
新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载

原创|产品更新|编辑:李显亮|2021-02-18 10:00:40.893|阅读 191 次

概述:Aspose.Words for .Net更新至新版本v21.2,此常规的每月版本中有86项改进和修复,包括9项新功能的发布,欢迎下载体验。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

Aspose.Words for .Net是一种高级Word文档处理API,用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务。API支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。2021年2月更新来啦,.NET版Aspose.Words更新至v21.2新版本!


  • 实现了API以操纵Font对象的主题属性。
  • 添加了在保存时更新CreatedTime属性的选项。
  • 使用新的CustomTimeZoneInfo选项扩展了SaveOptions。
  • 使用新的SmartParagraphBreakReplacement选项扩展了FindReplaceOptions类。
  • 提供了从COM应用程序中的IStream对象加载文档的功能。

>>你可以点击这里下载Aspose.Words for .NET v21.2测试体验。



关键 概括 类别
WORDSNET-21363 支持为LINQ Reporting Engine动态添加组合框和下拉列表项 新功能
WORDSNET-6146 允许从OLE对象提取可见的纯文本 新功能
WORDSNET11848 添加保存选项以模仿MS Word行为或不模仿创建,修改和打印日期 新功能
WORDSNET-6125 添加选项以将文档中的图像导出为SVG格式的HTML 新功能
WORDSNET-10148 提供移动到段落中特定字符的能力 新功能
WORDSNET-20863 在Azure上将DOCX转换为PDF时,内容控制日期会更改 新功能
WORDSNET-21639 LegacyMode = false时,Range.Replace引发System.IndexOutOfRangeException 新功能
WORDSNET-21183 将自定义字体样式设置为“链接到主题”字体不起作用 新功能
WORDSNET-20546 ComHelper.Open不会使用Delphi从流中导入RTF 新功能
WORDSNET-20414 PdfDocumentReader插件镜像希伯来语文本 增强功能
WORDSNET-9605 支持DrawingML 3D效果的渲染 增强功能
WORDSNET-15833 改善在MS Word 97中创建的渲染形状线的兼容性 增强功能
WORDSNET-10441 支持Word 6.0 / 95的图形对象 增强功能
WORDSNET-2799 尝试恢复损坏的进口文件 增强功能
WORDSNET-1738 在保存DOCX文件期间优化内存使用 增强功能
WORDSNET-21652 没有将生成器名称写入XamlFixed / XamlFlow / XamlFlowPack / HtmlFixed文档 增强功能

完整更新细则请参考:【Aspose.Words for .NET v21.2更新说明】



新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载


Document doc = new Document(docPath);
SaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
saveOptions.UpdateLastPrintedProperty = true;
doc.Save(pdfPath, saveOptions);



新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载
新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载
新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载


新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载
新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载


Document doc = new Document("input.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Create some style with theme font properties.
Style style = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "ThemedStyle");
style.Font.ThemeFont = ThemeFont.Major;
style.Font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.Accent5;
style.Font.TintAndShade = 0.3;

builder.ParagraphFormat.StyleName = "ThemedStyle";
builder.Writeln("Text with themed style");

// Get just inserted run.
Run run = (Run)((Paragraph)builder.CurrentParagraph.PreviousSibling).FirstChild;

Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", run.Font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("Color: {0}\n", run.Font.Color);

Console.WriteLine("TintAndShade: {0:N2}\n", run.Font.TintAndShade);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font: {0}", run.Font.ThemeFont);
Console.WriteLine("Font: {0}\n", run.Font.Name);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Ascii: {0}", run.Font.ThemeFontAscii);
Console.WriteLine("Font Ascii: {0}\n", run.Font.NameAscii);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Bi: {0}", run.Font.ThemeFontBi);
Console.WriteLine("Font Bi: {0}\n", run.Font.NameBi);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font EastAsian: {0}", run.Font.ThemeFontFarEast);
Console.WriteLine("Font EastAsian: {0}\n", run.Font.NameFarEast);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Other: {0}", run.Font.ThemeFontOther);
Console.Write("Font Other: {0}", run.Font.NameOther);

This code example produces the following results:

Theme color: Accent5
Color: Color [Empty]

TintAndShade: 0.30

Theme font: Major
Font: Calibri Light

Theme font Ascii: Major
Font Ascii: Calibri Light

Theme font Bi: Major
Font Bi: Times New Roman

Theme font EastAsian: Major
Font EastAsian: Times New Roman

Theme font Other: Major
Font Other: Calibri Light


// Create new document with themes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.Latin = "Algerian";
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.EastAsian = "Aharoni";
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.ComplexScript = "Andalus";

// Check original theme font.
Font font = doc.Styles["Normal"].Font;
Console.WriteLine("Originally the Normal style theme font is: {0}\n", font.ThemeFont);

// Apply theme font 'Minor'
font.ThemeFont = ThemeFont.Minor;
Console.WriteLine("'Minor' theme font is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme font: {0}", font.ThemeFont);
Console.WriteLine("Font: {0}\n", font.Name);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Ascii: {0}", font.ThemeFontAscii);
Console.WriteLine("Font Ascii: {0}\n", font.NameAscii);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Bi: {0}", font.ThemeFontBi);
Console.WriteLine("Font Bi: {0}\n", font.NameBi);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font EastAsian: {0}", font.ThemeFontFarEast);
Console.WriteLine("Font EastAsian: {0}\n", font.NameFarEast);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Other: {0}", font.ThemeFontOther);
Console.WriteLine("Font Other: {0}\n\n", font.NameOther);

// Set non-theme font.
font.ThemeFont = ThemeFont.None;
Console.WriteLine("'None' theme font is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme font: {0}", font.ThemeFont);
Console.WriteLine("Font: {0}\n", font.Name);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Ascii: {0}", font.ThemeFontAscii);
Console.WriteLine("Font Ascii: {0}\n", font.NameAscii);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Bi: {0}", font.ThemeFontBi);
Console.WriteLine("Font Bi: {0}\n", font.NameBi);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font EastAsian: {0}", font.ThemeFontFarEast);
Console.WriteLine("Font EastAsian: {0}\n", font.NameFarEast);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Other: {0}", font.ThemeFontOther);
Console.Write("Font Other: {0}\n", font.NameOther);
This code example produces the following results:

Originally the Normal style theme font is: None

'Minor' theme font is applied:
Theme font: Minor
Font: Algerian

Theme font Ascii: Minor
Font Ascii: Algerian

Theme font Bi: Minor
Font Bi: Andalus

Theme font EastAsian: Minor
Font EastAsian: Aharoni

Theme font Other: Minor
Font Other: Algerian

'None' theme font is applied:
Theme font: None
Font: Algerian

Theme font Ascii: None
Font Ascii: Algerian

Theme font Bi: None
Font Bi: Andalus

Theme font EastAsian: None
Font EastAsian: Aharoni

Theme font Other: None
Font Other: Algerian


// Create new document with themes.
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.Latin = "Algerian";
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.EastAsian = "Aharoni";
doc.Theme.MinorFonts.ComplexScript = "Andalus";

// Check original theme font.
Font font = doc.Styles["Normal"].Font;
Console.WriteLine("Originally the Normal style theme font is: {0}\n", font.ThemeFont);

// Apply theme font 'Minor'
font.ThemeFont = ThemeFont.Minor;
Console.WriteLine("'Minor' theme font is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme font: {0}", font.ThemeFont);
Console.WriteLine("Font: {0}\n", font.Name);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Ascii: {0}", font.ThemeFontAscii);
Console.WriteLine("Font Ascii: {0}\n", font.NameAscii);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Bi: {0}", font.ThemeFontBi);
Console.WriteLine("Font Bi: {0}\n", font.NameBi);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font EastAsian: {0}", font.ThemeFontFarEast);
Console.WriteLine("Font EastAsian: {0}\n", font.NameFarEast);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Other: {0}", font.ThemeFontOther);
Console.WriteLine("Font Other: {0}\n\n", font.NameOther);

// Set non-theme font name.
font.Name = "Arial";
Console.WriteLine("Non-themed font name is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme font: {0}", font.ThemeFont);
Console.WriteLine("Font: {0}\n", font.Name);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Ascii: {0}", font.ThemeFontAscii);
Console.WriteLine("Font Ascii: {0}\n", font.NameAscii);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Bi: {0}", font.ThemeFontBi);
Console.WriteLine("Font Bi: {0}\n", font.NameBi);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font EastAsian: {0}", font.ThemeFontFarEast);
Console.WriteLine("Font EastAsian: {0}\n", font.NameFarEast);

Console.WriteLine("Theme font Other: {0}", font.ThemeFontOther);
Console.Write("Font Other: {0}", font.NameOther);

This code example produces the following results:

Originally the Normal style theme font is: None

'Minor' theme font is applied:
Theme font: Minor
Font: Algerian

Theme font Ascii: Minor
Font Ascii: Algerian

Theme font Bi: Minor
Font Bi: Andalus

Theme font EastAsian: Minor
Font EastAsian: Aharoni

Theme font Other: Minor
Font Other: Algerian

Non-themed font name is applied:
Theme font: None
Font: Arial

Theme font Ascii: None
Font Ascii: Arial

Theme font Bi: None
Font Bi: Arial

Theme font EastAsian: None
Font EastAsian: Arial

Theme font Other: None
Font Other: Arial


Document doc = new Document();

// Check original theme color.
Font font = doc.Styles["Normal"].Font;
Console.WriteLine("Originally the Normal style theme color is: {0} and RGB color is: {1}\n", font.ThemeColor, font.Color);

// Apply theme color.
font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.Accent2;
Console.WriteLine("'Accent2' theme color is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("RGB color: {0}\n", font.Color);

// Set theme color back to 'None'.
font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.None;
Console.WriteLine("Theme color 'None' is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("RGB color: {0}", font.Color);
This code example produces the following results:

Originally the Normal style theme color is: None and RGB color is: Color [Empty]

'Accent2' theme color is applied:
Theme color: Accent2
RGB color: Color [Empty]

Theme color 'None' is applied:
Theme color: None
RGB color: Color [Empty]


Document doc = new Document();

// Check original theme color.
Font font = doc.Styles["Normal"].Font;
Console.WriteLine("Originally the Normal style theme color is: {0} and RGB color is: {1}\n", font.ThemeColor, font.Color);

// Apply theme color.
font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.Accent2;
Console.WriteLine("'Accent2' theme color is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("RGB color: {0}\n", font.Color);

// Set simple RGB color.
font.Color = Color.Blue;
font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.None;
Console.WriteLine("RGB color is applied:");
Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("RGB color: {0}", font.Color);
This code example produces the following results:

Originally the Normal style theme color is: None and RGB color is: Color [Empty]

'Accent2' theme color is applied:
Theme color: Accent2
RGB color: Color [Empty]

RGB color is applied:
Theme color: None
RGB color: Color [A=255, R=0, G=0, B=255]


Document doc = new Document();
Font font = doc.Styles["Normal"].Font;

font.ThemeColor = ThemeColor.Accent6;
font.TintAndShade = -0.25;

Console.WriteLine("TintAndShade is set to {0:N2}", font.TintAndShade);
Console.WriteLine("Theme color: {0}", font.ThemeColor);
Console.WriteLine("RGB color: {0}", font.Color);
This code example produces the following results:

TintAndShade is set to -0.25
Theme color: Accent6
RGB color: Color [Empty]



新功能示例演示!Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布 丨 附下载


Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Create two tables with paragraph and inner table in first cell:
// ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ TEXT1¶                │
// │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
// │ |¶                  | |
// | └───────────────────┘ │
// └───────────────────────┘
// ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ TEXT2¶                │
// │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
// │ |¶                  | |
// | └───────────────────┘ │
// └───────────────────────┘



FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions();
// When the following option is set to 'true',
// Aspose.Words will remove paragraph's text completely with its paragraph mark.
options.SmartParagraphBreakReplacement = true;
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"TEXT1&p"), "", options);

// But if the option is set to 'false',
// Aspose.Words will mimic Word and remove only paragraph's text and leaves the paragraph mark intact.
options.SmartParagraphBreakReplacement = false;
doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"TEXT2&p"), "", options);


// This code example produces the following results:

// ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
// │ |¶                  | |
// | └───────────────────┘ │
// └───────────────────────┘

// ┌───────────────────────┐
// │ ¶                     │
// │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
// │ |¶                  | |
// | └───────────────────┘ │
// └───────────────────────┘

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