标签:Silverlight用户界面控件ComponentOne开发商: GrapeCity
当前版本: 2018 v2
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight包含了特有的且具有行业优势的Silverlight用户界面控件。它拥有一个丰富且功能齐全的文本框控件、一个强大的网格控件、可互动式的地图控件等。您可以下载ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight,体验它,并且欣赏它是如何让Web熠熠生辉的。
Industrial strength Silverlight controls you cannot find anywhere else. Get a full featured rich textbox, a powerhouse grid, interactive maps, and so much more. We give you the best resources with community forums and samples. Download ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight, play, and watch the Web shine.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
Accordion 该控件展示一个由可展开条目组成的列表。它能自动组织您的UI和优化对屏幕版面的使用。 | |
Bitmap 该控件可以加载图片(PNG和JPG)、可逐个像素的进行编辑,可显示在一个图片标签中也可保存成一个流。 | |
Book 该控件能把UIElement的对象以普通纸质图书的书页样式显示。它拥有同时显示两个元素,增加阴影等功能。 | |
Calendar Calendar可显示多月的日期,支持选择和导航功能。 | |
Chart 该控件能轻松地在您的Silverlight应用程序中加入专业级图表。比较流行的图表类型有:条形图、柱状图、曲线图、分区图,饼图等。 | |
Chart3D 创建包含轮廓等高线、 区域、 图表图例等选项设置的3D平面图表。 | |
ColorPicker 您可以从专业设计的调色板中选择颜色或者自定义需要的颜色,同时您还可以设置颜色的透明度。 | |
ComboBox C1ComboBox是一个功能齐全的组合框控件,它结合了可编辑文本框和自动搜索下拉列表。 | |
ContextMenu 提供弹出式菜单,菜单中包含与被选中的UI对象相关的经常用到的命令集。 | |
CoverFlow 该控件可以让您在Silverlight应用程序中显示动态的3D条目。 | |
Data 该控件实现了Windows Forms和ASP.NET 开发人员所熟悉的的标准的DataSet、DataTable和DataView的类。 | |
DataGrid 该控件对普通的网格控件进行了加强,使得在Silverlight中拥有更好的数据显示效果。该控件可以轻松显示、编辑、分析表格中的数据。 | |
DateTime Editors DateTime Editors for Silverlight可以显示、编辑和验证DateTime信息,它还可以提供一个可以输入日期和时间的UI。 | |
DockControl 该控件可以在您Silverlight应用程序中处理多个窗口。它可以实现可停靠的、浮动的和带有标签的窗口。 | |
DragDropManager 该控件支持在Silverlight应用程序之间拖放。 | |
DropDown 该控件实现了简单创建且功能强大的单一项选择功能。 | |
Expander 该控件提供了展开和收缩内容面板的功能。 | |
FilePicker 该控件允许您在Silverlight应用程序中选择需要上传的文件。 | |
FlexGrid FlexGrid是轻量级的DataGrid,它包含很多独有的功能,比如非绑定模式(Unbound Mode)、合并单元格等等。 | |
Gauges 使用该控件您可以创建丰富的仪表盘样式的应用程序。它包含了如直线型、放射型或者旋钮式等丰富的计量器控件。 | |
HtmlHost 使用该控件您可以在Silverlight中渲染HTML和任意的URI的内容。 | |
HyperPanel 该交互式面板为Silverlight提供了缩放功能。将任意的元素放入该面板即可获得类似传送带式的效果。 | |
Image 该控件可以在Silverlight应用程序中就像在传统的Web应用程序一样显示动态的GIF图片。使用该控件只需要很少的步骤,就可以获得迷人的视觉效果。 | |
Layout Panels 该控件控制Silverlight应用程序的流布局和内容的定位。 | |
Maps 该控件提供流畅的缩放。平移,在屏幕和地理坐标之间进行映射。同时您也可以在地图中添加自定义的元素。 | |
MaskedTextBox 该控件通过使用一个掩码框来验证Silverlight应用程序中的输入。 | |
MediaPlayer 该控件提供一个使用Silverlight实现的可以播放多媒体、视频和音频的播放器。 | |
Menu 该控件能在您的Silverlight应用程序中添加完整的菜单系统。 并可以让您在网络上创建一个类似传统桌面程序中的菜单。 | |
NumericBox 该控件可以在您的Silverlight应用程序中显示和编辑数据。 | |
PDF 该控件允许您在Silverlight应用程序中创建、打印,发送Adobe PDF格式的文档。 | |
PdfViewer 在Silverlight中查看PDF文件! | |
PropertyGrid 该控件是一个可以可浏览并编辑对象属性,包含十几个内置编辑器的用户界面。 | |
RangeSlider RangeSlider可以添加平滑选择数字数据到您的Silverlight应用程序。它提供了两个滑动块元素,让最终用户设置选择范围。 | |
Reflector 该控件可将任意的UIElement显示成 2D 或 3D效果。 | |
ReportViewer 在任何报表生成器中查看HTML和PDF格式的报表,包括Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services、C1Report等。 | |
RichTextBox 该控件可以加载、编辑和保存丰富的文本和HTML格式。它支持丰富的格式、拥有HTML和RTF的导入/导出、支持表格和图片等功能。 | |
Scheduler 该控件可以在您的Silverlight应用程序中添加微软Outlook风格的日程安排。 | |
SpellChecker 该控件提供对Silverlight控件进行拼写检查的功能,它是支持多种语言拼写检查的客户端产品,其功能和微软Word的类似。 | |
TabControl 该控件可将多个页面内容组织到不同标签下的控件,易于组织和导航Web页面的内容。 | |
Toolbar 该控件在您的网站中创建自定义的导航工具栏。 | |
TreeView 该控件通过使用层次化数据视图,提高了Silverlight应用程序中导航的性能。它拥有基于键盘输入的查找、拖放,自动搜索等功能。 | |
Uploader 该控件用简单且可靠的方式上传文件和数据流到服务器上。 | |
Windows 该控件在您的Silverlight应用程序中显示模态和非模态的子窗口、向导、对话框和消息框。 | |
Zip 该控件可以在您的Silverlight应用程序中添加可以节约空间的压缩文件,通过采用数据压缩和加密技术来保证安全的使用独立存储。 |
1、 | 超过50个Silverlight控件 Studio for Silverlight是市场上最全面的Silverlight控件包,它拥有市场上最广泛的Silverlight控件集,包括了网格、图表、 仪表、地图、停靠,菜单、树状视图、丰富的文本框、日程安排、设计面板, 上传器等控件! |
2、 | 获取您真正需要的控件 我们的控件包包含您真正需要的控件,它包括我们全面更新的RichTextBox控件,支持丰富的格式化,图片,导入/导出,分 页,打印等等;Chart控件,带有专业设计的主题和调色板,支持动画和交互;DataGrid控件,增强了编辑器支持,内置数据过滤器,并且滚动速度是 竞争对手的10倍;Data控件,Silverlight版本的ADO.NET类使得编写以数据为中心的应用变得简单;Guages控件,创建仪表盘,以 吸引人和直观的方式显示大量的数据;DockControl控件,一种新的自然的实现多标签的方式,类似Expression Blend的停靠界面,等等。 |
3、 | 超过140个带有全部源代码的实例 拥有超过140个带有源代码的示例,涵盖网格、图表、树状视图、 立方体、书 、仪表控件等,您就可以利用这些优质资源了。 |
4、 | 使用ComponentOne Studio for WPF进行代码共享 ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight控件与Studio for WPF控件具有相同的代码库,因此您可以通过共享大部分代码,创建出丰富的网络和桌面应用程序。这样,节省了大量的开发时间和成本,而且消除了必须学习两 个平台控件的障碍。 |
5、 | 可视化显示业务种类和数据 基于用户需求,创建丰富交互式的应用程序:
6、 | ClearStyle技术使得设计XAML风格变得更加简单 ComponentOne ClearStyle™是Silverlight控件风格的新典范。通过ClearStyle,您不需要改变控件模板就可以轻松的修改控件的颜色。通过在 Visual Studio中设置一些颜色属性,您就可以快速给控件一个与众不同的外观,而不需要在Expression Blend环境中进行修改或者雇一个专业的设计师。样式也能够被导出,并应用在您的其他应用程序上。我们在三个最直观的控件中引入了该技 术:DataGrid,Scheduler和Gauges。 |
7、 | 支持Silverlight Toolkit主题 使用内置的最流行的Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit主题装扮您的UI,包括ExpressionDark、ExpressionLight、WhistlerBlue、 RainerOrange,ShinyBlue和 BureauBlack。 |
8、 | 打破浏览器限制 通过Silverlight,您能够保持新颖而不用担心浏览器和平台的支持问题。我们的Silverlight控件可以运行在所有主流的浏览器和平台上,这样您就可以为Web提供富互联网应用(RIA)。 |
9、 | 支持Silverlight Analytics Framework Silverlight Analytics Framework允许开发者把Web 分析集成到Silverlight应用程序中来跟踪所有用户的交互。通过暴露一些必要的事件处理机制以传递有用的信息给分析提供 商,ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight控件支持这个开源框架。通过使用Silverlight的分析业务,可以测量您的商业目标。通过使用拥有Silverlight Analytics Framework的Studio for Silverlight的控件,不论您的用户是否是联网操作,您都可以充分了解他们在您的Silverlight应用程序中都做了什么。 |
10、 | 支持Microsoft Expression Blend 使用Expression Blend全面设计Studio for Silverlight的控件,让开发者轻松地为他们丰富的互联网应用程序创建出丰富的图形化界面。 |
11、 | 提升设计者/开发者的合作能力 Studio for Silverlight控件使用XAML构建,它能促进团队的协作能力,无缝融入开发者/设计者的工作流程。另外,您可以在WPF应用程序中使用Silverlight的XAML。 |
12、 | 活跃的社区论坛:它也是免费的 在我们的免费源代码社区论坛上,可以与其他开发者以及ComponentOne技术专家进行合作和交流。查看Silverlight forum,了解它为何是Web上最流行的Silverlight开发社区。 |
13、 | 简单易学 Studio for Silverlight中的控件与Microsoft内置的控件具有相似的对象模型,所以它们简单易学。控件包也自带了许多文档:快速启动、教程、基于任务的帮助,语法等。 |
使用Silverlight 的 Explorer控件可以第一时间体验Silverlight的所有控件。加载示例程序,从列表中选择一个Silverlight控件,修改设置,查看每一个控件的主要功能特性。 |
创建并管理一个股票投资组合。该示例从独立存储器中加载一个股票投资组合(如果是第一次运行则创建一个新的),然后该程序就可以使用Web服务实时检索股票报价,并且把股票投资组合信息显示在一个grid中。Grid显示个人投资组合信息,实时股票信息和许多统计数据。您可以添加新的股票到股票投资组合中或者删除现有的股票。 |
使用Silverlight实现了 ‘iTunes’,它可以像应用程序一样从数据库中加载艺术家,唱片,歌曲和视频信息。它把唱片的封面展示在一个传送带上,并带有旋转和倒影效果。在示例中演示的MP3文件纯粹是为了演示目的,所以我们把MP3文件进行了裁剪来保护所有者的版权。 |
看看著名的FlexGrid在行动! 以流行的WinForms版本为蓝本,FlexGrid for Silverlight提供了许多独特的功能,如真正的未绑定模式,灵活的单元格合并以及多单元行和列标题。 |
此演示展示了如何将C1FlexGrid控件配置为像Microsoft Excel一样运行。 这个在线电子表格应用程序包括Excel风格的外观,剪贴板支持,打印,聚合分组,动态小计,高级过滤,排序和文件输出到几种流行的格式。 |
演示在Silverlight RIA Services业务应用程序中使用C1FlexGrid和C1Chart。 FlexGrid逐渐显示DomainDataSource可用的新数据项。性能卓越,熟悉的选择和分组行为以及打印,保存和动态小计等高级功能。 |
该演示使用C1Maps显示制造商的生产和分销信息。 将项目拖放到地图上。 单击项目以查看使用仪表显示的相关信息。 |
What's Inside?
Accordion Display a list of expandable items. Automatically organize your UI and optimize the use of screen real-estate. |
Bitmap Load images (PNG and JPG), edit pixel by pixel, and show in an image tag or save to a stream. |
Book Present UIElement objects as if they were pages in a regular paper book. Show two elements at a time, add shadows, and more. |
Calendar A multi-month calendar that enables date selection with interactive navigation. |
Chart Easily add professional-grade charts to your Silverlight apps. Select from popular chart types: bar, column, line, area, pie, and more. |
Chart3D Create 3D surface charts with options for contour levels, zones, a chart legend and more. |
ColorPicker Select colors from professionally-designed palettes or build your own custom colors including support for transparency. |
ComboBox Full-featured combo box control that combines an editable text box with an auto-searchable drop-down list. |
ContextMenu Provide pop-up menus with frequently used commands associated with any selected UI object. |
CoverFlow Display animated, 3D items in your Silverlight apps. |
Data Implements the standard DataSet, DataTable, and DataView classes familiar to Windows Forms and ASP.NET developers. |
DataGrid Robust grid for rich data visualization in Silverlight. Easily to display, edit, and analyze tabular data. |
DateTime Editors Display, edit and validate DateTime information. DateTime Editors for Silverlight provides a UI for both date and time input. |
DockControl Handle multiple windows in your Silverlight application. DockControl delivers dockable, floating, and tabbed windows. |
DragDropManager Provides support for drag-and-drop operations in Silverlight apps. |
DropDown Implement single item selection that's simple to setup and powerful to use. |
Expander Provides the ability to expand and contract the content panel. |
FilePicker Allows you to select files to upload in your Silverlight apps. |
FlexGrid FlexGrid for Silverlight is a flexible and lightweight DataGrid with many unique features such as unbound mode, cell merging, and more. |
Gauges Build rich dashboards for Silverlight. Select from a collection of linear, radial, and interactive knob type gauge controls. |
HtmlHost Render HTML and arbitrary URI content from within Silverlight. |
HyperPanel Interactive panel with zoom effects for Silverlight. Place any elements in the panel to achieve carousel-like effects. |
Image Display animated GIF images on your Silverlight pages as you would in traditional Web apps. Add attractive visuals with minimal effort. |
Layout Panels Control the flow and positioning of the content on your Silverlight app. |
Maps Get smooth zooming, panning, and mapping between screen and geographical coordinates. And superimpose your own custom elements to the maps. |
MaskedTextBox Validate input in your Silverlight apps with a masked textbox. |
MediaPlayer Provides a player that runs media, video or audio, using Silverlight. |
Menu Add a complete menu system to your Silverlight app. Create a desktop look-and-feel with traditional menus on the Web. |
NumericBox Display and edit numeric values in your Silverlight apps. |
PDF Create, print and email Adobe PDF documents from your apps. |
PdfViewer View PDF files in Silverlight! |
PropertyGrid A user interface for browsing and editing the properties of an object with more than 10 built-in editors. |
RangeSlider Add smooth numeric data selection to your Silverlight apps. RangeSlider provides two thumb elements allowing end-users to select ranges. |
Reflector Display a 2D or 3D reflection of any UIElement. |
ReportViewer View HTML and PDF based reports from virtually any report generator including Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, C1Report and more. |
RichTextBox Load, edit, and save documents in rich text and HTML formats. Get rich formatting, HTML and RTF import/export, table support, images, and more. |
Scheduler Add Microsoft Outlook-style scheduling functionality in your Silverlight apps. |
SpellChecker Client-side, multi-language spell checker for your Silverlight controls. Experience Microsoft Word-like spell checking. |
TabControl Easily organize and navigate Web content, and host full pages of content on each tab. |
Toolbar Add some organization and elegance to your application with this suite of Ribbon-like toolbar controls. |
TreeView Improve navigation in Silverlight apps with hierarchical data views. Get keyboard-based search, drag-and-drop functionality, auto-search, and more. |
Uploader Simple and reliable way to upload files and streams to the server. |
Windows Display modal and modeless child windows, wizards, dialog boxes, and message boxes in your Silverlight apps. |
Zip Add space-saving zip compression to your Silverlight apps. Use isolated storage securely with data compression and encryption. |
Features and Highlights
1、 | 55+ Silverlight Controls Studio for Silverlight adds over 55 controls to your Visual Studio toolbox, including grids, charts, gauges, maps, docking, menus, treeviews, rich textboxes, scheduler, layout panels, uploaders, and much more! These controls not only fill the gap with what's missing in the standard toolkit, but they add more features, functionality, and better performance over their existing counterparts. |
2、 | Get the Controls You Really Need Our suite contains controls you will really use. The suite includes our fully revamped RichTextBox, with support for rich formatting, images, import/export, paging, printing and more; Chart, with professionally designed themes and palettes, support for animations and interactivity; DataGrid, with enhanced editor support, built-in data filters, and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition; Data, our Silverlight version of the ADO.NET classes that make writing data-centric applications easy; Gauges, for creating dashboards that display quantitative data in an appealing and intuitive way; DockControl, a new "natural" approach to a multi-tabbed, docking interface similar to Expression Blend, and much, much more. |
3、 | 140+ Samples with Full Source Code With over 140 samples with full source code spanning grids, charts, treeviews, cubes, books, gauges, and more, you have access to the best resources. |
4、 | Code sharing with ComponentOne Studio for WPF ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight controls share the same codebase as our Studio for WPF controls. So you can build both rich web and desktop client applications by sharing a lot of the same code. This will reduce development time, cost and eliminate the learning curve of having to learn controls from two platforms. |
5、 |
Get Line of Business and Data Visualization
6、 | ClearStyle Technology for XAML Styling Made Easy ComponentOne ClearStyle™ is our new paradigm to XAML control styling. ClearStyle allows developers to easily change control colors without having to modify control templates. By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a uniqe look to the control without having to work in Expression Blend or hire a professional designer. |
7、 | Support for Silverlight Toolkit Themes Add style to your UI with built-in support for the most popular Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit themes, including ExpressionDark, ExpressionLight, WhistlerBlue, RainerOrange, ShinyBlue, and BureauBlack. See the themes for yourself in our live Control Explorer demo. |
8、 | Break Out of Browser Limitations With Silverlight, you can stay innovative without worrying about browser and platform support. Our Silverlight controls work in all major browsers and platforms, allowing you to deliver Rich Internet Applications (RIA) for the Web. |
9、 | Support for the Silverlight Analytics Framework The Silverlight Analytics Framework enables developers to integrate Web analytics into their Silverlight applications to track all user interactions. ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight controls support this open-source framework by exposing the necessary event handlers to pass useful information to the analytics providers. Use analytic services with Silverlight to measure your business objectives or goals. Using Studio for Silverlight controls with the Silverlight Analytics Framework enables you to fully understand what users are doing when they work within your Silverlight application, whether online or out of browser. |
10、 | Microsoft Expression Blend Support Use Expression Blend to fully style Studio for Silverlight controls. This allows developers to easily create rich graphical interfaces for their Rich Internet Applications. |
11、 | Promote Designer/Developer Collaboration Built with XAML, Studio for Silverlight controls promote collaboration in your team and fit seamlessly into your developer/designer workflow. Furthermore, you can take XAML from Silverlight and use it in your WPF application. |
12、 | Active Community Forum: It's Free Too Collaborate and communicate with fellow developers and ComponentOne technical experts on our free source community forums. See what makes our Silverlight forum one of the most popular Silverlight development communities on the Web. |
13、 | Easy to Learn Sharing a similar object model to Microsoft's built-in controls, the controls included in Studio for Silverlight are easy to learn. The suite also comes with documentation complete with quick starts, tutorials, task-based Help, syntax, and more. |
更新时间:2018-08-02 17:31:28.000 | 录入时间:2008-09-28 09:48:05.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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