The QuantumGrid Suite is the most advanced Grid, TreeList, and Data Editors Library available for Delphi and C++Builder. Written from the ground up, this suite is 100% native VCL and is specifically designed to help you create killer applications, deliver unbelievable features to your end-users, and blow away your competition -- all without writing a single line of source code!
在ExpressQuantumGrid Suit 中,最强大的表格控件库和数据编辑控件库曾经都是针对Delphi和C++Builder平台开发的。拥有ExpressQuantumGrid组件,你就可以制作具有惊人的视觉效果的界面以及给你的终端用户带来难以置信的特性和灵活性,而实现这一切不需要编写简单的一行代码。
在ExpressQuantumGrid Suit 中的特征:
Developer Express是第一家提供具有综合的数据分组特点的主要内容/细节内容列表和以列表或卡片便捷地显示主要内容/细节内容功能的可视化控件厂商。
条形列/多层列(Banded/Stacked Columns)
象MS Outlook一样,你可以在QuantumGrid组件中通过使用卡片布局格式来显示数据。
Instant Runtime Summary Footers
拥有了QuantumGrid,你的终端用户就可以通过直观的拖拉操作轻松地定制屏幕上可视化的列,这一点和MS Outlook 一样。
快速的自定义Column and Band
与Column and Band对应的技术指标区域并不是毫无价值的。只要激活了OptionsCustomize.ColumnQuickCustomizationOptions和OptionsCustomize.BandsQuickCustomizationOptions,你就可以使他们变成强大的工具来绑定表列和条的可视性。
内置的MS Excel 风格的表格过滤功能
固定的Bands and Columns
可以方便地将Column and Band固定在QuantumGrid的左边或右边。
Introducing ExpressQuantumGrid Suite , the most capable Grid and Data Editors Library ever created for Delphi and C++ Builder. With the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite, you can create visually stunning interfaces and deliver incredible features/flexibility to your end users - without writing a single line of code.
To discover the features introduced in QuantumGrid Suite
- Multiple Data Modes - The ExpressQuantumGrid Suite allows you to bind data from a traditional data source (Data-Aware Mode); from non-database sources (Unbound Mode); and from custom data structures (Provider Mode).
- Blazing Fast Data Loading - The ExpressQuantumGrid has no equal when it comes to speed - With our advanced ExpressDataController - you can load 100,000 rows in a blink of an eye and group/sort against them just as fast! But seeing is believing, so try our web demo and see it in action for yourself!
- View Based Architecture - Every level in the QuantumGrid can be represented by a different view (grid, card). Views can even be changed on the fly!
- Master/Detail - Developer Express was the first VCL component vendor to offer a Master/Detail grid with integrated data grouping and given you the ability to display master/detail information in tabular or card format - with ease.
- Detail Clones Synchronization - Detail clones synchronization can be enabled via a pattern grid view's Synchronization property. It is true by default.
- Unbound Columns - Now displaying and editing unbound column within a bound grid view you may do by setting up couple properties.
- Automatic Data Grouping - Without writing a single line of code. Just set a property and you are on your way to enabling an extremely powerful data viewing and manipulation metaphor inside your applications. When in grouped mode, the ExpressQuantumGrid does not display information in a Read-Only state. Grouping is available at all grid levels and is performed at lightning speeds with an ultra-low memory footprint.
- Automatic Sorting Against an Unlimited Number of Columns - The ExpressQuantumGrid allows you to sort against one or more columns without writing a single line of code AND do it at the speed of light.
- Always Expanded Groups - If you have ever needed to display the contents of a table view so that the contents of grouped records are always expanded, you will love this new feature. With a single option, you can now expand groups with ease.
- Banded/Stacked Columns - When screen real estate is at a premium, you can use banded columns to maximize the number of columns visible to your end-users. You can even display images within column headers (at any position) with ease and simplicity.
- Nested Bands - If your applications require the use of grids with large numbers of columns, our new nested bands feature will certainly make your applications more user friendly by more effectively displaying data on-screen. With a hierarchical band structure, you enable an incredibly flexible way in which to organize data.
- CardView - Like MS Outlook®, you can display data within the QuantumGrid Suite using a card layout format.
- Card Expanding and Collapsing - Card View allows you to expand and collapse individual cards so that your end users can easily digest the information contained in large record sets.
- Outlook 2003 Style Data Grouping - You can now uniquely display grouped information on-screen - in the same manner as that introduced in Office 2003.
- Outlook 2003 Style Support - With the release of version 5 of the QuantumGrid Suite, we introduce a completely new paint style designed to emulate the look and feel of Microsoft Office® 2003. This extends to both the Grid and individual editors within the library allowing you to create a consistent look and feel across your entire application with ease.
- Background Image Support - Do you need to display a background image within your grid? If so, it's a piece of cake with the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite.
- Runtime Row Resizing - The ExpressQuantumGrid Suite allows you and your users to resize row height with ease, both at design and runtime.
- Built-in Data Navigator - To help simplify development, the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite includes an industrial grade data navigator, which can be used standalone or integrated as part of the Grid container itself - helping you fully optimize screen real-estate!
- Instant Runtime Summaries for All Grouped Nodes - Without writing a single line of code. You can summarize information and eliminate the need to write complex banded reports using a traditional report writer.
- Instant Runtime Summary Footers - Without writing a single line of code. You can create compelling grid displays and allow your application to become a data-analysis engine.
- Automatic Runtime Column Selection - With the Quantum Grid your end-user can easily customize the columns visible on-screen with intuitive drag and drop, just as they can in MS Outlook®
- Quick Column and Band Customization - Indicator sections corresponding to column and band headers are not useless theme-painted squares anymore. By enabling the OptionsCustomize.ColumnsQuickCustomization and OptionsCustomize.BandsQuickCustomization options, you can turn them into powerful tools for toggling column and band visibility.
- Built-in MS Excel® Style Data Filtering - With the QuantumGrid, you can quickly add column data filtering without writing a single line of code.
- MRU support for previously initiated filters - A list of most recently used filters is now available to your end-users.
- Fixed Bands and Columns - Easily fix columns and bands to the left or right side of the QuantumGrid.
- Built-in XP Theme Support - With the ExpressQuantumGrid Suite, you can quickly enable XP Themes within your application.