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概述:在本文中,我们将演示如何使用Spire.PDF for .NET在 C# 和 VB.NET 中更改 PDF 文件的页面大小。
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在某些情况下,您可能需要更改 PDF 文件的页面大小。例如,您需要打印 PDF 文件,但其页面大小与打印机使用的纸张大小不同。在本文中,我们将演示如何使用Spire.PDF for .NET在 C# 和 VB.NET 中更改 PDF 文件的页面大小。
Spire.PDF for .NET 是一款独立 PDF 控件,用于 .NET 程序中创建、编辑和操作 PDF 文档。使用 Spire.PDF 类库,开发人员可以新建一个 PDF 文档或者对现有的 PDF 文档进行处理,且无需安装 Adobe Acrobat。
E-iceblue 功能类库Spire 系列文档处理组件均由中国本土团队研发,不依赖第三方软件,不受其他国家的技术或法律法规限制,同时适配国产操作系统如中科方德、中标麒麟等,兼容国产文档处理软件 WPS(如 .wps/.et/.dps 等格式
首先,您需要将 Spire.PDF for.NET 包中包含的 DLL 文件作为引用添加到您的 .NET 项目中。可以从此链接下载 DLL 文件,也可以通过NuGet安装。
PM> Install-Package Spire.PDF
更改 PDF 文件的页面大小的方法是创建一个新的 PDF 文件并向其中添加所需大小的页面,然后根据原始 PDF 文件中的页面创建模板,并将模板绘制到新 PDF 文件中的页面上。此过程将保留原始 PDF 文件中的文本、图像和其他元素。
Spire.PDF for .NET 支持多种标准纸张尺寸,如 letter、legal、A0、A1、A2、A3、A4、B0、B1、B2、B3、B4 等。以下步骤向您展示如何将 PDF 文件的页面大小更改为标准纸张大小:
using Spire.Pdf; using Spire.Pdf.Graphics; using System.Drawing; namespace ChangePageSizeToStandardPaperSize { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a PdfDocument instance PdfDocument originPdf = new PdfDocument(); //Load the original PDF document originPdf.LoadFromFile("Sample.pdf"); //Create a new PDF document PdfDocument newPdf = new PdfDocument(); //Loop through the pages in the original PDF foreach(PdfPageBase page in originPdf.Pages) { //Add pages of size A1 to the new PDF PdfPageBase newPage = newPdf.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A1, new PdfMargins(0)); //Create a PdfTextLayout instance PdfTextLayout layout = new PdfTextLayout(); //Set text layout as one page (if not set the content will not scale to fit page size) layout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.OnePage; //Create templates based on the pages in the original PDF PdfTemplate template = page.CreateTemplate(); //Draw the templates onto the pages in the new PDF template.Draw(newPage, new PointF(0, 0), layout); } //Save the result document newPdf.SaveToFile("ChangePageSizeToA1.pdf"); } } }
Imports Spire.Pdf Imports Spire.Pdf.Graphics Imports System.Drawing Namespace ChangePageSizeToStandardPaperSize Friend Class Program Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) 'Create a PdfDocument instance Dim originPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument() 'Load the original PDF document originPdf.LoadFromFile("Sample.pdf") 'Create a new PDF document Dim newPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument() 'Loop through the pages in the original PDF For Each page As PdfPageBase In originPdf.Pages 'Add pages of size A1 to the new PDF Dim newPage As PdfPageBase = newPdf.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A1, New PdfMargins(0)) 'Create a PdfTextLayout instance Dim layout As PdfTextLayout = New PdfTextLayout() 'Set text layout as one page (if not set the content will not scale to fit page size) layout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.OnePage 'Create templates based on the pages in the original PDF Dim template As PdfTemplate = page.CreateTemplate() 'Draw the templates onto the pages in the new PDF template.Draw(newPage, New PointF(0, 0), layout) Next 'Save the result document newPdf.SaveToFile("ChangePageSizeToA1.pdf") End Sub End Class End Namespace
Spire.PDF for .NET 使用点(1/72 英寸)作为测量单位。如果您需要将 PDF 的页面大小更改为其他测量单位(如英寸或毫米)的自定义纸张大小,则可以使用PdfUnitConvertor类将它们转换为点。
以下步骤向您展示如何将 PDF 文件的页面大小更改为以英寸为单位的自定义纸张大小:
using Spire.Pdf; using Spire.Pdf.Graphics; using System.Drawing; namespace ChangePageSizeToCustomPaperSize { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Create a PdfDocument instance PdfDocument originPdf = new PdfDocument(); //Load the original PDF document originPdf.LoadFromFile("Sample.pdf"); //Create a new PDF document PdfDocument newPdf = new PdfDocument(); //Create a PdfUnitConvertor instance PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); //Convert the custom size in inches to points float width = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(6.5f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Inch, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); float height = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(8.5f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Inch, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); //Create a new SizeF instance from the custom size, then it will be used as the page size of the new PDF SizeF size = new SizeF(width, height); //Loop through the pages in the original PDF foreach (PdfPageBase page in originPdf.Pages) { //Add pages of the custom size (6.5*8.5 inches) to the new PDF PdfPageBase newPage = newPdf.Pages.Add(size, new PdfMargins(0)); //Create a PdfTextLayout instance PdfTextLayout layout = new PdfTextLayout(); //Set text layout as one page (if not set the content will not scale to fit page size) layout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.OnePage; //Create templates based on the pages in the original PDF PdfTemplate template = page.CreateTemplate(); //Draw the templates onto the pages in the new PDF template.Draw(newPage, new PointF(0, 0), layout); } //Save the result document newPdf.SaveToFile("ChangePageSizeToCustomSize.pdf"); } } }
Imports Spire.Pdf Imports Spire.Pdf.Graphics Imports System.Drawing Namespace ChangePageSizeToCustomPaperSize Friend Class Program Private Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) 'Create a PdfDocument instance Dim originPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument() 'Load the original PDF document originPdf.LoadFromFile("Sample.pdf") 'Create a new PDF document Dim newPdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument() 'Create a PdfUnitConvertor instance Dim unitCvtr As PdfUnitConvertor = New PdfUnitConvertor() 'Convert the custom size in inches to points Dim width As Single = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(6.5F, PdfGraphicsUnit.Inch, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point) Dim height As Single = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(8.5F, PdfGraphicsUnit.Inch, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point) 'Create a new SizeF instance from the custom size, then it will be used as the page size of the new PDF Dim size As SizeF = New SizeF(width, height) 'Loop through the pages in the original PDF For Each page As PdfPageBase In originPdf.Pages 'Add pages of the custom size (6.5*8.5 inches) to the new PDF Dim newPage As PdfPageBase = newPdf.Pages.Add(size, New PdfMargins(0)) 'Create a PdfTextLayout instance Dim layout As PdfTextLayout = New PdfTextLayout() 'Set text layout as one page (if not set the content will not scale to fit page size) layout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.OnePage 'Create templates based on the pages in the original PDF Dim template As PdfTemplate = page.CreateTemplate() 'Draw the templates onto the pages in the new PDF template.Draw(newPage, New PointF(0, 0), layout) Next 'Save the result document newPdf.SaveToFile("ChangePageSizeToCustomSize.pdf") End Sub End Class End Namespace
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