phGantTimePackage News
News/Bugfixes in the phGantTimePackage 3.2, this is a free upgrade for 3.0 license holders. Thank you all involved parties for submitting anomalies and samples.
- TimeItem Style on Layer
- Schema OnUserDraw, Extension
- Added sample showing BA schema
- Missed NeverMind call for DoLater, gave strange shutdown effects
- Bug in sub col check on MouseMove could give AccVio after a columns.clear
- SetSubComponent on GA, Grid, Scaler and tree; easier VCL design
- Move near hidden areas showed design flaw. Now it is fixed, works great
- BA Subgrids in Gant did not really work; got mixed up with time items; fixed
- BA Combobox in multi type trees could give OCL error, fixed
- AccVio when using boldcombo without BLH, fixed
- EntityToElement gave Accvio on header row, fixed
- StartDrag of GT less sensitive
phGrid (UseGrid in phGantt and standalone in VCL)
- Bug in init time edit when value=''
- Added event for user rendering of time (while not in edit mode)
- GetGridCellSelected/SetGridCellSelected ; Extension
- ContextSensitiveSubGrid, so that you have different subgrids in same column
- ShowLinesTree
- Problem with layoutprop and grid header background fixed
- Fixed bug with layoutprop not working on headercells
- There is a bug in StrToDate, it allows only numbers, but mmm is a common case, Fixed
- Minor problem near hidden areas, fixed
- A couple of stack overflows has been safeguarded against
- Bug in animate, fixed
- Typo bug made hidden days show On ScalerLong, fixed
- AnimateScaleTransition overload
- Collisiondetection failed on times shorter than a second, fixed
- DateToPixel did not rescale on print, fixed
- Changing Stop in form_load bug again, Fixed?
- scrollbuttons did not check MaxStop,MinStart
- Small bug in HandleFixedScaleresizing made scale change on initial create resize, fixed
- Impossible case covered better (Show of only hidden time)
- CollisionThread changes , mem leak
- Scaler did not correct scale on first print, fixed
- Bug that printscale can return zero, this makes everything much harder, let it return 1 if the value is zero
- Rescaling of datescaler prints was wrong, fixed
- Recompiled for version 4.0.,0.21 of bold
- Removed warnings
- BA Combo bugg, fixed
- RotateFont
- Printbug on large papers (above 2000 pixels)
- Donot fill radiated in very small spaces... optimization
- Minor printbugs
- Several fixes in GridPrinting; Now handles wrapped text OK, also aligns header correct way in gantt
- Added Native VCL printing
- OnKeyDown; event on components
- Double scaling in print
- Memory leak detected by Eugene Delage, Thank you!
phGantTimePackage v3.2.1 更新信息:
关于 phGantTimePackage 3.2.1 更新及错误修正。对于拥有 3.0 License 的用户,这里是可以进行免费升级的。
- TimeItem Style 的层次变化。
- Schema OnUserDraw 扩展
- 增加显示 BA 图表的示例
- 忽略了对 DoLater 的 NeverMind 调用,导致异常的关机效果
- 在 MouseMove 上 sub col 检查的错误,导致在 columns.clear 后的 AccVio
- GA、Grid、Scaler和SetSubComponent,更加容易的 VCL设计
- 在移动靠近隐藏区域时显示出设计缺陷。已被修正,工作正常
- Gant 的 BA Subgrids 实际并不起作用;与时间项混淆;已修正
- 多类树的 BA Combobox 可能导致 OCL 错误,已修正
- 当使用 boldcombo 而不使用 BLH 时导致AccVio,已修正
- EntityToElement 的标题行出现 Accvio,已修正
- 降低 GT 的 StartDrag 敏感性
phGrid (phGantt 的 UseGrid 和 单独的VCL)
- 当 value='' 时初始时间编辑的错误
- 为用户显示时间增加事件(当不在编辑模式时)
- GetGridCellSelected/SetGridCellSelected 的扩展
- ContextSensitiveSubGrid 这样在同一行列具有不同的子网格
- ShowLinesTree
- layoutprop 和网格头背景的问题,已修正
- 修正了 layoutprop 不在头单元运行的问题
- StrToDate 有一个错误,它只允许数字,但“mmm”是通常情况,已修正
- 在隐藏区域附近的小错误,已修正
- 一些栈溢出已经得到保护
- 动画错误,已修正
- 打印错误导致隐藏的日期显示 On ScalerLong,已修正
- AnimateScaleTransition 重载
- Collisiondetection 在少于1秒时失效,已修正
- DateToPixel 在打印时没有重新缩放,已修正
- 再次出现载入表单的 Changing Stop,已修正?
- scrollbuttons 没有检查 MaxStop,MinStart
- HandleFixedScaleresizing 的小错误导致初始创建调整大小时大小改变,已修正
- 对不可能的情况覆盖得更好(只在隐藏时显示)
- 修改CollisionThread,内存泄漏
- Scaler 在第一次打印时不能正确缩放,已修正
- printscale 可能返回0的错误,这导致所有问题更加困难,如果值为 0,让它返回 1
- datescaler 的重新缩放打印错误,已修正
- 版本4.0.、0.21的粗体已重新编译
- 去掉警告
- BA Combo 错误,已修正
- RotateFont
- 大张纸上打印出现错误(大约 2000 象素)
- 在很小区域不填充辐射状……优化
- 小的打印错误
- GridPrinting 的许多修正;现在可以正确处理文字换行,也可以在 gantt 中正确对齐标题
- 增加 Native VCL 打印
- OnKeyDown 组件事件
- 打印双倍缩放
- Eugene Delage 发现的内存泄漏