翻译|使用教程|编辑:胡涛|2022-02-25 14:37:01.270|阅读 360 次
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
A:您可以调用方法方法 document.GetText() 来执行此操作。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile(@"..\..\test.docx"); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("output.txt")) { sw.Write(document.GetText()); }
A : 您可以设置 DocPicture 的属性 height 和 width 来调整图像的大小。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx", FileFormat.Docx); Image image = Image.FromFile("image.jpg"); //specify the paragraph Paragraph paragraph = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[2]; DocPicture picture = paragraph.AppendPicture(image); //resize the image picture.Height = picture.Height * 0.8f; picture.Width = picture.Width * 0.8f; document.SaveToFile("result.docx", FileFormat.Docx);
A : 请设置段落的属性 HorizontalAlignment 来对齐文本。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx"); //set paragraph1 to align left Paragraph paragraph1 = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[0]; paragraph1.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //set paragraph2 to align center Paragraph paragraph2 = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[1]; paragraph2.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; //set paragraph3 to align right Paragraph paragraph3 = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[2]; paragraph3.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; document.SaveToFile("result.docx");
A : 您可以使用 BookmarksNavigator 来定位指定的书签。然后请调用方法 ReplaceBookmarkContent 来替换书签上的文本。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.doc"); BookmarksNavigator bookmarkNavigator = new BookmarksNavigator(document); bookmarkNavigator.MoveToBookmark("mybookmark"); //replace text on bookmarks bookmarkNavigator.ReplaceBookmarkContent("new context", false); document.SaveToFile("result.doc", FileFormat.Doc);
A : 你可以调用 SaveToFile 方法指定文件格式 HTML 来将 word 文档转换为 html。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.doc"); //save word document as html file document.SaveToFile("result.html", FileFormat.Html); document.Close();
A : 请调用 LoadFromFile 方法加载 html 文件。然后调用方法 SaveToFile 将 html 转换为 word 文档。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.html", FileFormat.Html, XHTMLValidationType.None); //save html as word document document.SaveToFile("result.doc"); document.Close();
A : 只需调用方法 SaveToFile 指定文件格式 doc 将 word2007 转换为 word2003。完整代码:
Document document = new Document("word2007.docx"); //convert word2007 to word2003 document.SaveToFile("word2003.doc", FileFormat.Doc); document.Close();
A : 请使用 Section 获取页眉或页脚。您可以调用方法 Replace 替换页眉,调用方法 Clear 删除 word 文档的页眉或页脚。
Document document = new Document(); Section section = document.AddSection(); //add a header HeaderFooter header = section.HeadersFooters.Header; Paragraph headerParagraph = header.AddParagraph(); TextRange text = headerParagraph.AppendText("Demo of Spire.Doc"); text.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Color.Blue; document.SaveToFile("DocWithHeader.doc"); //replace the header headerParagraph.Replace("Demo", "replaceText", true, true); document.SaveToFile("DocHeaderReplace.doc"); document.LoadFromFile("DocWithHeader.doc"); //delete the heater document.Sections[0].HeadersFooters.Header.Paragraphs.Clear(); document.SaveToFile("DocHeaderDelete.doc");
A : 请调用方法 Clone 复制一个部分。然后调用方法 Add 将部分的副本添加到指定文档。完整代码:
Document document1 = new Document(); document1.LoadFromFile("merge1.docx"); Document document2 = new Document(); document2.LoadFromFile("merge2.docx"); //add sections from document1 to document2 foreach (Section sec in document2.Sections) { document1.Sections.Add(sec.Clone()); } document1.SaveToFile("result.docx");
A : Rows 是表中行的集合,而 Cells 是行中单元格的集合。因此,您可以使用两个循环浏览表格的单元格。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx"); Spire.Doc.Interface.ITable table = document.Sections[0].Tables[0]; int i=0; //traverse the cells foreach (TableRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (TableCell cell in row.Cells) { i++; } }
A : 你只需要设置 TextRange 的 IsShadow 属性。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); Section section = document.AddSection(); Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph(); TextRange HText = paragraph.AppendText("this is a test!"); //set the property IsShadow HText.CharacterFormat.IsShadow = true; HText.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 80; document.SaveToFile("result.doc");
A : 你需要设置节的属性 LineNumberingRestartMode, LineNumberingStep, LineNumberingStartValue 来在word文档中插入行号。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); Section section = document.AddSection(); //insert line numbers section.PageSetup.LineNumberingRestartMode = LineNumberingRestartMode.RestartPage; section.PageSetup.LineNumberingStep = 1; section.PageSetup.LineNumberingStartValue = 1; Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph(); paragraph.AppendText("As an independent Word .NET component, Spire.Doc for .NET doesn't need Microsoft Word to be installed on the machine. However, it can incorporate Microsoft Word document creation capabilities into any developers .NET applications."); document.SaveToFile("result.doc");
Document document = new Document(); Section section = document.AddSection(); Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph(); string str = "As an independent Word .NET component, Spire.Doc for .NET doesn't need Microsoft Word to be installed on the machine. However, it can incorporate Microsoft Word document creation capabilities into any developers.NET applications.As an independent Word .NET component, Spire.Doc for .NET doesn't need Microsoft Word to be installed on the machine. However, it can incorporate Microsoft Word document creation capabilities into any developers’.NET applications."; paragraph.AppendText(str); DocPicture picture = paragraph.AppendPicture(Image.FromFile("logo.png")); picture.TextWrappingStyle = TextWrappingStyle.Tight; picture.HorizontalAlignment = ShapeHorizontalAlignment.Center; document.SaveToFile("result.doc");
Document doc = new Document("sample.docx"); Section section = doc.Sections[0]; ITable table = section.Tables[0]; //edit text in a cell TableCell cell1 = table.Rows[1].Cells[1]; Paragraph p1 = cell1.Paragraphs[0]; p1.Text = "abc"; TableCell cell2 = table.Rows[1].Cells[2]; Paragraph p2 = cell2.Paragraphs[0]; p2.Items.Clear(); p2.AppendText("def"); TableCell cell3 = table.Rows[1].Cells[3]; Paragraph p3 = cell3.Paragraphs[0]; (p3.Items[0] as TextRange).Text = "hij"; //insert new row TableRow newRow = table.AddRow(true, true); foreach (TableCell cell in newRow.Cells) {
A : 请设置超链接字段的 textRange 节点为超链接格式。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); Section section = document.AddSection(); Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph(); Field hyperlink = paragraph.AppendHyperlink("www.e-iceblue.com", "www.e-iceblue.com", HyperlinkType.WebLink); TextRange text = hyperlink.NextSibling.NextSibling as TextRange; text.CharacterFormat.Bold = true; text.CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.None; document.SaveToFile("result.doc");
A : 请调用 Protect 方法设置 ProtectionType。完整代码:
Document document = new Document(); document.LoadFromFile("sample.docx"); document.Protect(ProtectionType.AllowOnlyReading); document.SaveToFile("result.doc");更多E-iceblue产品体验
本文探讨 SQL Server 中 NULL 和空值之间的区别,并讨论如何有效地处理它们。
Unity 是一款功能极其丰富的游戏引擎,允许开发人员将各种媒体集成到他们的项目中。但是,它缺少最令人兴奋的功能之一 - 将 Web 内容(例如 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript)直接渲染到 3D 场景中的纹理上的能力。在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用 DotNetBrowser 在 Unity3D 中将 Web 内容渲染为纹理。
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专业的.NET Office套件,涵盖office文档创建、编辑、转换、管理和OCR内容识别等操作
Spire.Doc for .NETSpire.Doc for .NET 是一款专门对 Word 文档进行操作的 .NET 类库。
Spire.PDF for .NETSpire.PDF for .NET是独立的PDF控件,用于.NET程序中创建、编辑和操作PDF文档
Spire.PDFViewer for .NET独立专业的.NET PDF查看控件,支持查看、转换及打印PDF文档
Spire.Doc for WPFSpire.Doc for WPF 是一款在WPF平台上操作的MS Word组件,可以轻松并专业地访问大量各种不同的word文档处理任务。
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