标签:UI界面Silverlight开发商: MindFusion
当前版本: v2015.R1
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MindFusion.Silverlight Pack 是一套便于集成和定制的编程组件。可以轻而易举的开发不可思议的图表,日历,表格和报表。你只需要专注于你的应用程序的逻辑,编码和调试就交给 MindFusion来完成。
MindFusion.Silverlight Pack is a set of programming components that are easy to integrate and customize. Develop fantastic diagrams, calendars, charts and reports with minimum effort. Concentrate on the logic of Your Application. Leave coding and debugging to MindFusion.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
MindFusion.Silverlight Pack包含如下控件:
MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight 给你提供了丰富的用户交互模板,包括复制,粘贴,平移,对齐网格和更多功能。这个组件夸口说具有超过15个自动布局算法和超过100个预定义节点图形。你可以创建具有无数行和列的表格,显示树形控件的分层数据,以任意角度旋转。当你的图表制作好后,你可以把它存储为XML文件,ASCII字符串或者Silverlight的本地存储器的文件夹里。
MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight这个组件是一款创建任何类型的时间表和日历的理想工具。它支持复现事件,并允许自定义类型的事件和资源的定义。至于风格,你可以在六个日历视图中选择,并且很容易改变。用户可以在原处编辑和修改内容,并且交互式的创建它们。日历的外观是基于模板的,并且具有一套自定义的主题和许多头文件,选项和文字效果。 |
MindFusion.Charting for Silverlight用图表控件来创建一个漂亮的图表分分钟就能搞定。你可以在轴上的五个标签类型中任意选择,并且随心所欲的旋转标签。在数据点上的标签,分散的数据,堆叠图表和饼图中分离的块是这个控件的部分特点。你可以添加任意多个说明,并且任意放置到你想放的地方。数据序列的数量没有限制。数据源可以包含时间或者数值中的任意一个。 |
MindFusion.Gauges for Silverlight仪表控件支持两种类型的仪表——椭圆形的和线形的,它可以显示圆形和线形布局中的读数。每一个仪表刻度可以具有ticks,标签,指针,范围和其他元素。仪表刻度支持交互性操作和动画。每个仪表显示的最小值和最大值可以自定义设置。刻度上的值分布可以是线性的,呈几何关系的或者是任何你想要的函数关系。刻度可以表示任何Silverlight FrameworkElement ,并且它们的外观是完全可定制的。 |
MindFusion.Reporting for SilverlightMindFusion.Reporting 支持所有的.NET数据源,并且你可以在一个单个的报表里使用不止一个数据源。你可以添加图片、图表和其他任何Silverlight控件到一个报表里。报表页数没有任何限制。关于输出方面,你可以选择打印报表,在功能全面的MindFusion.ReportViewer 里显示或者把它导出作为一个Open Office XML,PDF或者HTML文件。 |
MindFusion.UI for Silverlight用户界面包含了各种各样的自定义组件,这些组件可以让你的应用程序看起来焕然一新。它包括一个具有无数选项的可折叠控件,还有一个具有各种各样选项的日历控件,用于显示时间和日期,还有一个具有特定颜色编辑器的的颜色选择器,还有评级控件,它显示了在不同格式中的等级值,以及更多控件。 |
MindFusion.Silverlight Pack include:
MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight
MindFusion.Diagramming for Silverlight offers you a rich user interaction model with copy and paste, panning, grid alignment and much more. The component boasts more than 15 automatic layout algorithms and more than 100 predefined node shapes. You can build tables with unlimited number of rows and columns, display hierarchical data in TreeViews and rotate shapes at arbitrary angles. When your diagram is ready you can store it as a XML document, ASCII string or file in the Silverlight local storage. |
MindFusion.Scheduling for SilverlightThis component is the ideal tool to build any type of schedule and calendar for Silverlight. It supports recurring events and allows definition of custom-typed events and resources. For the look you can choose among six calendar views, which are very easy to change. Users can edit items in-place and modify and create them interactively. The appearance of the calendar is Template-based and there is a set of predefined themes as well as many header, item and text effects. |
MindFusion.DataViews for Silverlight
The component supports the full features set for creating a project management solution. You can create unlimited number of activities, dependencies and resources. Each item can be modified and deleted, all operations support undo and redo. Two charts are at your disposal - an activity chart and a resource chart. You can control the user interaction with the Gantt chart by the rich set of events that the component provides. |
MindFusion.Charting for SilverlightBuilding a beautiful chart is a matter of minutes with the chart control. You can choose among five label types at the axes and rotate the labels as you wish. Labels at data points, scatters, stacked charts and detached pieces in pie charts are some of the features of the control. You can add as many legends as you need and locate them as you choose. There is no limit to the number of data series. The data source can contain either DateTime or numerical values. |
MindFusion.Gauges for SilverlightThe gauge control supports two types of gauges - oval and linear, which visualize quantities in circular and linear layout. Every gauge scale can have ticks, labels, pointers, ranges and other elements. Gauge scales support interactivity and animation. The minimum and maximum values displayed at each gauge are custom-set. The value distribution along the scale geometry can be linear, geometric or whatever other function you need. Scales can host any Silverlight FrameworkElement and their appearance is completely customizable. |
MindFusion.Reporting for SilverlightMindFusion.Reporting supports all .NET data sources and you can use more than one data source in a single report. You can add pictures, charts and any other Silverlight control to a report. There are no limits to the number of report pages. For output you can choose to print the report, render it in the full-featured MindFusion.ReportViewer or export is as an Open Office XML, PDF or HTML file. |
MindFusion.UI for SilverlightThe UI set contains a variety of customizable components that will give your application a polished and sophisticated look. It includes an accordion control with unlimited number of items, a calendar control with a variety of options for displaying time and dates, a color picker with specialized color editor, rating control that shows rating values in a different formats and much more. |
更新时间:2015-08-05 10:43:08.000 | 录入时间:2011-02-12 11:31:33.000 | 责任编辑:何家巧
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