FormStorm Enterprise new features:
- Two major new enhancements are part of FormStorm version 3.0:
- TableStorm is an integrated module that allows quick and
automated setup of forms containing complex tables(such as invoices,
shipping manifest, purchase orders, etc.). With TableStorm users only
click on the first item in each table column, and it does the rest. For
this form type, TableStorm understands the table layout, table location,
and the number of rows in each form it processes.
- AutoForm allows users to create form templates by only
clicking on the printed data they want to process. The click operation
defines the field and region location, assigns it properties, and
creates a complete template for form recognition(ID),and complete
processing. This eliminates the need for "rubber-banding" of regions,
and navigating through complex properties dialogue boxes.
- Additional enhancements that are part of FormStorm Version 3.0:
- Drop-out form overlay function re-creates the form for
verification purposes, even of the forms were completely dropped out
during scanning. This is particularly useful for medical claims
processing(HCFA forms, etc.), and other similar applications.
- AddressStorm -- ZIP-code validation & auto-fill during the
data verification stage using the USPS postal database information.
- Enhanced OCR voting -- FormStorm's OCR voting among several
engines has been enhanced with the addition of OmniPage to the mix of
engines we apply to machine-printed fields.
- AddressScript and FieldScript recognition engines from
Parascript LLC are integrated into FormStorm for use in specialized
application requiring written address and name fields.
- Dictionaries are now used in conjunction with the OCR process, as
well as data verification.
- Users and resellers now have expanded flexibility in modifying
FormStorm's screen appearance.
FormStorm 3.0版中两个主要的最新改进部分如下:
- TableStorm是一个用来快速及自动设置包含复杂表格(例如:发票、装运清单以及采购订单等等)的表单的集成模块。在TableStorm的帮助下,用户只需点击每个表格列的第一项,而TableStorm就会自动完成剩余的工作。对于此种表单类型,TableStorm会自动地设置表格布局、表格位置以及它所处理的每个表单的行数。
- AutoForm允许用户只需点击其需要处理的打印数据来创建表单模板。点击操作设定字段及区域的位置,为其分配属性,并创建一个用于表单识别的完整模板(ID)以及完成处理。这样就不再需要“弹性调整”区域以及在繁杂的属性对话框中作各种设置。
FormStorm 3.0版的其它改进部分:
- AddressStorm—在数据校验时,使用美国邮政管理局的数据库信息来进行邮编验证以及自动填充。
- 改进的OCR优选机制—我们通过将OmniPage添加到用于机器打印字段的各种引擎中来提高本产品在多个引擎间的OCR优选机制。
- 我们将Parascript LLC公司的AddressScript以及FieldScript识别引擎集成到了本产品中,以便本产品能在某些需要书写地址以及姓名字段的特定应用程序中使用。
- 如今可以在数据校验以及OCR处理中使用字典。
- 用户以及代理商如今可以更加灵活的修改本产品的屏幕外观。