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报告生成器FastReport .NET实践指南:使用代码VB.Net创建一个新报告

报表生成器FastReport .NET是适用于.NET Core 3,ASP.NET,MVC和Windows窗体的全功能报告库。使用FastReport .NET,您可以创建独立于应用程序的.NET报告。

近日,FastReport .Net升级到v2020.4版,在此版本中,添加了新的条形码:ITF-14和Deutsce Post Identcode,同时优化了多种性能(点击下方按钮下载),感兴趣的朋友可点击下方按钮下载最新版。

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“目前,我只是在测试,我想使用VB中的代码创建一个报告。 目前,我试图显示一份我在VB中编写的标题的报告。但不向我显示Web应用程序中的任何内容。

您能否给我一些指导,以指导如何从VB设计报告并显示出来? 或者,如果我省略任何指示或对象来进行报告?”

像允许您从代码创建报告的任何其他报告生成器一样,可以从VB.Net语言的代码中使用Stimulsoft Reports.Net。开发人员已向用户解释了如何执行此操作。



 Dim AppFolder As String
 Dim report As New Report() 'create instance of class Report
 Dim ds As New DataSet() 'create dataset object
 AppFolder = "C:\Users\User\source\repos\VBCodeReport\VBCodeReport\App_Data"
 'load data
 ds.ReadXml(AppFolder + "\nwind.xml")
 report.GetDataSource("Products").Enabled = True
 'create report page
 Dim page As New ReportPage()
 report.Pages.Add(page) 'add created page to report page collection
 page.CreateUniqueName() 'with generated name
 'create group header band
 Dim group As New GroupHeaderBand()
 page.Bands.Add(group) 'add the band to band collection
 group.CreateUniqueName() 'with generated name
 group.Height = Units.Centimeters * 1
 group.Condition = "[Products.ProductName].Substring(0,1)" 'set the group condition
 group.SortOrder = FastReport.SortOrder.Ascending 'and set sort order
 'create text object
 Dim groupTxt As New TextObject()
 groupTxt.Parent = group 'set the object on whitch the text will be shown
 groupTxt.Bounds = New RectangleF(0, 0, Units.Centimeters * 10, Units.Centimeters * 1) 'set the text object bounds
 groupTxt.Text = "[[Products.ProductName].Substring(0,1)]" 'set the text value
 groupTxt.Font = New Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold) 'set the font style
 groupTxt.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center ' set the text align
 groupTxt.Fill = New LinearGradientFill(Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Color.Gold, 90, 0.5F, 1) 'set the text object fill
 'create data band
 Dim data As New DataBand()
 group.Data = data 'set the group data
 data.DataSource = report.GetDataSource("Products") 'set data band source
 data.Height = Units.Centimeters * 0.5F 'set data band height
 'create one more text object
 Dim productText As New TextObject()
 productText.Parent = data 'add the text object to data band
 productText.Bounds = New RectangleF(0, 0, Units.Centimeters * 10, Units.Centimeters * 0.5F) 'set the text object bounds
 productText.Text = "[Products.ProductName]" 'set the text value
 'create group footer band
 group.GroupFooter = New GroupFooterBand()
 group.GroupFooter.Height = Units.Centimeters * 1 'set the group footer height
 'create total object
 Dim groupTotal As New Total()
 groupTotal.Name = "TotalRows" 'set total object name
 groupTotal.TotalType = TotalType.Count 'set total type
 groupTotal.Evaluator = data 'set the band for which the total will be calculated
 groupTotal.PrintOn = group.GroupFooter 'set the total place
 report.Dictionary.Totals.Add(groupTotal) 'add the total object to totals collection
 'create text object
 Dim totalText As New TextObject()
 totalText.Parent = group.GroupFooter 'set the object on whitch the text will be shown
 totalText.Bounds = New RectangleF(0, 0, Units.Centimeters * 10, Units.Centimeters * 0.5F) 'set the text object bounds
 totalText.Text = "Rows: [TotalRows]" 'set the text value
 totalText.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Right 'set the text align
 totalText.Border.Lines = BorderLines.Top 'set the border lines type
 report.Show() 'show report

报告生成器FastReport .NET实践指南:使用代码VB.Net创建一个新报告

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