提供多种报表设计器,只需几行代码即可轻松嵌入到桌面程序和 Web 应用系统中,并免费分发给最终用户使用。强大的复杂报表设计能力
支持调用 API 动态生成报表模板,通过 API 更改各组件运行时行为,实现基于事件的、动态的交互式报表。分层设计,精准的报表打印导出
全面支持.Net Core平台开发,报表文件可跨平台复用,仅需一次报表开发,便可在多个平台和设备中直接使用。ActiveReports has been the Award-winning .NET reporting tool of choice for the world's best applications for over a decade. Key features include unmatched customization, fast performance, super high quality, and multi-language features — all battle-tested in tens of thousands of applications worldwide.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
通过 ActiveReports 报表控件提供的强大设计器,仅需拖拽即可轻松设计 Excel 类、Word 类、图表、Dashboard 管理看板等各种复杂报表。
数据可视化是报表解决方案和数据分析中常用的功能。图表和图形以及更高级的数据可视化工具,能够帮助用户更好的理解业务数据,从而通过数据高亮、数据预警等方式提供更直观更明确的视图,在数据挖掘时尤其有用。ActiveReports 报表控件提供多种数据可视化方式,让最终用户更直观的获取关键信息。
ActiveReports 报表控件提供多样化的数据交互式分析能力,您不仅能够一目了然的分析业务发展趋势,还能以交互的方式操作报表数据,进行深入、透彻的业务分析。葡萄城报表支持多种数据交互方式,如数据钻取、深化、排序、URL 跳转、图表表格联动、动态表格、文档目录等。
ActiveReports 报表控件引擎和模板与开发平台和运行设备无关,这意味着你开发的报表模板无需做任何修改,就能在 HTML5 \ WinForms \ ASP.NET \ ASP.NET MVC \ WPF \ JSP \ PHP \ Node.js 平台中直接使用。 同时,ActiveReports 报表查看器提供了在浏览器以及移动端设备查看报表的能力。
ActiveReports 报表控件不仅提供了集成于 Visual Studio 中的设计器,同时也为最终用户提供本地运行的报表设计器,便于用户自行修改报表样式,因此,最终用户或实施人员可以在客户现场完成报表设计、修改工作,极大的提高系统实施效率及降低后期维护成本。
ActiveReports 报表控件为不同角色人员提供极易使用的报表设计器,并通过丰富的内置控件和高性能报表引擎实现分组报表、交叉报表、多级报表、主从报表、报表打印、数据钻取及离线填报等多种 Web 报表功能,让中国式复杂报表的开发工作变得容易。
软件与信息技术服务业 ( 高端UI界面开发 )
生产制造行业 ( 生产现场可视化 )
交通、医疗、金融等行业 ( 大屏看板 )
石油天然气行业 ( 勘探可视化 )
Pioneering .NET Reporting Tool with Many Firsts
ActiveReports introduced a number of technologies to .NET developers all over the world for the very first time, including the first Visual Basic report builder, the first Visual Studio report designer, the first code-behind reporting model, the first end-user report designer and finally, the first reporting tool with royalty-free deployment.
Quality Tested by Tens of Thousands of Users
More than a decade ago, ActiveReports became the first reporting tool to work inside the Visual Basic IDE. Since then, the COM version — and now the .NET version — have not only been used by tens of thousands of developers, but also have become one of the only international reporting tools to be successfully localized, sold, and supported in Japan and Europe. Bottom line: ActiveReports is a proven reporting technology that just works right every time — even those features that are deemed "advanced" by our competition.
Rich Collection of Reporting Tools
When you buy ActiveReports, you get access to a complete set of .NET reporting tools that have been refined based on over a decade of customer feedback and the combined reporting experience of over 50,000 developers worldwide. These include upgrade tools, MS Access and other report converters, the Visual Studio report designer, the end-user report designer, charts, bar codes, export plug-ins and the .NET reporting SDK.
Almost Unlimited Report Customization
ActiveReports is the world's most flexible reporting tool for .NET. It offers an extensive code-behind, event-based API for report creation, plus the ability to hook into pretty much any reporting behavior at run time. Developers have long used ActiveReports to embed advanced reporting features into their applications — features that would otherwise be considered impossible to achieve. Read our case studies to discover how ActiveReports has turned reporting into a competitive advantage for our clients.
Intuitive Visual Studio Report Designer
ActiveReports was the world's first reporting tool that offered an easy-to-use report designer tightly integrated with Visual Studio — integration that began with Visual Basic over a decade ago and continues with Visual Studio 2008 today. The report designer also supports C# and third-party hosting controls and offers an extensive programming model for creating and customizing reports at run-time.
Broad Data Binding Support
ActiveReports allows you to bind reports to a variety of data sources — including run-time unbound data — and also allows you to change data source properties to provide ad-hoc reporting. It supports OLEDB; XML; .NET SQL clients; .NET collections such as data sets, data views, and data tables; and any entity that supports the iList interface.
Variety of Export Formats
ActiveReports allows you to export your reports into a variety of formats, including .PDF, HTML, .MHT, .RTF, Excel (.XLS), plain text (.TXT), comma-separated values (*.CSV), and .TIFF.
Easy-to-Use End-User Reporting Tools
ActiveReports allows you to host the report designer in your application and distribute it royalty free. It also allows end-users to edit reports and to save and load report layouts. In addition, it allows you to monitor and control the design environment and customize the report's look and feel to meet the needs of your end users.
World Class Reporting Performance and Quality
If you admired ActiveReports for its world-class quality and speed with over 50,000 users worldwide, you will love version 6 even more. The new version contains a number of improvements to enhance the performance and quality of the reporting engine, making it better, faster and smarter than ever before.
Rich Product and Public Knowledgebase
When you buy ActiveReports and related products, you are getting a market leader. You are getting the confidence of knowing that for the last decade, over 50,000 developers have adopted and enriched the product with their experience and skills and have contributed to a global online knowledge base in the form of innumerable forum discussions, articles, comparisons, blogs and emails.
Royalty-Free Deployment
The ActiveReports .NET reporting tool features flexible, royalty-free distribution. You can easily distribute it using .NET file copy techniques, or you can compile it into your application. And you can forget about calculating concurrent user fees or any of the countless ways that you are hit up for more money when you try to deploy other reporting tools.
更新时间:2024-10-30 15:39:27.000 | 录入时间:2006-07-03 11:14:00.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
是一款基于 JavaScript 和 HTML5 的轻量级Web报表工具
ActiveReports COMActiveReports COM是一款强大和极易使用的ActiveX报表控件,完全集成在Visual Basic开发环境,提供了强大的报表设计器
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