
LMD SyntaxEdit (产品编号:12403)



开发商: LMD Innovative

当前版本: v2020





本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。

LMD SyntaxEdit represents a powerful and fast editor with syntax highlighting, customizable syntax schemes (schemes for many popular programming and scripting languages are included), Unicode and Code folding support. Besides that visual appearance of the editor is completely customizable. Along with the main controls a very powerful RegEx parsing engine and predefined dialogs for a simple and fast creation of editors are shipped with the package. Besides the trialversions a precompiled Exe-Demo is available in the public download area.


* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。

  • Text Drag and drop support.
  • Bugfixes and enourmous speed enhancements.
  • Auto-completion API added. Completion supported: based on document text, or custom completion, based on events. See TLMDEditView.CompletionSettings, OnFillCompletionList, OnCompletionReplace, OnCompletionCustomDraw, OnCompletionMeasureItem properties/events.
  • Simple text highlight API added: HighlightSettings, Add/Remove Highlight. Useful to highlight some errors or some search results. Check TLMDEditView.HighlightSettings property, and TLMDEditView.AddHighlight, RemoveHighlight, ClearHighlight methods.
  • UTF8 text auto-detect improved: now it can detect UTF8 without BOM
  • Other improvements like Addict 4 support, themed border support, improved dialogs and much more.
  • 9 components including full sourcecode;
  • Logical separation of Document and View, multiple views of the same text are easily possible.
  • Syntax highlighting based on XML syntax schemes. Subschemes also supported (e.g. Javascript in HTML).
  • 15+ syntax schemes for popular languages like C++, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, TCL, Visual Basic etc. are included.
  • Code folding feature (also based on on XML syntax schemes)
  • Unicode support! Fast! No size limitations!
  • All standard editor features like Word Wrap, Clipboard support etc.
  • Multilevel Undo/Redo, compound edit feature in document.
  • Customizable 'special symbols' (spaces, tabs, line ends, line wraps)
  • Customizable gutter with any number of bookmarks, breakpoints, line numbering, folding images, and custom bars (along with
  • OnGutterPaint/OnGutterClick custom events).
  • Bookmarks and breakpoints behavior as known in Delphi IDE: bookmarks never disappear when text is deleted, breakpoints will disappear when corresponding line is deleted. Different kinds of breakpoints are supported - with ability to set images for any kind of breakpoint, bookmarks and folding pictures.
  • Supports custom collections of line markers, or just markers for any position in text. Markers positions will be updated during text editing.
  • Document works with any kind of line ending characters (DOS ASCII, Linux, MAC etc. formats)
  • Virtual editing in view (as known from Delphi IDE).
  • Predefined dialogs for Search (including regular expression based search), Goto Line etc. operations
  • Property editor for syntax/color scheme editing included.
  • Free updates via Internet (version 2.x);
  • A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organization at one location
  • Free technical support via newsgroup (news.lmd.de), e-mail, fax or mail;
  • Also available as part of LMD IDE-Tools or VCL Complete packages.

更新时间:2021-01-14 11:12:14.000 | 录入时间:2010-02-20 16:45:12.000 | 责任编辑:况鱼杰

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