标签:建模工具CASE工具UML工具流程图开发商: Visual Paradigm
当前版本: v11.0
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
Capture software functions with the help of Use Case List. A use case represents a high level function that yields a measurable result of values. The Use Case List provides a high level view of what the user want to achieve by using the software.
The Actor List is where you can record and manage the roles who will be using the system. The goals of actors can be recorded, and be further derived into use cases to use in detailed use case analysis and use case modeling.
Requirement is what your clients want and what your team have to fulfill. It is so important that needs to be managed carefully. The Requirement List provides a well-organized approach in organizing and viewing requirements.
When you meet with user in knowing his/her needs, you will be told a lot of information that is relevant and important to the development of the system. The Use Case Note provides you with a notepad for writing down what he/she said in point form. The points collected will be reviewed when deriving requirements, system interactions, etc.
Rich set of common website components are available for web wireframing.
Rich set of standard Android components are available for Android phone wireframing.
Rich set of standard Android components are available for Android tablet wireframing.
Rich set of standard iOS components are available for iPhone app wireframing.
Rich set of standard iOS components are available for iPad app wireframing.
Rich set of standard desktop components are available for wireframing.
Keep the development tasks in Tasifier, an agile development friendly Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) platform. Tasifier keeps development tasks, related artifacts and the discussion among developers in one single platform.
Let enterprise architects and stakeholders view different parts of an enterprise architecture according to their responsibilities and interests, by categorizing models with ArchiMate Viewpoints.
Version 11.0 is now ready for Retina Display on Mac!
To avoid dragging the container shape when attempting to select shapes inside the container shape, you can temporarily freeze the parent to achieve free selection of children shapes.
Attributes and operations of classes can be connected visually with connectors like dependency, generic connectors, etc.
Enumeration was supported as attribute in previous versions. In version 11.0, a new enumeration model element type is supported.
You can add tagged values to model elements for specifying user-defined properties. Version 11.0 enhances this feature to support showing in note shapes the tagged values added to note elements.
Instances of class can be modeled with instance specification, in UML object diagram. You can specify classifier for instance and starting from version 11.0, you can select classes from referenced project as classifier of instance.
Edit slow in quick by double clicking on a slot in instance specification shape to popup the Slot Specification window.
In previous versions, the default navigability of association from/to ends were determined by a single option. In version 11.0, separate options are provided for setting the default navigability of the from and to ends of association.
The size of overview can now be determined by a user-specified zoom ratio.
The default line and fill color of shapes can be set. Now, it is possible to reset your change to factory default.
You can change a model element to another type (e.g. an activity to action). The function was supported for shapes and in version 11.0, you can trigger the function for model elements listed under Model Explorer.
Page number can be optionally displayed in printout. Previously, the numbering of page is diagram based, meaning that each diagram has its own set of number, and the number reset for a new diagram. In version 11.0, the Global Page Number option is added to enable the continuous numbering of all diagrams.
The Find feature allows you to search a model element, shape or diagram by inputting a search string. Version 11.0 enhanced the Find feature by searching text in both the original and nicknames.
Searching of grid content is available in the grid feature.
Sub-diagram information can be shown in grid column.
Teamwork File pane stores and manages project-related files and artifacts. Version 11.0 enables you to drag-and-drop image files directly from Teamwork File pane to diagrams.
The Visual History feature allows easy comparison and retrieval of diagram in different revisions. Version 11.0 has enhanced this feature by making 100+ little enhancements. The most noticeable change is the better display of property names.
When generating code from UML classes via command line, you can now specify the classes to be included in generation.
In C++ round-trip, .h and .cpp files were put in the same output folder. Now, they can be generated to separate folders.
Rvalue Reference is supported in C++ round-trip engineering, Instant Generator and Instant Reverse.
You can now specify the default option for nullable by setting the default nullable option in Project Options.
Name of unique constraint can now display in entities in ERD.
Create entity column with the auto column feature. Pattern matching allows you to define auto column with column name like %id, so that columns that ends with 'id' will apply the auto column defined.
Nullable has been added as a property of auto column.
The transition feature is enhanced to create primary and foreign key for new entities produced by transiting a conceptual/logical ERD to physical ERD.
Support better grouping of ORM model elements with nested ORM containers.
ORM generates custom annotation specified in class attribute. Now, it supports specifying annotation for collection (association). This feature supports generating annotation for collection by defining it in association role's "Referenced Attribute" property.
Enhanced criteria for subqueries, collection property size restriction, collection/association fetch mode, association property restriction on foreign key column.
Supported the use of java.util.GregorianCalendar in generated ORM
Enables the use of relative path in specifying the output destination of generated ORM code, which is particularly useful for software teams that have multiple people work on ORM and each of them have their own folder for storing ORM -related files.
Enables the use of relative path in specifying the JDBC driver folder in database configuration
Filtered indexes and full text indexes are supported in database/DDL exporting
Preview the database tables and columns to be reversed from a database, when reverse engineering ERD from database.
Model elements referenced from referenced project are supposed to be non-editable by referencing projects. In version 11.0, we support a feature called "Shell", which allows you to add reference to those referenced elements. This allows specifying project specific references.
Model Explorer is enhanced for better listing of referenced model elements used in current project. You can find in Model Explorer the referenced model element used. You can double click on it to immediately open it in diagram.
The opening speed of reports in Report Composer has been reduced. The larger the report, the more obvious the improvement is.
Add sections to report in Report Composer. Each section can define their own page orientation, header and footer.
You can now develop a report by dragging diagrams and shapes onto your report in Report Composer.
The "ElementImage" element now supports specifying width in scale.
The "Keep with text" option is now available in Report Composer, for users who want to keep content in same page in exported Word report.
Model element linkages can be added to documentation of model elements. To gain understanding of this kind of 'dependency', create a matrix.
Shapes in analysis diagram can now move freely without affecting the other shapes.
The "X" marker can be shown in data-based gateway optionally. In version 11.0, a project based option is added to serve this purpose.
It's possible now to change the encoding for BPMN XML exported from your BPDs.
Hyperlinks in documentation that appear when animating business process diagram can be opened.
Each of your conditions, actions and rules defined in decision table can be documented via the Documentation Pane.
Version 11.0 supports importing version 8.0.3 Rational Rhapsody Project (.rpy)
iPhone app线框
iPad app 线框
支持ArchiMate Viewpoint
通过使用ArchiMate Viewpoint进行模型分类,让企业架构师和利益相关者根据各自的职责和利益审视企业架构的不同部分。
更新时间:2017-04-27 16:45:36.000 | 录入时间:2012-07-08 22:24:51.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
Visual ParadigmVisual Paradigm是包含设计共享、线框图和数据库设计新特性的企业项目设计工具
Altova UModel用于软件建模与应用开发的UML工具
Enterprise Architect业务、软件、系统和架构的UML建模工具
BLU AGE Edition 2015BLU AGE是持续集成Eclispse功能,对应用程序模型驱动进行快速开发和对旧系列产品进行更新改造的软件解决方案集。
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