Setup Factory 是一款凝聚了数十年经验结晶的软件安装工具。和其他的安装程序不同,Setup Factory贯彻了快速方便的开发理念,您无需花费数周的时间学习便可以达到快速使用的程度,您要做的只是在界面中通过鼠标点击将您的软件文件和目录直观添加到目录中,整个过程完全逻辑化和无缝化。除此之外,Setup Factory支持创建一个安装文件包或一个单独的setup.exe文件,生成文件可以运行于任意版本的windows中,包括95到windows 7及其以上版本,且更利于您的发布,比如通过网站下载、CD-ROM, DVD-ROM刻录和局域网。
Setup Factory is the result of over a decade of experience in creating software installation tools. Unlike other installer builders that require week-long training courses in order to get up to speed, Setup Factory was designed to be fast and easy to use. By pairing a visual layout of your software's files and folders with a point-and-click interface, the entire process becomes completely logical and absolutely painless. What's more, Setup Factory creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from 95 to windows 7(and above) and is perfect for distribution by web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN.
您不必在为软件的安装打包再花费更多的金钱——Setup Factory 提供了所有您需要的功能,它能为你生成坚如磐石般的专家级软件安装程序,它同时使用方便、性能快速。Setup Factory 具有多个功能特点:一个快速启动的工程向导、自定义对话框、主题/皮肤样式、运行时间模块、最小化支持、MD5编码序列号、单文件setup.exe生成便于网络下载、强大的多达250个功能函数的脚本编辑器、授权支持和其他功能等。
Setup Factory 提供了一个无与伦比的开发环境,为您提供了对打包软件文件的全方面的控制。您只要单纯得将您需要打包的文件和文件夹拖曳到工程窗口中,Setup Factory可以智能管理您的文件夹目录,自动查询版本信息,创建快捷方式图标,并通过可靠的CRC-32校验来确保数据的完整性。当然,任何一个步骤和功能您都可以随您个人喜好来自定义或者覆盖,但是对于绝大多数的工程而言,改进了的工程向导可以满足其所有要求,您只需点击鼠标即可。
对于您的软件用户而言,更小更快的安装文件意味着更好的软件使用体验,Setup Factory 便可以做到这点。Setup Factory 运行期系统开销(包括反安装过程)仅有450kb左右,您可以与同类产品进行比对。同时,没有“解压缩”过程,与同类产品相比,Setup Factory 安装工具可以更快得完成界面初始化。除此之外,您可以使用我们的发布向导,一路选择默认选项来创建安装过程。单独安装文件setup.exe更益于网络发布。以及电子邮件、局域网、CD、DVD刻录甚至是软盘。
您只需花费了5分钟来使用Setup Factory的工程向导便可以完成一个安装工程的打包,您可以一路选择默认选项令您的工程启动非常快速。
Setup Factory 中增加了一个新的重要的反安装功能。您只需启用该功能,Setup Factory便会对您删除的文件进行关注,任何在安装过程中安装的文件都会添加进记录,方便反安装程序运行。然而,如果您选择继续强行安装,您将会发现反安装程序将完全支持自定义,您可以控制任意需要删除的文件,比如那些需要删除的快捷方式、那些需要删除的注册表的更改、以及其他您需要删除的内容,甚至您可以根据自己的要求删除对话框屏幕和调整安装次序。
你想发布超大数据文件吗?Setup Factory 8将祝您一臂之力!很多安装程序制作工具无法胜任超过2GB的文件,Setup Factory 8对此却游刃有余。而且,Setup Factory 8采用新的LZMA数据压缩算法,您将获得更好的数据压缩率,安装过程也更快。
Setup Factory包含了多种功能,帮助您管理您软件的访问权限,包括序列号列表和基于数字检验的使用时间限定。通过强大的序列号生成器,您可以轻松的创建数以千计的唯一的序列号,并通过MD5加密混编保存在程序中。为了阻止程序被窥探,您的安装程序的数据将通过您个人的算法进行加密压缩,只有拥有有限序列号的用户才有权利使用您的程序。当然,如果您愿意自己设定验证方式,Setup Factory 同样支持您自己定义的验证方式和授权模式。
创建复杂的多方产品的安装文件,使用Setup Factory将比以往更加轻松。Setup Factory创造性得添加了安装文件分组功能。它将集体产品及其特点整合在一个单独的安装文件中。Setup Factory甚至添加了分类功能,您可以将您的数据包分组为几个组件。该功能对于那些大型软件工程非常适用,可以根据不同的安装需要进行安装不同的内容,比如标准安装、最小化安装、完整安装和自定义安装。
在该版本中添加了运行时间的支持,以常规的第三方技术,包括Basic 5.0, Visual Basic 6.0, DCOM, JET, MDAC, Visual C++等。附加的独立模块可以方便得创建,并能无缝整合在开发环境中。Setup Factory 允许您对每一个模块进行完全的控制:检测和安装,因此您可以轻松的判断其行为是否符合您的要求。
除了一些经典模块,比如Visual Basic 5.0/6.0, DCOM, JET 和 MDAC,Setup Factory 8.0还添加了一些易用的运行依赖模块,以支持最新最流行的技术,比如.NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, SQL Express 2005, Visual C++ 2008 和 Windows Installer 3.1 v2.
Setup Factory 提供了非常卓越的多语言安装文件的支持。当许多产品令您必须更改基本特点(或者完全不支持)时,Setup Factory 提供了您需要的各种功能以满足您不同国度的用户和企业的要求。创建安装程序可以自动检测使用者的操作系统的语言版本,调整显示屏幕和信息与之相对应,无论您需要的是那种语言版本:英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语或其他可以被Windows识别的语言,您只需在Setup Factory 中提供需要的语言版本的文本信息,Setup Factory 将会自动替你完成其他的工作。
Setup Factory 8支持高性能的LZNA数据压缩算法,您将得到更小的安装程序,体验到前所未有的安装速度。相比于Setup Factory 7,Setup Factory 8的测试结果显示:高三倍的压缩率,安装速度快20%。您可以存储更多文件在CD/DVD(这可着极大地降低生产成本)。当您通过Internet发布安装程序时,也可降低对带宽的需求(节省您和客户的时间和金钱)。而且,客户体验到更快的安装过程,对您的产品也更满意。
用最快最简单的方法为您的安装执行文件增加数字签名。对于Internet下载和Vista兼容性,验证码签署都是极其重要的。只需将Setup Factory 8指向您的证书和密钥文件,给出说明信息,就可在安装程序建立过程中自动签署您的setup.exe文件。
您可以在大量预置的主题(皮肤)中选择您需要的界面样式,也支持自定义,这个过程就像查看一个对话框调取您喜欢的样式一样简单,您可以配置各个主题元素,包括字体(外观、颜色、尺寸和样式)和横幅图像、主体/背景图像、控件颜色(按钮、检查框、单选按钮)等。无论您的安装文件需要一个统一的风格还是各个部分各显特点,Setup Factory 都可以满足您的要求。
如今,您可以改变嵌入的setup.exe图标和嵌入的版本源信息(比如批注,产品版本,公司名,产品名,说明信息,商标和版权等)。其他的安装程序工具强迫您向您的顾客展示他们自己的商标,而使用Setup Factory 8,您可以根据您的需求,在您的安装程序中向您的顾客展示任何商标。
在这一版本中,我们移除了原来的经典的Setup Factory函数引擎,采用一个全新的功能异常强大的且完全自由的脚本引擎。基于常规的LUA语言,您可以很容易得理解脚本语言的特点,包括“for, repeat and while”的循环语句、“if/else”的条件判断语句、函数、变量和表格(相关数组)。与内置的函数库相匹配的,采用完全的数字赋值和布尔表达式,这个脚本中几乎没有令您难以理解的内容。当然,我们还是内置了一个“函数向导”和“代码向导”,因此,即使完全得初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。
Setup Factory内置了一个多达360个函数库,因此您无需再进行高级的程序编辑便可以实现您所需要的功能。所提供的函数库涵盖了各个方面,从文本文件编辑到系统注册更改等。您可以通过调用dll函数执行程序,包括查询驱动器信息、管理字符串、拷贝文件、枚举进程、开始和终止服务、与网页脚本结合、显示对话框等。
在Setup Factory 中,您无需专门使用向导来创建一个强大功能的安装包,因为我们已经将向导程序整合在程序之中。您可以从分类列表中选择您需要的函数命令(完全的屏幕交互帮助),然后在要求的信息区域中填入您需要的信息,Setup Factory将自动完成剩下的工作,您无需掌握太多的脚本或者程序方面的知识,您仅需要将空白区域填入您的信息便可以。修改同样是一件容易的事情,点击您想要修改项的直线,然后点击“编辑”按钮,窗体中的信息便会回复到最初的样子。
如果您对于控制语言向导接口不适应,或者您仅仅想要激活那个强大快捷的脚本引擎,我们为您提供了相应的对策。Setup Factory 自由控制语言编辑器提供了所有的您想要的专家级脚本编辑功能,它提供了彩色语法高亮、代码校验、函数高亮、输入即时样本选择、Ctrl+Space激活功能列表和文本关联帮助等功能。如果您熟悉Microsoft® Visual Basic, Microsoft® Visual C++等其他现代程序开发语言,您会更加容易得使用。
Setup Factory 8.0中有Indigo Rose 脚本编辑器应用程序。有了这个独立的程序,您可在Setup Factory 8开发环境外编辑您的安装程序脚本。支持语句高亮、智能感知代码是否完整和帮助文件集成功能。只需运行Setup Factory 8程序文件夹中的“IRScriptEditor.exe”即可。
您可以将Setup Factory 8脚本安装程序与MSI类型的安装程序(比如Indigo Rose’s MSI Factory)进行交互。这些新的功能满足用户系统中的Windows安装程序服务技术。进而,您可以轻松地询问用户系统(安装了MSI Windows安装程序包)中产品的状态、特征和组件信息。
Setup Factory 可以通过Action Plugins.来扩展功能。这种插入模式可以代给整个产品无限的功能扩展可能,比如插入对数据库的支持、XML支持、数字加密和FTP文件传递。该功能紧密整合在开发环境中,包括IntelliSense样式代码检验和语法高亮功能,就想在使用内置的脚本编辑器一样容易。该插入Plugins功能可以通过Indigo Rose来提供,也可以使用其他第三方开发工具,再次,感谢Indigo Rose免费提供的插入Plugins开发工具。
由于用户没有使用规定的系统,或者缺少一个必须的应用程序,在安装过程或未安装状态下,总是会发生一些错误。有了Setup Factory 8,您的用户可以通过智能预设来控制这些错误,或者您可以通过“On Install Error” 和 “On Uninstall Error” 功能,提前设定好您的脚本代码。当错误发生时,这些功能将被激活,用户可以自定义地控制这些错误。
如今,Setup Factory 8为您的安装程序脚本配备超过360种高性能的操作(比v7.0多40多种)。其中不乏一些真正实用的功能,比如新的MSI功能库。
现在,保证您在您的工程中拼写正确将比以往更加方便。基本上,无论您在哪里输入信息,您都可以执行拼写检查功能,以确保文本输入没有错误。Setup Factory 中提供了多个语言的字典,包括英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、荷兰语、瑞典语、丹麦语、克罗地亚语、捷克语、波兰语和斯洛文尼亚语。
支持创建一个不显示用户对话框、提示信息和错误信息的Silent安装程序。您可以根据文件的响应读取默认的命令行来自动安装文件。Silent安装程序令您可以控制大量工作站的程序安装,以满足企业标准的要求。现在提供了一个命令行开关令您可以进行Silent安装,或者设定安装程序始终按照无人看管模式进行安装。Setup Factory 可以自动返回命令行状态码,方便您从批量文件中调用和自动创建过程。
Visual Basic工程文件扫描
如果您要为您的Visual Basic工程创建安装程序,您将会倍感意外,Setup Factory可以分析您的VB工程并自动添加必要的相关运行时间的文件。在此,甚至提供了一个高级的可执行扫描器,帮助您所判断需要的DLL文件和库,用于那些以往比较困难完成的多组工程管理。
Setup Factory 适合无缝得融入在您的每日的程序创建过程中。在您每次编辑您的源代码创建安装包可以令您得程序更早更频繁得进行调试。您只需将Setup Factory工程加入您日常的程序创建中,它便会自动运行并获得最终的安装文件setup.exe。
不少用户更喜欢将Setup Factory工程文件保存在源程序控制系统中,针对这些用户,我们在工程文件中不再记录文件时间、统计数据和版本信息。这样,您更容易在源程序中添加Setup Factory工程文件,而不需要做一些无谓的改变。
当其他安装包程序放弃了一些早期的操作系统,比如Windows 95 和98,我们依旧坚信您所选择的安装程序不会影响您的潜在市场,因此Setup Factory 可以和任何的windows系统良好得兼容运行,从Windows 95 到Windows 7。
新功能!兼容Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003 和Server 2008
在Setup Factory 8.2建立安装程序,您大可不必考虑兼容性问题。Setup Factory 8.2配置了最新的操作系统检查功能;自动填充内置变量(在最流行的文件夹,比如CommonDocuments文件夹, MyMusic文件夹, MyPictures文件夹, MyVideos文件夹);内置的smarts。您的安装程序既可在最新的操作系统,也可在Windows95中运行。这样的竞争力是无可比拟的。
配置一个返回地址为“_ProgramFilesFolder64″的全局变量,和定位在“%ProgramFilesFolder64%” 及“%CommonFilesFolder64%”的会话变量。
Don't be fooled by products costing twice as much - Setup Factory has everything you need to make rock-solid professional software installers. It’s also easier to use and faster to work with. Setup Factory features a quick-start project wizard, customizable dialogs, themes/skins, runtime modules, multilingual support, MD5 encoded serial numbers, single-file setup.exe for internet downloads, powerful scripting engine with 250+ functions, Authenticode support and much more.
Standard Features
- Install Any File – Anywhere!
Setup Factory features an unbeatable development environment that puts you in total control of your files. Simply drag and drop your files and folders onto the project window and you’re ready to build. Setup Factory is smart enough to maintain your folder structure, automatically query version resource information, create shortcut icons and ensure 100% data integrity with reliable CRC-32 checking. Of course, everything can be customized and overridden if you wish, but for most projects the improved Project Wizard can handle it all with just a few clicks.
- Compact Single-File Setups
Smaller and faster means a better experience for your customers and Setup Factory delivers. Compare our tiny ~450 KB runtime overhead (including uninstall) to the competition and see for yourself. Additionally, with no “unpacking” step required, Setup Factory installers are also much faster to initialize and install than those created by competitive tools. What’s more, our Publishing Wizard walks you through the build process with a few easy steps. The single-file setup.exe is ready for distribution by web, email, LAN, CD, DVD and even floppy disk.
- Project Wizard Quick-Start
Spend five minutes with Setup Factory’s easy to use Project Wizard and come away with a complete, ready to build installation project. You’ll be walked through each option so you can get your project started as quickly as possible.
- Flexible Uninstaller
Setup Factory features a new and improved uninstall feature. Simply turn it on and let Setup Factory worry about removing your files. Anything that is installed during the setup will be marked for removal by the uninstaller. However, if you want to go in and tinker with the settings, you’ll find that the uninstaller is now fully customizable. You can take full control of what files are removed, what shortcut icons are deleted, what registry changes are made and anything else you require. Even the dialog screens and sequence can be adjusted to suit your needs!
- System Requirements Checking
You can easily enforce system requirements just by clicking a few boxes. Built-in checks include operating system, memory, screen resolution, color depth and administrator privileges. If the user’s system does not meet the minimum requirements you have chosen, the installer can either warn the user or abort the setup entirely.
Advanced Features:
- NEW! Support for Files Larger Than 2GB
Are you distributing massive data files? Setup Factory 8 is up to the challenge. While many installers will choke on files larger than 2GB in size, Setup Factory 8 sails right on through. In fact, with our new LZMA data compression, you’ll also get dramatically better compression ratios and lightning fast installs.
- Serial Numbers, Security and Access Features
Setup Factory includes a variety of features designed to help you manage access to your software, including serial number lists and date-based expiration. With its powerful serial number generator you can quickly create thousands of unique serial numbers, which are stored internally as secure MD5 hashes. Hidden from prying eyes, your installer data is compressed using proprietary algorithms and only accessible to those users who supply a valid serial number. Of course, if you’d rather do it yourself, Setup Factory is flexible enough to support your own custom validation and authorization schemes.
- Packages, Categories and Install Types
Creating installers for complex and multi-part products is now easier than ever. With dramatically improved support for grouping files into packages, it’s a snap to group products and features into a single installer. There’s even support for categories so you can group your packages into logical components. It’s the ultimate in flexibility for those large projects that need to support different installation types like typical, minimum, complete and custom.
- Dependency Modules & Runtime Support
Instantly add runtime support for many popular third-party technologies, including Visual Basic 5.0, Visual Basic 6.0, DCOM, JET, MDAC, Visual C++ and more. Additional dependency modules are easy to create and integrate seamlessly into the development environment. Setup Factory gives you complete control over the detection and installation of each module, so you can easily adjust the behavior to suite your particular requirements.
- NEW! Latest Technologies
In addition to the classic modules like Visual Basic 5.0/6.0, DCOM, JET and MDAC – Setup Factory 8.0 now includes easy-to-use runtime dependency modules for the newest and most popular technologies like .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, SQL Express 2005, Visual C++ 2008 and Windows Installer 3.1 v2.
- International Language Support
Setup Factory offers unsurpassed support for multilingual installations right out of the box. While some products charge you extra for this essential feature (or don’t offer it at all), Setup Factory gives you everything you need to support your customers and clients around the world. Installers created with Setup Factory can automatically determine the language of the client operating system and adjust the display of screens and messages appropriately. Whether you need to support English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or any other language recognized by Windows, with Setup Factory you simply provide the text and your installer takes care of the rest!
- NEW! LZMA Data Compression
With Setup Factory 8’s new high performance LZMA data compression, you’ll see remarkably smaller installers as well as faster installation performance than ever before. Compared to Setup Factory 7, our test results show up to 300% better compression performance and up to 20% faster installation speed. You’ll be able to fit more on each CD/DVD (that’s a potentially huge manufacturing cost savings) and reduce your bandwidth for Internet distributed installers (that saves both you and your customers time and money). Additionally, customers will notice that your installers finish faster – and that means happier customers!
- NEW! Automatic Authenticode Signing
It’s never been faster or easier to “codesign” your installer executable. Authenticode signing is incredibly important for both Internet downloads and Vista compatibility. Simply point Setup Factory 8 to your certificate and private key files, give it the description information and it will automatically sign your setup.exe during the build process.
Customize the Look of Your Installer
- Install Wizard Screens
Over 20 pre-built layouts handle just about any task your installer could want, and it’s easy to adjust them to fit your needs exactly. There’s everything from check boxes, radio buttons and edit fields to popular screens like license agreements, serial number verification, shortcut folder selection and other advanced options. Each screen features a real-time preview so you can see the result of your changes as you work.
- Themes and Skins
Choose from dozens of pre-made themes (skins) for your screens or even make your own. It’s as easy as viewing a live dialog preview and picking your favorite style. You can configure everything from fonts (face, color, size, style) and banner images to body/background graphics, control colors (buttons, check boxes, radio buttons) and more. Whether your installer needs a corporate feel or a hip attitude, you can do it with Setup Factory !
- NEW! Visual Dialog Editor
One of your most asked for features is finally here. You now have the freedom to create your own custom dialogs from scratch! Start off with an empty wizard dialog and then drop whatever controls you require onto it. Resize them, reposition them, call script code and much more. It’s fully featured and totally visual. When one of the built-in dialogs doesn’t get you where you want to go, the new visual dialog editor is sure to fit the bill.
- Background Window Options
Choose between the traditional setup-wizard style or the modern Windows Installer style interface. You can customize the background window with gradients, images, color washes, headlines and footer text with 3D effects. Now you can also select a custom taskbar icon, force the setup window to remain on top of other windows or even hide the taskbar icon completely for totally silent installs.
- NEW! Custom Setup Icon and Version Resource Info
You can now change the embedded setup.exe icon as well as the embedded version resource information (comments, product version, company name, product name, description, trademark, copyright etc.). While other installers force you to display their branding to your customers, Setup Factory 8 gives you the freedom to brand your installer however you see fit.
Scripting System for 100% Flexibility
- Powerful Scripting Engine
We’ve taken the classic Setup Factory action engine and replaced it with an all-new and incredibly powerful free-form scripting engine. Based on the popular LUA language, this easy to understand scripting language features everything from “for, repeat and while” loops, to “if/else” conditions, functions, variables and tables (associative arrays). Paired with the built-in action library, full mathematical evaluation and Boolean expressions, there’s simply nothing you can’t achieve. Of course, we’ve also built in an “Action Wizard” and “Code Wizard” so even complete novices can create powerful installers that handle even the most demanding installation tasks.
- Extensive Action Library
Setup Factory comes with a built-in library of more than 360 easy to use actions, so you can do whatever you need without having to be an advanced programmer. There are actions to handle everything from text file editing to system registry changes. You can execute programs, call DLL functions, query drive information, manipulate strings, copy files, enumerate processes, start and stop services, interact with web scripts, display dialog boxes and much more.
- Fill-in-the-Blanks Style Action Wizard
You don’t have to be a wizard to create powerful installers with Setup Factory . We’ve built the wizard into the software! Simply choose the action you want from a categorized list (complete with on-screen interactive help), fill in the requested information fields and the wizard does the rest. You don’t have to know anything about scripting or programming – just fill in the blanks and you’re done. Making changes is just as easy. Click on the line you want to change and press the “edit” button to go back to the original form. It’s really that easy.
- Color Syntax Highlighting Action Editor
If you’ve outgrown the Action Wizard interface or simply want to unleash the power of the fast and efficient scripting engine, we’ve got you covered. The Setup Factory freeform action editor features all of the professional features you’d expect. There’s color syntax highlighting, code completion, function highlighting, as-you-type action prototypes, Ctrl+Space function listings and even context-sensitive help. If you’re used to programming in Microsoft® Visual Basic, Microsoft® Visual C++ or any other modern development language, you’ll be right at home.
- NEW! Stand Alone Script Editor
Setup Factory 8.0 now includes the Indigo Rose Script Editor application. This new stand-alone program allows you to edit your installer scripts outside of the Setup Factory 8 IDE. Includes support for syntax highlighting, intellisense code completion and help file integration. Simply run “IRScriptEditor.exe” from the Setup Factory 8 program folder.
- NEW! Extensive MSI Action Library
For when you want your Setup Factory 8 “script” installer to interact with “MSI” installers like Indigo Rose’s MSI Factory. These new actions leverage the Windows Installer service technology on the user’s system. They make it easy to query the state of products, features and components on the user’s system that were installed with a MSI Windows Installer package.
- Expandable with Action Plugins
Setup Factory can be easily expanded with Action Plugins. These plugin modules can extend the product in infinitely powerful ways, such as adding support for databases, XML, data encryption and FTP file transfers. Tight integration with the design environment – including IntelliSense style code completion and syntax highlighting – makes them just as easy to use as built-in actions. Plugins are available through Indigo Rose as well as third-party developers thanks to Indigo Rose’s freely available plugin development kit.
- NEW! Custom Error Handling Events
Sometimes things go wrong during install or uninstall. Perhaps the user doesn’t have the correct system requirements, or is missing a required application. With Setup Factory 8 you can either let the installer handle it with intelligent defaults, or you can now trigger script code thanks to the new “On Install Error” and “On Uninstall Error” events. These events are fired when an error occurs during the setup or uninstall, allowing you to handle it in a custom way.
- NEW! More Script Actions than Ever
Setup Factory 8 now comes with over 360 high level functions (actions) for use in your installer scripts. That’s 40+ more than in v7.0. We’ve built in some real goodies too, such as the new MSI action library.
Productivity & Team Development
- Built-in Spelling Checker
Now it’s easier than ever to make sure that typos don’t creep into your projects. Basically anywhere you can type, you can perform a spell check to ensure error-free text. Dictionaries are available for over a dozen languages including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Croatian, Czech, Polish and Slovenian.
- Reports and Logs
Keeping track of the essential details of your installation project is now just a couple of clicks away. With improved HTML-based project reports (featuring CSS formatting) and text-based install-time log files, you’ll have an accurate record of everything you need. New options let you control the level of detail being logged, including options for recording errors and script actions.
- Silent Installs
Create silent installations that operate without displaying user interface dialogs, prompts, messages or errors. Easily read command defaults from a response file and control the installation automatically. Silent installs let you maintain control over hundreds or thousands of workstations while enforcing corporate standards. New options let you enable silent installs with a command line switch, or even force the installer to always run in unattended mode. Setup Factory installers automatically return command line status codes and can be easily called from batch files and automatic build processes.
- Visual Basic Project Scanner
If you’re creating installers for your Visual Basic projects, then look no further! Setup Factory can analyze your VB project and automatically add the necessary runtime files and dependencies for you. There’s even an advanced executable scanner that can assist you in determining required DLL’s and libraries for those difficult to manage multi-team projects.
- Unattended Builds
Setup Factory fits seamlessly into your daily build process. Creating your product installer every time you build your source code makes it easy to test early and often. Simply include your Setup Factory project in your build process to run automatically and output a finished setup.exe.
- NEW! Plays Well with Source Control
For those of you who prefer to keep your Setup Factory project files in a source control system, we’ve made it possible to turn off the recording of file time, statistical data, and version information inside the project file. This makes it much easier to add Setup Factory project files to source control and not trigger immaterial “changes.”
100% Compatible
- Works with Windows 95 through Windows 7
While other installer tools are dropping support for older operating systems such as Windows 95 and 98, we believe that your choice of installation builder shouldn’t limit your potential market. Setups created with Setup Factory work just fine on every Windows operating system from Windows 95 to Windows 7.
- NEW! Updated for Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2003 and Server 2008
Build your installer with Setup Factory 8.2 and relax. We’ve included all of the latest OS detections, automatically populated built-in variables with the latest “popular” folder locations (e.g. CommonDocumentsFolder, MyMusicFolder, MyPicturesFolder, MyVideosFolder) and built-in the smarts so your installer will work on the newest operating systems as well as legacy systems all the way back to Windows 95. Ask the competition if they can do that…
- NEW! 64 Bit Windows
There is now a new global variable that returns the location of “_ProgramFilesFolder64″ as well as session variables for locating “%ProgramFilesFolder64%” and “%CommonFilesFolder64%.”