
【版本升级】VCL界面控件DevExpress VCL Controls 发布v17.1.4|附下载

原创|产品更新|编辑:龚雪|2017-07-27 11:02:28.000|阅读 332 次

概述:最好用的VCL报表工具DevExpress VCL Controls发布v17.1.4,赶紧下载新版试用!

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。

【适用范围】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle

1)  DXperience最新版本汉化资源(2万词汇专业汉化、节约3成项目研发时间、一行代码轻松搞定!)
2)  DevExpress for .NET高级培训(“功能讲解+示例演示+实战演练”三位一体的培训模式,让您真正学有所获!)



ExpressBars Suite
  •  - Pressing a key freezes an application after expanding a submenu and moving focus to a TdxBarControlContainerItem control's embedded control
  •  - TcxBarEditItem - An action is assigned to the item's in-place editor when the editor is activated
  •  - TdxBarCustomPopupComponent descendants ignore their bar manager's Scaled property value
  •  - The TdxRibbon control when shown in "Auto-hide Ribbon" mode is partially overlapped by the application form's MDI child window area, provided that the form has no other TWinControl-derived controls
  •  - Server Mode - Incremental search raises an exception after records have been inserted to a bound database table or view
ExpressDocking Library
  •  - The dock control becomes invisible when its nested dock control's layout is changed at design time
ExpressEditors Library
  •  - An AV occurs when hovering the mouse pointer over an editor containing a button in a 64-bit application built with runtime packages
  •  - cxCheckBox - The Enter keystroke does not trigger a TCustomButton descendant whose Default property is set to True when the editor is focused and its edit value is modified
  •  - cxCurrencyEdit - Removing all characters posts 0, which passes validation if a positive number less than 0.0001 is assigned to the Properties.MinValue property
  •  - cxListBox - The OnClick event is not raised if any style property is changed in the OnEnter event handler
  •  - cxMemo - The Enter keystroke does not trigger a TCustomButton descendant whose Default property is set to True when the editor is focused and its WantReturns property is set to False
  •  - cxMRUEdit and descendants - Clicking a built-in button doesn't execute its linked action
  •  - cxRichEdit - The character count limitation imposed by the Properties.MaxLength property is ignored after recreating the InnerControl's handle
  •  - TdxGalleryControl - Improve performance when adding a large number of items
ExpressExport Library
  •  - Export to XLS/XLSX - RTF strings within cells are exported without default font attributes
ExpressGDI+ Library
  •  - The GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount and GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount functions accept a TdxAlphaColor value instead of a PdxAlphaColor pointer
ExpressLayout Control
  •  - Implement the translation mode for layout element captions
  •  - Image Picker - "The number of items cannot be greater than 64, if the EditValueFormat is cvfInteger" error occurs if either the "Icon Library" folder or its subfolder contains a custom folder
  •  - SVG Images - Fractional numbers whose zero integer part is omitted are parsed incorrectly
  •  - SVG Images - The "path" element's "arc" segment defining more than one individual arc is rendered incorrectly
  •  - SVG Images - The "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoint", and "stroke-miterlimit" element attributes are ignored
  •  - SVG Images - The display size of an image is incorrect if its dimensions defined by the "width"/"height" attributes and the "viewbox" attribute are different
  •  - SVG Images - The outline without a specified "stroke-width" property value is not displayed
  •  - TdxSmartImage - Add the capability to specify the source pixel data array's alpha format as a TAlphaFormat value
  •  - The scaling factor of a frame nested in another frame is multiplied by the parent frame's scaling factor
  •  - Unloading a DLL built without runtime packages raises an exception if the DLL includes a control from the ExpressEditors Library

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