标签:业务流程作业管理开发商: Grand Logic
当前版本: v3.6.8
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JobServer can be the foundation for building and consolidating your company's business processes and internal/external job processing. JobServer provides a feature rich and highly scalable environment for scheduling and running everything from your most compute intensive database ETL processing, to critical business number crunching, to web services calls, to the mundane email notifications.
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SOAFaces API是JobServer用来定义一个作业做什么以及它在服务器中如何执行的创新基础。该API是在一个开源机构上开发的,它允许开发者参与并推动创新,它甚至没有锁定供应商。在SOAFaces中还有一个子项目叫做BeanSoup。BeanSoup是SOAFaces中可重用组件的一个集合,它是在一个开发者社区中开发完成的。
JobServer通过允许开发者创建和构造叫做SOAFaces的软件构件实现了推动创新。在JobServer中调度和执行的每个作业是由一个或多个SOAFaces组成的。一个SOAFaces构件(又名tasklet)可以只是简单的一行代码或者是复杂的成千上万行代码或者更多。开发者可选择性地开发这些tasklets,他们可以接受输入并将输出发送至其它的tasklets。这些操作全部可以通过一个简单的POJO(简单的Java对象)API来实现,因此没有供应商锁定,开发者也无须学习复杂的API。所有繁重的任务都是由JobServer容器来完成的。举一个例子,所有的日志都是通过标准的Java日志API实现的,而JobServer容器则管理着日志输出。GUI工具用于搜索和查看日志。如果一个tasklet希望将其输出展示给其它的tasklets,它可以通过定义一个简单的JavaBean来实现,并且它还能选择性地定义其它的tasklets中哪些可作为其输入传入(使用一个输出JavaBean)。更重要的是,用户可以使用JavaBean GUI定制器直观地编辑JavaBean上的这些输入属性。
JobServer comes with a rich set of GUI tools by which to manage your jobs and environment. You can design, schedule, run, and track your jobs with a high degree of precision and detail. Know how, what, and when a job ran. Know who last modified a job's schedule, who last shutdown the server ...etc. If a job throws errors or warnings get notified by email or quickly search for such conditions across any set of jobs (great reporting features available). When a job runs, know exactly what was sent to the customer. Know what inputs the job used when it ran and what outputs it generated. JobServer knows everything about a job from the time it is created all the way through each and every run.
The JobServer Scheduling Engine leaves no scheduling rule out of your reach. Virtually, any repeating or one-off scheduling pattern that you can imagine can be represented using the JobServer Scheduling Engine. As an example, here is a sample of scheduling rules that are supported:
JobServer can scale with the hardware that is available to it. It is designed to take advantage of multi-CPU and multi-core systems. The JobServer uses an advanced look-ahead caching scheme to make sure that no time is wasted when preparing to run a Job. It employs an advanced multi-thread scanning design to efficiently detect what Jobs are ready to run and quickly prepare them for running. The Scheduling Engine and corresponding job processing unit can be segmented into any number of Partitions. Partitions allow for higher degrees of concurrency and are vital for installations that have a large number of jobs and where scheduler promptness is critical. A Partition can also be defined to limit the number of concurrently running Jobs to avoid resource overload. Whether you are manging a handful of jobs or tens of thousands of jobs, JobServer is up the task.
Job dependency rules can be defined to control when jobs can run relative to each other. For example, say you have job A that must run and complete each day before a group of other jobs may be allowed to start. In this case, the jobs in the group will not be scheduled so long as job A has not completed and satisfied the dependency.
Imagine you have a job that sends an email to a customer. Now next month you know that you will need to change this email address. Job Time Versioning allows you to change a job's properties and have them take effect at a future time. You may set an arbitrary number of future versions for a job.
Segment your JobServer environment into multiple computing Partitions to manage and control CPU, database, and other resource utilization. Further organize jobs into Groups and then restrict users rights to only the Job Groups and Partitions you want them to have access to.
JobServer goes beyond just general reporting of when jobs run and how they completed their processing. Know exactly what inputs the job used when it was run and exactly what outputs it generated as it ran. JobServer can track the exact inputs/outputs used by a job for each and every run. This give the user and administrator the ability to go back into history, at the exact time the job was run, and know how it was configured. This allows you to give customers and users detailed proof of what was or wasn't done to the job.
The goal of the developer API is to allow companies to build their own jobs in a modular and reusable fashion as they so desire. Many of the features are optional, so you may choose the level of functionality and reusability that you wish to employ. To create a job that will run in JobServer, all it takes is implementing one interface and putting the developed Java software into an appropriate JAR file. The job can be one line of code or thousands of lines of code.
he SOAFaces API is an innovative foundation that JobServer uses to define what a job does and how it executes within a server. The API is developed on an open source foundation allowing developers to get involved and drive innovation even further, and without vendor lock in. There are also a sub project called BeanSoup that builds on the SOAFaces. BeanSoup is a collection of reusable SOAFaces components implemented and contributed by a community of developers.
Component Software Development is Here!
JobServer is driving innovation by allowing developers to build and compose component software called SOAFaces. Every job that is scheduled and executed within the JobServer environment is composed of one or more SOAFaces. A SOAFaces component (aka tasklet) can be as simple as a single line of code or as complex as ten thousand or more. Developers have the option of developing these tasklets in such as way that they can accept input and send output to other tasklets. This is all done using a simple POJO (plain old Java objects) API, so that there is no vendor lock in or complex API for developers to learn. All the heavy lifting is done by the JobServer Container. As an example, all logging is done using the standard Java Logging API where the JobServer Container manages the log output. GUI tools are provided to search and view the logs. If a tasklet wishes to expose its outputs to other tasklets, it can do so by defining a simple JavaBean and it can optionally define what inputs can be passed to it from other tasklets (using an output JavaBean). What's more, is that users can also visually edit these input properties on the JavaBean using JavaBean GUI Customizers.
更新时间:2015-10-19 10:41:11.000 | 录入时间:2013-01-30 11:13:23.000 | 责任编辑:
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