Nevron Diagram for .NET-它是一种智能的方法用于扩展您的WinForms和ASP.NET应用程序能够拥有交互式的图表,流图,网络图,地图,UML和通用图的显示。它是一个完整的图表解决方案,拥有许多交互式的功能,形状,自动布局,惊人的视觉效果,并配置了随时可用的控件来帮助您提高您的应用程序的开发。精心制作以满足不同的要求和特定的业务需求,它提供了无与伦比的扩展性选项,这将帮助您更好的将该解决方案集成到您的特定的项目环境中。
Nevron Diagram for .NET - the smart way to extend your WinForms and ASP.NET applications with interactive displays of graphs, flowcharts, networks, maps, UML and general purpose diagrams. It is a complete diagramming solution, packed with many interactivity features, shapes, automatic layouts, stunning visual effects and comes equipped with ready to use controls to help you boost your application development. Carefully crafted to meet different requirements and specific business needs, it provides unmatched extensibility options, which will help you to integrate the solution better into the context of your particular project.
Nevron Diagram for .NET功能:
- 先进自动的图和树布局
- 许多交互和编辑功能
- 数百计的预定义的图形和扩展性选项
- Tree/Graph Data的导入器...以及更多...
图表文档对象模型代表的是一个元素的集合,您可以使用它来构建一个图表文档。图表文档对象模型是建立在Nevron DOM之上的并且Nevron Diagram.NET产品的上下文简称DOM。以下是最重要的有关DOM元素和功能的主要概述:
- 元素-图表是通过元素构成,这些元素具有一定的层次结构,根就是一个图表文档。
- 文档-文档在元素层次结构中是根元素。它们为服务,试图管理和数据交换功能提供核心支持。
- 样式-所有的图表元素的可视化外观样式是通过样式控制的。样式可以在本地指定(每个元素单独指定)或通过继承或样式表重用。
- 形状和分组-当在构建图表时,您基本上是使用形状。Nevron Diagram for.NET提供一套广泛的预定义形状集。
- 数据结果- Nevron Diagram for .NET拥有内置的支持图和树的数据结构并拥有有关这些数据结构的核心操作。
- 路由- Nevron Diagram for .NET拥有内置的支持自动的障碍避免的路由功能。
- 桥-桥(跳)是一种特殊类型的装饰,它在连接器的自身连接或连接器与其他的连接器上面以Z顺序显示。
- 打印管理器-绘图能够被打印到一页或多页上。该实现是通过内置的打印预览和页面设置支持的。
- 光栅图像导出-绘图能够被作为任何图像类型(JPG,PNG,BMP等)的图像导出。
- 矢量图像导出-绘图能够被导出为Pdf,Flash,SVG,Silverlight (XAML)和EMF矢量格式。
- 撤销和重做-整个DOM是通过历史信息保护的。历史信息是通过作为一个服务实现的,因此您可以很轻松地覆盖它,停止或暂停它。
- 批处理-批处理在各个文档和视图间作为一个功能层服务。设计的批处理用于操作多个元素和记录一个单一的历史事务。
- 事件处理-所有的事件都是由事件容器服务产生,它为您提供始终拦截所有事件类型的能力,不管您是使用的什么图表类型。交互式事件(鼠标,键盘和拖放事件)支持事件冒泡。
图表的自动排列是一个不可缺少的功能,尤其是当图太大或需要自动产生时。Nevron Diagram for.NET配备了一套先进的自动布局功能。以下是一个简短的概述:
- 强制方向布局-通过barycenter,spring和对称布局实现。它们适合任何图形及产生直线图绘图。
- 分层图布局-布局一个图在层中。它它生成折线图绘图并非常适合分层组织的图。
- 正交图布局-绘制一个只有水平和垂直线段的图。它适合任何图形并解决了像交叉,弯曲和面积最小化问题。
- 径向图布局-绘制一个径向圆图。它适合任何图形并产生直线图绘图。
- 分层树布局-在层中布局一棵树。产生直线以及正交树图。
- 压缩深度树布局-以最小深度布局一棵树。产生直线和正交树图。
- 倒立树布局-通过在行或者列上放置孩子结点布局一棵树。产生正交树图。
- 气球树布局-通过在它们父亲结点周围的圆中放置孩子结点布局一棵树。
- 堆栈布局-以水平或垂直的顺序堆放这些单元。
- 流式布局-以水平或垂直线排列这些单元。
- 停靠布局-一个空间会吃掉一个单元布局,它放置顶点到当前可以布局区域的停靠区域的每个顶点。
- 表格布局-以表格方式排列单元。
Nevron Diagram for .NET配备了许多预定义的形状,它可以在很多应用中派上用场。这些预定义的形状统一由形状工厂创建。目前实施的形状工厂,它可以创建的形状类型如下:
- 基本形状-基本几何形状(长方形,正方形,椭圆形,圆形,圆角矩形,N边形等)。提供总数达16种形状。
- 流程图形状-与流程图相关的形状(流程,决策,文档,数据等)。提供共有31种流程图形状。
- 符号形状-用于常用的符号的形状(男士,妇女,男性,女性等)。提供共有47中符号形状。
- 头脑风暴形状-与头脑风暴相关的形状(笑脸,哭脸,注意,注释等)。提供共有36种头脑风暴形状。
- 网络形状-与网络建模有关的形状(计算机,服务器,打印机,终端,集线器等)。提供共有28种网络形状。
- 简单网络形状-与网络建模相关的简化(具有较少的细节信息)形状(计算机,服务器,打印机,终端,集线器等)。提供共有23中简单网络形状。
- 交通符号形状-交通符号形状(停止,禁止通行,车速限制等)。提供共有54种交通标志形状。
- 电气符号形状-电气符号(二极管,电感,电容,电阻,PNP和NPN晶体管等)。提供共有91种电气符号。
- 平面图形状-产生于平面图相关的形状(桌子,椅子,沙发,书桌,水槽等)。提供共有110种平面图形状。
- 旗帜形状-代表国家国旗的形状(美国国旗,英国国旗,法国国旗等)。提供共有59个国家的国旗形状。
- 旅行形状-代表有关旅行的符号形状。提供共有54种旅行形状。
- 天气形状-与天气相关的形状(晴,多云,雪,雨等)。提供共有26种天气形状。
- 食物形状-与食物相关的形状(汉堡,比萨,苹果等)。提供共有33种食物形状。
- 业务流程形状-与业务流程建模相关的形状(决策,活动,规则等)。提供共有52种BPM形状。
- 文件和文件夹形状-与文件和文件夹相关的形状(打开文件夹,文件列表,邮件等)。提供共有28种形状。
地图 (Nevron Diagram for .NET 企业版的一部分)
Nevron Diagram for .NET拥有内置的支持地图显示的功能。ESRI的shapefiles(业界领先的存储地图数据的标准)可以通过几行代码很容易地导入到任何图表中。以下是最重要的地图功能的简述:
- 支持ESRI的shapefile格式-业界领先标准
- 支持22种投影类型
- 基于缩放级别的智能的层属性显示/隐藏层
- 通过数据域关联自动的实现地图元素的命名和标记
- 完整的可编程的访问地图元素包括形状和路径。
胖客户端 (WinForm)和可视化编辑
Nevron Diagram for .NET为开发胖客户端图表应用程序提供内置支持。它配备了几个立即可用的控件,它们可以帮助您在几分钟内创建独立的图表应用程序。实际上,Diagram Designer应用程序,它被包含在软件包中,它只通过以下控件来组装构建:
- 绘图视图-绘图视图可以帮助您显示和编辑绘图文档。
- 库视图-库视图可以帮助您显示和编辑库文档。您可以从库视图中拖放形状到绘图视图,反之亦然。
- 平移和缩放控件-平移和缩放控件可以帮助您显示文档的鹰眼视图,它在主绘图中被编辑。它还允许您交互式地平移和缩放主绘图视图。
- 图命令栏管理器-图命令栏管理器可以帮助您可视化并执行预定义的命令集,它们可以在绘图和库视图上被执行。
- 图表属性浏览器-图属性浏览器可以帮助您直观地编辑文档的属性,活动的层,选定的元素或视图。
- 图表状态栏-图表状态栏显示有关一个绘图视图的当前状态的重要信息(选定的元素的大小,键盘状态,测量单位等)。
Nevron Diagram for .NET 为开发交互式的瘦客户端图表应用程序提供内置支持。它可以运行在Postback 模式或AJAX模式。
Nevron Diagram for .NET拥有功能强大的,而且容易使用的内置的AJAX交互式方式。它基于Nevron AJAX框架,这是一个可靠的,容错能力好的并具有跨浏览器兼容的JavaScript库,它可以将您的web页面内的简单的图表图像转换成一个交互式的具有无闪烁的图像更新的客户端应用程序。
ASP.NET Postback 模式
Nevron Diagram for .NET 提供了一个可以帮助您添加交互性的web应用程序的游泳的功能集,同时使用了许多传统而又简单的postback技术:
Nevron Diagram for .NET能够发送一个HTML图像地图到客户端浏览器,它可以让您构建具有drill down能力的web应用程序。
Nevron Diagram for .NET features:
Advanced automatic graph and tree layouts
Numerous interactivity and editing features
Hundreds of predefined shapes and extensibility options
Tree/Graph Data Importers ... And much more...
Diagram Document Object Model
The Diagram Document Object Model represents the set of elements, which you can use to build a diagramming document. The Diagram Document Object Model is built on top of the Nevron DOM and in the context of the Nevron Diagram .NET product is simply called DOM. Following is a brief summary of the most important DOM elements and features:
Elements-Diagrams are constructed by elements, which reside in a hierarchy, the root of which is a diagramming document.
Documents-Documents are the root elements in the element hierarchies. They provide core support for services, view management and data exchange capabilities.
Styling-The visual appearance of all diagram elements is controlled via styles. Styles can be locally specified (per each element individually) or reused via inheritance or style sheets.
Shapes and Groups-When constructing diagrams, you basically work with shapes. Nevron Diagram for .NET provides an extensive set of predefined shapes
Data Structures- Nevron Diagram for .NET has a built-in support for graph and tree data structures and the core operations with them.
Routing-Nevron Diagram for .NET has built-in support for automatic obstacle avoidance routing.
Bridges-Bridges (hops) are a special type of decoration, which is displayed on connectors self-intersections or intersections with other connectors below it in the Z order.
Print Manager-Drawings can be printed on single or multiple pages. Implemented is built in support for print preview and page setup.
Raster Image Export-Drawings can be exported to an image of any type (JPG, PNG, BMP etc.).
Vector Image Export-Drawings can be exported to Pdf, Flash, SVG, Silverlight (XAML) and EMF vector formats.
Undo and Redo-The entire DOM is protected by history. The history is implemented as a service so you can easily override it, stop or pause it.
Batches-Batches serve as a functionality layer between documents and views. Batches are designed to operate with multiple elements and record a single history transaction.
Event Handling-All events are fired from an event sink service, which provides you with the ability to consistently intercept all types of events regardless of the diagram you work with. Interactivity events (mouse, keyboard and drag drop events) support event bubbling.
Automatic Layouts
The automatic arrangement of diagrams is an indispensable feature, especially when diagrams are either too large or are automatically generated. Nevron Diagram for .NET comes equipped with a sophisticated set of automatic layouts. Following is a brief overview:
Force Directed Layouts-Implemented are barycenter, spring and symmetrical layouts. They are suitable for any kind of graph and produce straight line graph drawings.
Layered Graph Layout-Layouts a graph in layers. It produces polyline graph drawings and is very appropriate for hierarchically organized graphs.
Orthogonal Graph Layout-Draws a graph only with horizontal and vertical line segments. It is suitable for any kind of graph and addresses issues like crossing, bend and area minimization.
Radial Graph Layout-Draws a graph in radial circles. It is suitable for any kind of graph and produces straight line graph drawings.
Layered Tree Layout-Layouts a tree in layers. Produces straight line and orthogonal tree drawings.
Compact Depth Tree Layout-Layouts a tree with minimal depth. Produces straight line and orthogonal tree drawings.
Tip Over Tree Layout-Layouts a tree by placing children in either a row or a col. Produces orthogonal tree drawings.
Balloon Tree Layout-Layouts a tree by placing the children in circles around their parents. Produces straight line tree drawings.
Stack Layout-Stacks the cells in horizontal or vertical order.
Flow Layout-Arranges the cells in horizontal or vertical lanes.
Dock Layout-A space eating cells layout, which places vertices at per-vertex specified docking areas of the currently available layout area.
Table Layout-Arranges the cells in a tabular manner.
Predefined Shapes
Nevron Diagram for .NET comes equipped with numerous predefined shapes, which can come handy in many applications. The predefined shapes are consistently created by shape factories. Currently implemented are shape factories, which create shapes from the following categories:
Basic Shapes-Basic geometry shapes (Rectangle, Square, Ellipse, Circle, Rounded Rectangle, N-Grams, N-Gons etc.). A total of 16 basic shapes are provided.
Flowcharting Shapes-Shapes related to flowcharting (Process, Decision, Document, Data etc.). A total of 31 flowcharting shapes are provided.
Symbol Shapes-Shapes for commonly used symbols (Man, Woman, Male, Female etc.). A total of 47 symbol shapes are provided.
Brainstorming Shapes-Shapes related to brainstorming (Smiley face, Frowny face, Attention, Note etc.). A total of 36 brainstorming shapes are provided.
Network Shapes-Shapes related to network modeling (Computer, Server, Printer, Terminal, Hub etc.). A total of 28 networking shapes are provided.
Simple Network Shapes-Simplified (with less details) shapes related to network modeling (Computer, Server, Printer, Terminal, Hub etc.). A total of 23 simple networking shapes are provided.
Traffic Signs Shapes-Traffic signs shapes (Stop, No entry, Speed limit etc.). A total of 54 traffic sign shapes are provided.
Electrical Symbols Shapes-Electrical symbols (Diode, Inductor, Capacitor, Resistor, PNP and NPN transistors etc.). A total of 91 electrical symbols are provided.
Floor Plan Shapes-produces shapes related to floor plans (Table, Chair, Couch, Desk, Sink etc.). A total of 110 floor plan shapes are provided.
Flags Shapes-Shapes representing country flags (USA flag, UK flag, France flag etc.). A total of 59 country flags are provided.
Travel Shapes-Shapes representing symbols related to travelling. A total of 54 travel shapes are provided.
Weather Shapes-Shapes related to weather (Sunny, Cloudy, Snow, Rain etc.). A total of 26 weather shapes are provided.
Food Shapes-Shapes related to food (Burger, Pizza, Apple etc.). A total of 33 food shapes are provided.
Business Process Shapes-Shapes related to business process modeling (Decision, Activity, Rule etc.). A total of 52 BPM shapes are provided.
Files and Folders Shapes-Shapes related to files and folders (Open Folder, File List, Mail etc.). A total of 28 shapes are provided.
Maps (part of Nevron Diagram for .NET Enterprise edition)
Nevron Diagram for .NET has built-in support for display of maps. ESRI shapefiles (the industry leading standard for storing map data) can be easily imported in any diagram with just a few lines of code.Following is a brief overview of the most important mapping features:
Support for the ESRI shapefile format - the industry leading standard
Support for 22 projection types
Intelligent layer properties show/hide layers based on zoom level
Automatic naming and labeling of map elements through data field association
Full programmatic access to map elements including shapes and paths
Thick client (WinForm) and Visual Editing
Nevron Diagram for .NET provides built-in support for developing thick client diagramming applications. It comes equipped with several ready to use controls, which can help you to create a standalone diagramming application in minutes. In fact, the Diagram Designer application, which is included in the package, is built by only assembling the following controls:
Drawing View-The drawing view helps you to display and edit drawing documents.
Library View-The library view helps you to display and edit library documents. You can drag and drop shapes from the library view to the drawing view and vice versa.
Pan and Zoom Control-The pan and zoom control helps you to display a bird's eye view of the document, which is being edited in its master drawing view. It also lets you interactively pan and zoom the master drawing view.
Diagram Command Bars Manager-The diagram command bars manager helps you to visualize and execute the set of predefined commands, which can be performed on drawing and library views.
Diagram Properties Browser-The diagram, properties browser helps you to instantly edit the properties of the document, the active layer, the selected element or the view.
Diagram Status Bar-The diagram status bar displays important information about the current state of a drawing view (size of the selected element, keyboard state, measurement unit etc.)
Thin Client (ASP.NET) and AJAX
Nevron Diagram for .NET provides built-in support for developing interactive thin client diagramming applications. It can operate either in Postback Mode or in AJAX mode.
Nevron Diagram for .NET comes with a powerful, yet easy to use built-in set of AJAX interactivity styles. It is based on the Nevron AJAX Framework, which is a reliable, fault tolerant and cross-browser compatible JavaScript library, that converts the simple diagram images inside your web page into an interactive client side application with flicker-free asynchronous image updates.
ASP.NET Postback Mode
Nevron Diagram for .NET provides a set of useful features that help you to add interactivity to your web application, while sticking to the more traditional and simple postback technology:
Interactive Image Maps
Nevron Diagram for .NET can send an HTML image map to the client browser, which allows you to build web applications with drill down capabilities.
SVG Image Response
The SVG image response sends to the client a rich vector graphics image. This helps you to have the diagram image rescaled in the web browser without loss of quality, which would be the case if rescaling raster format images. The SVG format also allows for client side interactivity like mouse hover effects.