (layer is BrightnessContrastLayer) { foreach (var layerResource in layer.Resources) { if (layerResource is BritResource) { var resource = (BritResource)layerResource; isRequiredResourceFound = true; if (resource.Brightness != -40 || resource.Contrast != 10 || resource.LabColor != false || resource.MeanValueForBrightnessAndContrast != 127) { throw new Exception("BritResource was read wrong"); } // Test editing and saving resource.Brightness = 25; resource.Contrast = -14; resource.LabColor = true; resource.MeanValueForBrightnessAndContrast = 200; im.Save(outputPath, new PsdOptions()); break; } } } } }
// Please, don't intall Konstanting Font, because this test should replace font that is not installed string sourceFileName = "sample_konstanting.psd"; string[] outputs = new string[] { "replacedfont0.tiff", "replacedfont1.png", "replacedfont2.jpg" }; using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName, new PsdLoadOptions())) { // This way you can use different fonts for different outputs image.Save(outputs[0], new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegRgb) { DefaultReplacementFont = "Arial" }); image.Save(outputs[1], new PngOptions { DefaultReplacementFont = "Verdana" }); image.Save(outputs[2], new JpegOptions { DefaultReplacementFont = "Times New Roman" }); }