VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一个用于应用程序可视化的图形引擎库。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以轻松地创建、编辑、管理、输出、输入和打印2D和3D图形文件。
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function redo() { vdcanvas.scriptCommand.redo(); setTimeout(vdcanvas.redraw); } function undo() { vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undo(); setTimeout(vdcanvas.redraw); } function polyline() { //we start the undogroup vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undogroup('begin'); //create a rect for example with InsertionPoint too far in order not to be draw on screen vdcanvas.scriptCommand.rect([[2000, 2000, 0], 3.0, 4.0,0], actionentityadded); } function actionentityadded(vdrawobj, entity) { vdrawobj.SetActionLineColor([0, 0, 0, 0]);//set the action line color invisible vdrawobj.scriptCommand.select([entity], movecallback);//update script select with user entity and call the move command } function movecallback(vdrawobj) { var rect = vdcanvas.scriptCommand.ActiveSelection()[0]; vdcanvas.scriptCommand.move(rect.InsertionPoint, null, sclaleCallback);//call move action with reference the InsertionPoint of rect } function sclaleCallback(vdrawobj) { var rect = vdcanvas.scriptCommand.ActiveSelection()[0]; if (!vdrawobj.ActiveAction().IsCanceled()) { //vdrawobj.scriptCommand.scale(rect.InsertionPoint, null, actionfinish); //call scale or rotate action with reference the InsertionPoint of rect vdcanvas.scriptCommand.rotate(rect.InsertionPoint,null,actionfinish); } else {//user press esc or right-click so the command is canceled actionfinish(vdrawobj); } } function actionfinish(vdrawobj) { var rect = vdrawobj.scriptCommand.ActiveSelection()[0]; if (vdrawobj.ActiveAction().IsCanceled()) {//in case action is canceled by the user esc or right click rect.Deleted = true;//mark the create figure as deleted vdrawobj.UpdateLayout(); //mark the layout bounds to be updated setTimeout(vdrawobj.redraw);//post a redraw in order to clear existing entity draw by the active action } vdrawobj.SetActionLineColor(null);//restore action line color to default value. vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undogroup('close');//Close the undogroup }
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