MathType是一款专门针对 Windows和Macintosh设计的交互式的方程式编辑器,它能够为你的文字处理、网站页面、演示文稿、电子化学习、甚至是 TeX、LaTeX、和MathML文件等创建精准的数学符号。
MathType is a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, elearning, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
手动输入函数:输入方程非常简单,就如同你用纸和笔书写一样!该特性使用了Windows 7及以上系统内置的手写识别功能。
使用自动格式化进行点击式编辑: 通过选择MathType的调色板上的模板并在空白框进行输入的方式可以快速建立方程式,MathType根据你输入的类型进行数字间距的自动调整。
通过TeX 或者 LaTeX输入:如果你对TeX排版语言非常了解,你可以直接把方程输入MathType或者 Microsoft Word文档中。 TeX的编辑可以混合点击式编辑一起使用,因此你可以取得两者的优点。你甚至可以将方程从已有的TeX文档上粘贴过来。
复制粘贴: 如果你在其它应用上创建了方程式,或者在某个网站上找到了这样的方程式,为什么还要手动再写一遍呢?你可以直接将其复制粘贴到MathType中,然后你就可以把它编辑或者使用到你的工作中了。
使用保存在工具栏的方程式: 你可以把经常使用的方程式和方程拖放到MathType 的工具栏中,然后你在以后工作中就可以通过点击或者快捷键的方式进行使用了。
支持 Microsoft Office:
Office 2013和 Office 365:MathType 6.9完全兼容Windows 7 和8电脑上的Office 2013 和Office 365。
Office 2010, 2007, 2003和XP:MathType 6.9 完全兼容。
Office Web Apps, Office Mobile和Office RT: MathType的方程式无法在这些Office版本上进行编辑,但是可以对其它版本Office上创建的方程式进行显示和打印。
Microsoft Office 2013, 2010& 2007 —MathType Ribbon Tab in Word and PowerPoint: MathType充分利用了条状功能区用户界面的优点,使它比以前在文档和演示中方程式的操作更简单。全新的方程式编号和浏览特性可用于所有的方程式类型。
Microsoft Office 2003 和 XP (2002) —MathType Toolbar and Menu in Word and PowerPoint: MathType增加了一个连接Microsoft Word 和PowerPoint的工具栏和菜单,可以让你快速访问它们的特性和能够对方程式编号,生成美观的函数网页,进行展示等工作的强大命令。
查询符号: MathType的插入式对话框可以让你搜索可用符号,并通过点击或者快捷键对它们进行插入。
MathML由万维网联盟(W3C)创建于1998年,并用来定义HTML5, EPUB3、 DAISY、 DITA、NLM中数学函数以及其它的一些出版社标准。 它本来不支持人工手写,但是却可以通过MathType这样的工具进行创建和编辑。
复制为MathML或 LaTeX: 可以通过MathType将复杂的数学方程式以简单的方式输入到 MathType中,然后复制到粘贴板,以LaTeX或MathML的方式粘贴到使用这些语言的应用和网站中去。
将MathML或 LaTeX粘贴到MathType:许多网站包含了用LaTeX 或MathML表达的方程式,它可以直接粘贴到MathType中,作为工作的备用或者转化为需要的不同格式(如把LaTeX 转化为MathML格式)
More Ways to Create Equations:
- Entering Math by Hand: Enter equations as easily as you would write math with paper and pencil! This feature uses the built-in handwriting recognition in Windows 7 and later.
- Point-and-Click Editing with Automatic Formatting: Create equations quickly by choosing templates from MathType's palettes and typing into their empty slots. MathType applies mathematical spacing rules automatically as you type.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Save time using keyboard shortcuts. MathType has customizable keyboard shortcuts for virtually every symbol, template, and command.
- Type TeX or LaTeX: If you already know the TeX typesetting language, you can enter equations directly into MathType or Microsoft Word documents. TeX editing can be mixed with point-and-click editing so you get the best of both worlds. You can even paste in equations from existing TeX documents.
- Copy-and-Paste: If you created your equation in another application or found one on a website, why take the time to create it by hand again? Simply copy-and-paste it directly into MathType, and it is ready to edit or use in your work.
- Save Expressions in the Toolbar: Drag frequently used equations and expressions to the MathType toolbar so they can be inserted later with just a click or a keystroke.
- Supports Microsoft Office:
- Office 2013 and Office 365:MathType 6.9 is fully compatible with Office 2013 and Office 365 installed on Windows 7 and 8 computers.
- Office 2010, 2007, 2003, and XP:MathType 6.9 is fully compatible.
- Office Web Apps, Office Mobile, and Office RT: MathType equations cannot be edited in these Office versions but equations created in other versions of Office will display and print.
- Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, & 2007 —MathType Ribbon Tab in Word and PowerPoint: MathType takes full advantage of Office's Ribbon User Interface making it easier than ever to do equation operations in documents and presentations. New equation numbering and browse features work with all Word equation types.
- Microsoft Office 2003 and XP (2002) —MathType Toolbar and Menu in Word and PowerPoint: MathType adds a toolbar and menu to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, allowing quick access to its features and powerful commands to do equation numbering, produce great-looking math web pages, presentations, and much more.
- Find Symbols: MathType's Insert Symbol dialog allows you to explore the available symbols and insert them with a click or keystroke.
More Control:
- Color: Use color to highlight part of an equation and focus your audience's attention on just the portions you want. Show what changed in each step of a multi-step procedure and make those equations really come to life.
- More Fonts: MathType has hundreds more symbols and templates than Equation Editor. Besides our exclusive Euclid™ math fonts, you can also make use of the 1000s of math symbols in fonts already on your computer, as well as other math fonts you can download from the Internet.
Work with MathML and LaTeX:
- Work in standard math notation: LaTeX and MathML are computer languages for representing mathematical notation.
- LaTeX is used by many mathematicians but has a steep learning curve and its abundance of braces and keywords make typing it extremely tedious and error-prone. Most people find it much easier to work directly with standard math notation in MathType.
- MathML was created in 1998 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and defines math in HTML5, EPUB3, DAISY, DITA, NLM, and many other publishing standards. It is not intended to be typed by humans but created and edited with tools like MathType.
- Copy as MathML or LaTeX: Complex mathematical equations can be entered easily in MathType and then copied to the clipboard as LaTeX or MathML to be pasted into applications and websites that use those languages.
- Paste MathML or LaTeX into MathType:Many websites contain equations expressed in LaTeX or MathML and can be pasted directly into MathType for use in your own work or to convert them to a different format (eg, LaTeX to MathML).