翻译|使用教程|编辑:杨鹏连|2021-03-31 10:40:15.493|阅读 212 次
概述:如果SQL Prompt发现使用EXECUTE,则会警告您,而无需指定存储过程所在的架构,因为它可能导致执行时间变慢,甚至导致运行错误的过程。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
SQL Prompt是一款实用的SQL语法提示工具。SQL Prompt根据数据库的对象名称、语法和代码片段自动进行检索,为用户提供合适的代码选择。自动脚本设置使代码简单易读--当开发者不大熟悉脚本时尤其有用。SQL Prompt安装即可使用,能大幅提高编码效率。此外,用户还可根据需要进行自定义,使之以预想的方式工作。
任何基于模式的数据库对象的全名最多包含四个标识符:服务器名称,数据库名称,模式名称和对象名称。仅在调用远程存储过程时,才需要由所有四个标识符组成的完全限定名称。如果要在另一个数据库中调用过程,则显然需要名称中的数据库标识符。在数据库内,只要过程位于相同的架构中,则只需要对象名称本身即可。通过指定架构,数据库引擎需要更少的搜索来识别它。甚至系统存储过程也应使用“ sys”架构名称进行限定。同样在创建存储过程时,始终指定父架构是一个好习惯。
系统存储过程的名称始终以代表特殊的字符sp_开头,这些过程存储在Resource数据库中。它们将出现在该SQL Server实例中所有用户定义的数据库的sys模式中。如果您在数据库中创建与系统存储过程同名的过程,则无论您如何使用模式名称对其进行限定,都将永远不会执行该过程。数据库引擎始终总是首先在sys模式中搜索。
如果具有相同名称的过程位于单独的模式中,则它们可以完美地共存于同一数据库中,这样做是有正当理由的。例如,您可能希望不同类别的用户通过同一过程调用执行不同的代码。在这种情况下,每组用户将需要具有不同的默认架构,该架构存储了他们的过程版本。用户将仅对自己的架构具有EXECUTE权限,并使用所有权链接来访问所需的数据。然后,用户将需要指定不带模式的过程,以允许SQL Server从用户的默认模式中选择存储过程。
SQL Server如何处理非架构限定的过程调用
/* This script is a series batches that illustrate how the Database engine works out what you want when you don't specify the schema of a stored procedure. The behavior can be quite valuable if you want the same code to be handled differently according to the default schema of the user. Even if you don't have duplicate procedure names, this code shows that the default schema is searched before the DBO schema. */ SET NOCOUNT ON IF Object_Id('dbo.Test_Procedure') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Test_Procedure; GO -- firstly we create a procedure in the DBO schema CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Test_Procedure @param1 VARCHAR(100) = 'Hello %s', @param2 VARCHAR(100) OUTPUT AS SELECT @param2 = CURRENT_USER + ' is in the ' + Schema_Name() + ' schema, while ' + Replace(Coalesce(@param1, ''), '%s', 'World'); RETURN 0; GO --now we create a procedure with the same name in the MySchema schema IF Object_Id('MySchema.Test_Procedure') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE MySchema.Test_Procedure; GO --just in case it has been left over from last time IF EXISTS (SELECT schemas.name FROM sys.schemas WHERE schemas.name LIKE 'MySchema') DROP SCHEMA MySchema; GO --we first create the schema CREATE SCHEMA MySchema; GO --now we create the stored procedure in this schema with a different output just so we know which is executed CREATE PROCEDURE MySchema.Test_Procedure @param1 VARCHAR(100) = 'Hello %s', @param2 VARCHAR(100) OUTPUT AS --make the wording different so we can prove which version of the procedure was executed SELECT @param2 = CURRENT_USER + ' is in the ' + Schema_Name() + ' schema, while ' + Replace(Coalesce(@param1, ''), '%s', 'Planet'); RETURN 0; GO --now we create a procedure with the same name in the MyOtherSchema schema IF Object_Id('MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure; GO IF EXISTS (SELECT schemas.name FROM sys.schemas WHERE schemas.name LIKE 'MyOtherSchema') DROP SCHEMA MyOtherSchema; GO CREATE SCHEMA MyOtherSchema; GO ---and in this schema we place a third schema CREATE PROCEDURE MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure @param1 VARCHAR(100) = 'Hello %s', @param2 VARCHAR(100) OUTPUT AS --make the wording different again, so we can prove which version of the procedure was executed SELECT @param2 = CURRENT_USER + ' is in the ' + Schema_Name() + ' schema, while ' + Replace(Coalesce(@param1, ''), '%s', 'Back yard'); RETURN 0; GO --Now we create a couple of test users whose default schemas are those we've just created IF Database_Principal_Id('The_First_User') IS NOT NULL DROP USER The_First_User; IF Database_Principal_Id('The_Second_User') IS NOT NULL DROP USER The_Second_User; IF Database_Principal_Id('OurPhonyUsers') IS NOT NULL DROP ROLE OurPhonyUsers; GO -- before creating the users we create a role that we can assign to them so that --they can do stuff CREATE ROLE OurPhonyUsers; GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::MySchema TO OurPhonyUsers; GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::MyOtherSchema TO OurPhonyUsers; GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA::dbo TO OurPhonyUsers; --comment this out to see what happens! GO --Now we create the users and attach them to the role we created CREATE USER The_First_User WITHOUT LOGIN WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = MySchema; EXEC sys.sp_addrolemember N'OurPhonyUsers', N'The_First_User'; EXECUTE AS USER = 'The_First_User'; GO DECLARE @MyMessage VARCHAR(100); --execute the stored procedure without any qualifier as The_First_User EXECUTE Test_Procedure @param1 = 'firstly calling ''hi'' to the %s', @param2 = @MyMessage OUTPUT; SELECT @MyMessage; REVERT; --to being myself GO CREATE USER The_Second_User WITHOUT LOGIN WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = MyOtherSchema; EXEC sys.sp_addrolemember N'OurPhonyUsers', N'The_Second_User'; EXECUTE AS USER = 'The_Second_User'; DECLARE @MyMessage VARCHAR(100); --execute the stored procedure without any qualifier as The_Second_User EXECUTE Test_Procedure @param1 = 'Secondly welcoming the %s', @param2 = @MyMessage OUTPUT; SELECT @MyMessage; REVERT; --to being myself GO DECLARE @MyMessage VARCHAR(100); --execute the stored procedure without any qualifier as dbo EXECUTE Test_Procedure @param1 = 'thirdly acknowledging the %s', @param2 = @MyMessage OUTPUT; SELECT @MyMessage; SELECT 'now deleting the MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure' --now we drop the procedure with the same name in the MyOtherSchema schema IF Object_Id('MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure; GO EXECUTE AS USER = 'The_Second_User'; DECLARE @MyMessage VARCHAR(100); --execute the stored procedure without any qualifier as The_Second_User EXECUTE Test_Procedure @param1 = 'fourthly saying ''greetings'' to the %s', @param2 = @MyMessage OUTPUT; SELECT @MyMessage; --execute the stored procedure with a qualifier as The_Second_User EXECUTE MySchema.Test_Procedure @param1 = 'finally saying hello to the %s', @param2 = @MyMessage OUTPUT; SELECT @MyMessage; REVERT; --to being myself GO ---and clean up DROP PROCEDURE MySchema.Test_Procedure; DROP PROCEDURE dbo.Test_Procedure; DROP USER The_First_User; DROP USER The_Second_User; DROP ROLE OurPhonyUsers; DROP SCHEMA MyOtherSchema; DROP SCHEMA MySchema;清单1
The_First_User is in the MySchema schema, while firstly calling 'hi' to the Planet
The_Second_User is in the MyOtherSchema schema, while Secondly welcoming the Back yard
dbo is in the dbo schema, while thirdly acknowledging the World
now deleting the MyOtherSchema.Test_Procedure
The_Second_User is in the MyOtherSchema schema, while fourthly saying 'greetings' to the World
The_Second_User is in the MyOtherSchema schema, while finally saying hello to the Planet