文档彩票走势图>>VectorDraw Developer Framework使用教程>>VDF常见问题整理(三十九):如何提示用户插入和旋转实体数组?
VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一个用于应用程序可视化的图形引擎库。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以轻松地创建、编辑、管理、输出、输入和打印2D和3D图形文件。
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function array(){ var rectwidth = Number(document.getElementById('width').value); var rectheight = Number(document.getElementById('height').value); var nrows = Number(document.getElementById('rows').value); var ncolums = Number(document.getElementById('colums').value); //set the action line color alha to 0 in order to ruber line to be invisible durring move and rotation var oldcolor = vdcanvas.SetActionLineColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); //empty the existing selection of scriptCommand vdcanvas.scriptCommand.clearSelection(); //begin an undo group to enclose all next commands vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undogroup('begin'); //initially set the origin of the drawing into a big value outside the screen in order the first created items to be invisible and display only the moved objects var origin = [1000000, 1000000, 0]; //additional space between items in array var marginPercent = 0.1; //calculate the column and row distances var colomndist = rectwidth * (1 + marginPercent); var rowdist = rectheight * (1 + marginPercent); //create the objects array in the initial origin for (var r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { for (var c = 0; c < ncolums; c++) { vdcanvas.scriptCommand.rect([[origin[0] + c * colomndist, origin[1] + r * rowdist, 0], rectwidth, rectheight, 0], actionentityadded); } } //add each created item to the scriptCommand selection function actionentityadded(vdraw, entity) { vdcanvas.scriptCommand.parseCommands(['select h_' + entity.HandleId.toString()]); setTimeout(vdcanvas.redraw); } //begin a user move command vdcanvas.scriptCommand.move(origin, null, _rotateCallback); //callback of the move finish that begins a rotate command function _rotateCallback() { if (!vdcanvas.ActiveAction().IsCanceled()) vdcanvas.scriptCommand.rotate(vdcanvas.ActiveAction().ResValue[1], null, _finishCallback); else _finishCallback(); } //finished callback function _finishCallback() { vdcanvas.SetActionLineColor(oldcolor);//restore the action line color vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undogroup('close');//close the undo group if (vdcanvas.ActiveAction().IsCanceled()) {//implement the user cancel (right-click or esc) vdcanvas.scriptCommand.undo();//undo all actions from the group begin setTimeout(vdcanvas.redraw);//post a redraw to refresh clear the screen from created items }//else not need to do anything }
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