用于Delphi和C ++ Builder的VCL组件,提供高影响力的业务解决方案。
标签:DevExpressVCLDelphi用户界面控件工业4.0开发商: DevExpress
当前版本: v24.1.7
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
前沿应用 持续领先
源代码开放 开发灵活
提供DevExpress VCL控件和库的源代码,让开发更具扩展性。慧都特色增值服务
10余年的经验沉淀,慧都独家提供专业的培训汉化、技术支持、定制开发等服务,助您打造卓越应用。Delphi and C++Builder developers have been exploiting the power and flexibility of the DevExpress VCL product line for over 10 years...From the most powerful grid for the VCL to robust navigation controls and theme engine. Simply said, DevExpress VCL libraries have no equal in the marketplace.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
软件与信息技术服务业 ( 高端UI界面开发 )
生产制造行业 ( 生产现场可视化 )
交通、医疗、金融等行业 ( 大屏看板 )
石油天然气行业 ( 勘探可视化 )
DevExpress VCL Subscription包含数十个高性能VCL组件,可帮助您快速交付引人注目的、易于使用的业务解决方案。模拟Microsoft Office外观和功能,或复制Visual Studio、Adobe Photoshop基于停靠的UI,将您的Delphi和C ++ Builder应用程序提升到全新的水平,最终用户将依赖这些熟悉的功能。
DevExpress技术团队不断创新,继续为VCL发布创新的、高影响力的组件,例如Tile Control、Adorner Manager、Camera Control和Barcode Control,使您的UI可以轻松发展,无需放弃现有代码库或经过验证的VCL 平台。
DevExpress VCL组件功能齐全,并且为提高速度而构建,与数据复杂性或大小无关。DevExpress VCL组件可靠且经过良好测试,因此任务关键型应用程序每次都能按预期运行。
DevExpress VCL Subscription包含用于下一代决策支持系统的数十个高性能用户界面组件,无论您是需要构建完全可自定义的分析仪表板,还是合并类似Excel的数据透视表,此控件都具有创建通知和参与应用程序的功能。
DevExpress VCL产品线使您可以创建模仿Windows 10核心的触摸优先体验的应用程序,无论是需要为Windows 10创建基于图块的现代UI应用程序,还是需要将现有项目快速转换为Microsoft Surface触摸优先的应用程序,DevExpress VCL Subscription都将帮助您推进业务解决方案!
Grid Control and Printing System | ||||
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite | ||||
ExpressPrinting System | ||||
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite | ||||
ExpressSpreadSheet Suite | ||||
Pivot Grid and Vertical Grid | ||||
ExpressPivotGrid Suite | ||||
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite | ||||
Bars, Ribbon, Docking, NavBar | ||||
Layout Manager, Data Editors, Skins | ||||
ExpressLayoutControl Suite | ||||
Data Editors | ||||
ExpressSkins Library | ||||
ExpressScheduler Suite | ||||
ExpressMapControl Suite | ||||
ExpressCharts Suite | ||||
ExpressGanttControl Suite | ||||
ExpressGaugeControl Suite | ||||
ExpressRichEditControl Suite | ||||
ExpressPDFViewer | ||||
ExpressTileControl | ||||
ExpressSpellChecker Suite | ||||
Other VCL Controls | ||||
ExpressFlowChart Suite | ||||
ExpressOrgChart Suite | ||||
ExpressWizardControl Suite | ||||
Priority Support | ||||
Full Source Code |
f you are new to third-party controls, take a moment to review the broad range of products we offer for the VCL platform and see if our tools can deliver the functionality you require. We are here to help and ready to assist you in any way we can.
If you've used third-party controls in the past, and have been disappointed by quality, performance or reliability, we ask that you give our products a chance and see for yourself why we are different. Our support team is on call and ready to discuss your needs and focus on your requirements. We know how difficult it is to invest in tools again once you’ve been burned by others, so our commitment to you is simple. We’ll do everything we can to earn your confidence and your business. Tell us how we can help.
With dozens of high-performance VCL components, the DevExpress VCL Subscription helps you deliver compelling, easy-to-use business solutions fast. Emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Office or replicate the dock-based UI of Visual Studio or Adobe Photoshop and take your Delphi and C++Builder applications to an entirely new level with familiar features end-users have come to rely upon. It's everything you need to build your best in one integrated suite.
And because technology never stands still, DevExpress continues to release innovative, high-impact components for the VCL such as the Tile Control, Adorner Manager, Camera Control and Barcode Control, allowing your UI to easily evolve without abandoning your existing codebase or the proven VCL platform.
DevExpress VCL components are feature-complete and built for speed regardless of data complexity or size. DevExpress VCL components are reliable and well tested so that mission critical applications behave as expected, each and every time.
DevExpress data-aware controls are powered by our legendary server-side data processing engine so that users can shape and analyze information at lightning speeds, without sacrificing features or capabilities. Because of our tireless commitment to performance, reliability and technological innovation, you can confidently build data-centric applications that amaze, be it financial trading applications using real-time feeds or information driven enterprise-grade business intelligence solutions.
The DevExpress VCL Subscription includes dozens of high-performance user interface components for next-gen decision support systems. Whether you need to build a fully customizable analytics dashboard or incorporate Excel-like pivot tables, this subscription has everything you'll need to create apps that inform and engage.
The DevExpress VCL product line allows you to create applications that emulate the touch-first experience that lies at the heart of Windows 10, without abandoning your existing VCL investments. Whether you need to create a tile-based modern UI application for Windows 10, or need to quickly convert an existing project to a Microsoft Surface touch-first application, the DevExpress VCL Subscription will help you take your business solutions forward so you can deliver new, immersive experiences to delight your users.
更新时间:2024-11-07 10:31:34.000 | 录入时间:2005-12-05 11:25:00.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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