
Klik! EditLib (产品编号:10177)



开发商: kliksoft

当前版本: v1.1



平台语言:Activex & COM


本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。

The new Klik! EditLib consists of 3 ActiveX components (Klik! Validator,Klik! MultiCombo,Klik! OptionGroup) to help you to easily build professional data entry screens.Use Klik! Validator whenever you need a flexible and powerful text input validation.With Klik! MultiCombo,you'll have a powerfull and customizable multicolumn combobox control.And whenever you need grouped optionbuttons in your application,use Klik! OptionGroup control.

* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。

All controls in Klik! EditLib,except the Klik! MultiCombo control which requires at least a line of code,requires zero code to get worked.All the controls has it's own property pages to help you easily customize them in design-time and also has all the necessary methods to help you customize and configure them also in run-time...

Klik! Validator

Just think,how many lines of code did you write so far for validation? With this control,it's all over! Just put this control onto the form,select a validation type for each textbox and that's all.Klik! Validator has 11 different predefined validation types and a custom validation type which you can use to build your own validation rules.For numeric validations,you also have the option to give the minimum and maximum entry values.With it's ValidateControl method,you can change a textbox's validation rule at run-time or give a validation rule to a newly added control...

Features :
  • Zero code, just a few kliks...
  • 11 predefined validation rules and have a chance to build your own with custom validation..
  • Ability to set validation rules both at design-time and run-time...
  • Can be easily implemented to alreadily designed forms...
  • No extra dependencies, besides Visual Basic 6 Runtimes...
Klik! MultiCombo

You don't have to stick with the standart combobox control anymore...Use this control whenever you need a flexible,feature rich multicolumn combobox in your data entry screens...It can be used with any ADO compatible datasource.It gives you the ability to identify the columns,which will be shown in the drop portion,both in design-time and run-time.You can also customize it's look for your own taste (Flat ScrollBar,Whether will have gridlines in the drop portion,HotTrack,whether the column headers will be shown or not,etc.)...With version 1.1 now Klik! MultiCombo has Autocomplete feature,which checks the user entries and matchs it in the underliyng recordset...Again as new,the columns can be sorted by clicking their captions...

Features :
  • Just a line of code (sorry!:)) and a few kliks...
  • (New) AutoComplete feature...
  • (New) Columns can be sorted by clicking their captions...
  • Can be used with any ADO compatible datasource...
  • Fully definable columns both in design-time and run-time...
  • Customizable look...
  • No extra dependencies, besides Visual Basic 6 Runtimes...
Klik! OptionGroup Control

Use this control whenever you need grouped optionbuttons in your application.You can easily check which optionbutton has been checked or can get it's value.It can be used standalone or with any type of datasource (ADO or ICursor).It's fully customizable both at design-time and run-time...

Features :
  • Zero code, just a few kliks...
  • Can be used standalone or can be bind to any type of datasource (ADO or ICursor)...
  • Fully customizable both at design-time and run-time...
  • No extra dependencies, besides Visual Basic 6 Runtimes...

更新时间:2014-02-19 14:04:14.000 | 录入时间:2004-04-07 00:00:00.000 | 责任编辑:

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