文档彩票走势图>>VectorDraw Developer Framework使用教程>>VDF常见问题整理(三十二):忽略片段的对象
VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一个用于应用程序可视化的图形引擎库。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以轻松地创建、编辑、管理、输出、输入和打印2D和3D图形文件。
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您可以使用vdRender对象和ClearAllSectionClips / ApplySectionClips方法来执行此操作,请参见下面的代码:
vdInsert clip_ins = null; // will be used to check the object that will not have section clips applied for it ISectionClips sectionclips = null; // will be used to restore the section clips later private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.ActiveDocument; doc.Open(@"C:\test\SEC_clip.vdml");// use your path here to open a test drawing that contains the vdInsert and section clips doc.CommandAction.Zoom("W", new gPoint(-2,-2), new gPoint(30,30)); clip_ins = doc.Model.Entities[1] as vdInsert; // this is the vdInsert that will ignore section clipping if (clip_ins == null) return; // this is the vdInsert that defines the section clipping ! doc.FreezeEntityDrawEvents.Push(false); doc.FreezeModifyEvents.Push(false); doc.OnDrawFigure += new vdDocument.FigureDrawEventHandler(doc_OnDrawFigure); // these two events are necessary doc.OnDrawAfterFigure += new vdDocument.FigureAfterDrawEventHandler(doc_OnDrawAfterFigure); } void doc_OnDrawAfterFigure(object sender, VectorDraw.Render.vdRender render) { if (sender != null && sender == clip_ins) // re-enable section clips for this vdInsert { render.ApplySectionClips(sectionclips); // using the stored section clips from DrawFigure event } } void doc_OnDrawFigure(object sender, VectorDraw.Render.vdRender render, ref bool cancel) { if (sender != null && sender == clip_ins)// disable section clips for this vdInsert { sectionclips = render.SectionClips; // keep the section clips for the DrawAfterFigure to be re-enabled render.ClearAllSectionClips(); // and clear them } }//end
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